[Event] Spring 2013 Kosh'harg (Horde-RP)

90 Tauren Shaman
(( Original forum post can be found at the Feathermoon server forum:
Original forum post at Feathermoon: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7979898253 ))

A hefty, tanned hide branded with the seal of the Horde at the top and a pair of crossed hammers at the bottom is nailed to the supporting beam of a nearby building with a thick iron spike. It is covered in a rough, jagged script of deep brown ink burned to the surface.

Throm-ka Warriors of the Horde!

For generations before their betrayal and corruption our people lived at peace with the elements. We honored the spirits of our ancestors and we fought to defend our homes and bring strength and glory to our Clans. Twice each year, when the day and the night held equal sway, all the Clans would gather together in the sacred fields of Nagrand and seek counsel from the spirits at the Holy Mountain of Oshu’gun.

It has been decades now since our people have gathered together for the Kosh’harg, but now the spirits of our ancestors call to us once again, calling us to return home and seek their wisdom for our troubled times. We face turmoil and upheaval on every front. Our warriors fight for new lands, our forces are bolstered by new allies, and our way of life faces new and dangerous threats. More than ever we need the wisdom of our ancestors to guide us.

Return to the ways of our fathers. Let the Clans be gathered together once more for the Kosh’harg!

For our ancestors,
Edited by Jinglz on 2/27/2013 4:05 PM PST
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90 Tauren Shaman
Greetings once again fellow Roleplayers, Storytellers and Lore Enthusiasts of the Horde!

Thundering Hammer Clan and the roleplay community of Feathermoon Horde are pleased to invite you to an amazing new, first of it’s kind event for Horde players on Feathermoon and all our neighboring cross-realm role-play servers. Join us next month, March the 20th, on the Spring Equinox for the first ever Kosh’harg!

What is the Kosh’harg?
Put simply, the Kosh’harg is a gathering of the Clans of the Horde, the likes of which has never been seen (or even been possible) before now. It is part spiritual pilgrimage, part tournament, and part raucous feast and if you are a Horde player who respects Horde culture and lore we want to see you there!

Buried deep in the labyrinthine annals of Horde lore are a few rare references to a traditional bi-annual gathering of the Clans on Draenor before and during the rise of the Horde. Set in Nagrand and centered around the holy mountain of Oshu’gun the festival was held twice each year on the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes, when day and night are of equal length. For the duration of the festival the numerous Clans would gather from all over Draenor and lay aside their feuds and disputes in order to honor the Spirits of their ancestors and to seek their guidance at the Holy mountain.

The festival was a centerpiece of Horde life for generations, a single thread of unity that bound all of the disparate Clans together. Legend says that it was at the Kosh’harg that Durotan of the Frostwolves and Ogrim Doomhammer of the Blackrock first met and became friends. It was at a Kosh’harg that Ner’zhul first formed the united Horde, and it was at the Kosh’harg that the first Warchief was selected. The rich tradition and historical significance of this festival to the Horde cannot be overstated - and now the time has come for us to gather the wide and varied Clans of the new Horde together once more.

The Spring 2013 Kosh’harg
Next month, on Wednesday, March the 20th during the Spring Equinox we will gather the Clans, not just of Feathermoon but also of our Cross-Realm Roleplay neighbors together in Nagrand for the largest gathering of Horde Roleplayers ever seen. Come join us as we watch the Clans process into the festival in all their glory, as we seek the blessing of the Elements and our Ancestors on our Clans, as we compete in games of strength in the Nagrand arena, as we feast together in our ancient home, and as we share stories and fellowship with the brave warriors of the Horde.

Many events are planned, prizes will be awarded, and in-game memories will be forged that you and your Guildmates will carry with you for the rest of your time in World of Warcraft.

To help facilitate a great event for all involved we are asking for interested parties to sign up as individuals, or as guilds, using the form linked below. We are also looking for volunteers and volunteer coordinators to help with setup and maintenance for our events as well as donations for the many prizes that will be awarded. More details about each specific event will be posted here in the forums over the next several days. If you are interested in serving as a volunteer or in contributing materials to the event, please contact Malkavet, Jinglz, Cantoria or Urtogg in game or hit the Volunteer sign up form, linked below.

Join us next month and let’s make Horde history!

For our Ancestors,

Attendee Sign Up Form:

Volunteer Sign Up Form:

[Cross-Realm Disclaimer: Some of our plans, such as the feast and the prizes for the tournaments involve items which cannot be traded cross-realm. To maximize your enjoyment realms that will be bringing a sizeable contingent should also organize leadership teams to help provide these elements for your realm’s attendees. If you would like to help coordinate the event for your realm please be sure to sign up as a volunteer and select “Cross Realm Coordination” so that we can work with you to make the Kosh’harg successful for all our roleplay realm neighbors!]
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
This sounds absolutely awesome.
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Here is the anticipated line up of events for this Spring’s Kosh’harg!

