[H] <Purge> reconstruction recruitment

90 Goblin Priest
<Purge> is looking for skilled players to fill the holes in our 10 man raiding group, need skilled, mechanically aware, mentally progressive desiring players that want to scale in progression for competing top guild spots. atm we are looking for OT, Pure healer or healing/dps hybrid, aswell as mechanically aware optimal dps.
if you feel that you may have these simple requirements and want to see <Purge> rise then Pst Prospectus or Afanasi ingame for more info
Raid times are still to be discussed.
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90 Goblin Priest
also raid dates havent been decided but start times will be 8 server to 11 server
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90 Undead Death Knight
Bump. Still looking! Contact me if interested! Especially with 5.2 coming.
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