RP Revival Attempt

90 Blood Elf Warrior
Hello SoE! A few friends and myself are attempting to find a roleplaying server to bring some new rp blood to and I wanted to see how active this server is, or how receptive y'all might be to some new blood coming over. We haven't decided on what server to come to yet, or even what faction we shall be doing, but I'd like to see what you all think. Would you like some Wyrmrest Accord Roleplayers trying their hand at bringing the RP back, or have most of those interested in RP left the server for good? If you'd be interested in helping us, and want this server to be picked, please let me know. We're hoping to get about 5-10 core people to start new toons together, or even bring in alts or what-have-you to vote on a faction, a theme and create a guild. We will be trying to avoid race specific guild ideas just so we can be open and allowing of all races in case anyone is interested but has a specific race they either won't play, or one they only play.

At the moment we seem to be leaning towards alliance quite heavily, but if there's a lot of Horde interest, we may change our minds to Horde. Like I said, it's still up in the air.

And again, if you all are very anti RP at this point, we can find another server, we do not want to rock the boat and start any drama.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
If you came here you'd be just about the only ones RPing here, it's your choice ultimately. I have to say though you're making it sound like we should be jumping for you to 'pick us' as if it's some sort of grand prize to have you over here, which is off-putting to say the very least, especially since most of our troublemakers and drama starters went to WrA in the first place.

My suggestion to you would be to get off the forums and actually roll a toon on SoE and do your homework, instead of asking for an answer here. Join /rpchatter and ask around in trade, that will give you the -real- idea of what it's like on SoE.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
The last thing I want to do is make people think that, and I apologize if it came off that way. We really are just trying to dip our toes into a few servers and see what people think about bringing ourselves over to try and bring in some RP. I posted on the forums because, in my experience, a lot of roleplayers tend to check the forums for events and the like.

We really just want to see what the opinions of people on the server are about RP, and if it is not at all welcome, we shall respect that and look into another of our ideas for old RP servers.

And I apologize again if I came off sounding arrogant. That was not my intention at all. We just want to try and try out a new server and see if we can get rp going somewhere other than Moonguard and WrA.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Water under the bridge. Though I was being serious about making some toons on SoE and joining that channel and asking around. You'll get a better idea that way, these forums are used for very little in the way of RP any longer, most of it is guild recruitment for PvE and PvP.
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86 Troll Priest
Guess I'm a little late to post to this thread.. Regardless of timing and all that I'd have to agree with Nyksis. She was right when she said most of our players went to WrA and Moonguard so if you want to rp with what SoE -had- just stay where you are honestly.
Edited by Gazzerzbek on 3/26/2013 6:56 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Priest
It may be late but some of us still RP around here, feel free to find me if you'd like I'm around mainly at night and have been on alts mostly leveling. There are RPer's still on SoE, just many of them do not Rp as openly as before or do so in obscure areas in spite of the naysayers.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
This thread is two months old and the topic kinda moot now, necroing it isn't going to make RP come back to SoE. Just sayin'.
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90 Human Warlock
This thread is two months old and the topic kinda moot now, necroing it isn't going to make RP come back to SoE. Just sayin'.
Edited by Berthä on 9/16/2013 1:08 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I find that SoE still has a good bit of rp if you know where to look. It might just be that no one wants to rp with -you-.

That's cute. It's ok to speculate. I mean, I like to speculate about situations I don't know about, it's awesome to assume yeah? Specially when you're from another server and weren't around for any of what happened, right? =D
Edited by Nyksis on 7/29/2013 7:58 AM PDT
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