The Procession of the Clans
We welcome the Clans to the Kosh’harg with a grand procession through Nagrand, highlighting and celebrating each Clan and their members.

Guild Masters are being contacted via e-mail so that we can organize the process and celebrate each of your guilds! If you haven’t signed up already, please use our sign up form to sign your Guild up and be sure to include an e-mail address where we can contact you outside of the game to organize with you and help celebrate your guild and its members.

The Blessing of the Elements
Led by all the Shaman of the Horde, the procession gathers at the Throne of Elements to seek the blessing of the Elements on the Spring Kosh’harg and the efforts of the Clans during the summer season of fighting and harvest.

We are actively seeking 4 Shaman to participate in seeking the blessing - one of each element - as well as other Shaman to help transport the gathered Clans across the lake with water walking! If you can help make this event more successful please be sure to sign up on our volunteer form and indicate that you would like to help with the ‘Blessing of the Elements’

The Blademaster Tournament
All the assembled participants will journey in a grand procession to the Nagrand Arena where they will test the might of the greatest warriors from among all the Clans. From the stands overlooking the Arena floor spectators will cheer on their favorite contestants who will battle for the right to be called a Blademaster of the Horde!

We will be starting a sign-up thread this week for the Blademaster Tournament which will be a bracketed one-on-one duel tourney to find out who is the greatest single warrior from among all the Clans. We are looking for the best of Feathermoon Horde to show up and prove their mettle against any and all challengers. We are also accepting donations for prizes. We are collecting materials for ultra-rare mounts as well as other desirable, trade-able items. If you would like to help donate or coordinate the gathering of materials please contact our Prizemaster, Snowlace, in-game or sign up using our Volunteer form.

The Grand Brawl
As the Blademaster Tournament nears its end, but before the crowning final fights, the Arena will host a spectacle the likes of which has not been seen in generations - the Grand Brawl! A free-for-all last man standing event the Grand Brawl will match the strongest, most durable and most cunning members of the Horde against each other to see who can survive the intense melee on the Arena Floor. What will win the day? Strength? Endurance? Guile? In the end there can be only one, and the survivor will be showered with praise from the assembled throng.

We are looking for individuals to sign up to participate in the Grand Brawl - given the free-for-all nature of the event, we may be surprised who emerges on top! We are also accepting donations for the prize chest from which the winner will be allowed to pick!
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Kosh'harg Spring 2013 Events Continued:

The Great Feast
Having secured the blessing of the Elements and having crowned the festival champions, the forces of the Horde will gather at Clan Watch for the Great Feast where food and drink, and story and song abound!

We are currently seeking ‘Hosts’ for the feast who will be responsible for maintaining the atmosphere of the event, keeping banquet tables, kegs, and other accessories down and in place. We are also looking for item donations in the form of Banquets, Feasts and other placeable feasty-accessories. Contact Snowlace in-game to help out or sign up using our Volunteer Sign Up form. Given the limited duration of the Banquets, Feasts, and other placeable tables, and the number of expected guests we will need a BUNCH. Variety is also encouraged.

The Spirit Walk
While the feast is underway the elders and scribes of the Clans regale the audience with tales of battle, stories of the past and songs of valor! Lakota Matsu’jin, elder Shaman and renowned storyteller will judge the tales and award prizes to the best tales of the Kosh’harg.

We are seeking appropriate tribal festival submissions (stories, songs, oral histories, legends, myths and tales of battle) to be delivered during the feast! Due to the limited amount of time available we ask that all stories be submitted in advance via e-mail or Google Doc and be limited to 700 Words and no more than 7 minutes of actual delivery time. We encourage storytellers to include emotes and rhetorical flourishes in their submissions. Remember that this is not just a story posted on the forums, it is a performance for the Clans!

We are also accepting donations for prizes to be awarded for the best performances of the evening. We already have a growing collection of rare and desirable pets and other trinkets of interest and are looking for more! Creative prize ideas are gladly accepted! Contact our Prizemaster, Snowlace, in game if you would like to donate, or sign up on the volunteer form.

The Voices of our Ancestors
For the final event of the evening the Clans of the Horde will gather at the holy mountain of Oshu’gun to seek the wisdom of the Spirits for the coming seasons of battle and harvest. Led by the Shaman of the Horde we will ask for our ancestors wisdom and for their blessing on our Clans.
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The Kosh'harg is now less than two weeks away! Sign up NOW and lend your support. We already have over a hundred people committed to attend. Don't miss out on the biggest RP event of the year! Sign up now.

Looking for more information on the Spring 2013 Kosh'harg? Check out the links below:

Original Announcement Thread:

Attendee Sign Up Form:

Volunteer Sign Up Form:

Great Feast Thread:

Blademaster Tournament Thread:

Spirit Walk Story Competition Thread:
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