Invincible! Thank you Sisters of Elune!

90 Undead Death Knight
As many of you know, I have been farming ICC 25 heroic every Saturday in hopes of seeing Invincible! Well, as of 2/12/13 I have gotten my dream mount as it had appeared on the BMAH. I wanted to make a post to thank all of the people on this server who were supportive of my ICC runs and who helped me out in any way that they could. I also would like to thank the people who purchased any of my auctions off of the AH. Every gold that I had earned went to the purchase of this mount. I am truly humbled and am very appreciative. You all (most hahah) are a very good bunch of people and I enjoy playing with you all.

We have made probably 3-4 Shadowmournes (including my own), finished a few peoples metas, gotten full mog sets for people on multiple characters and even saw 1 ribbon drop off of Precious for a lucky winner! I have made many new friends and had a lot of good Saturday night runs since last summer farming this little guy.

As promised, I am still going to be running my weekly ICC 25 for the next few weeks and doing achievement clears for people. I will be doing as many achieves as possible. All loot will still be free roll. Bosses like LK will be done on normal so that we can FINALLY do, "Been waiting a long time for this..." because quite frankly, many of my friends have been waiting a long time for this! hahah. I will do probably 2-3 weeks worth more to finish peoples metas and distribute a few more shards.

Thanks again Sisters of Elune. I couldn't be more pleased!

Attached screenshot!

Victory shot for all!

Edited by Afanasi on 2/16/2013 8:17 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Congrats to you! I'm very happy you got what you wanted! Perhaps your luck will rub off on me and I can get Ony XD. Grats again, you earned it!
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100 Night Elf Druid
Congratulations! I really admire people with the perseverance to pursue things like that!
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90 Undead Death Knight
Updated with people's drake shot!
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100 Tauren Warrior
Awesome! That rocks!

So happy to hear the good news!!!!

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Grats! :D
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91 Dwarf Paladin
If it's Invincible how come I can see it?
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