Looking around at servers.

55 Human Warlock
Hello people of SoE, I'm just looking around at RP servers and I'm just wondering if there are any big, traditional Night Elf RP guilds on here. I might eventually be in the process of looking for a new home for her. Any information would be greatly appreciated!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Your best bet is to get on SoE on an alt and ask around. Hardly anyone checks these forums any longer.
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90 Undead Death Knight
Well, honestly I would probably skip over to a more populated server like Wyrmrest Accord or something.
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86 Troll Priest
Don't do it... save yourself..
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
When I first came to the server, it was one of the best for RP. That was back in Burning Crusade.

Now it's a wasteland and I'm considering moving to the higher population RP servers. You might wanna consider doing the same.

Except Moon Guard, obviously.
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65 Human Warlock
It's so sad. Sisters of Elune used to be such a great RP server. Not quite sure what happened to make the server change so drastically. But after reading through a bunch of similar posts, it seems like the people that have claimed it as their home are chasing outsiders away. Guild leaders, who have the power to really welcome the people looking to revive RP, are telling them to go elsewhere--Guild leaders that I KNOW have complex back stories for their own toons...

My message to the poster would be...don't get discouraged. Sometimes you'll find a niche in the most unlikely of communities. I'd play an alt until you get a feel for the people on the server, and if you feel comfortable, transfer your Night Elf over. That's what I did when I was moving FROM Sisters of Elune.

And as always...try to take the naysayers with a grain of salt. Some people are demented and use this game to make others miserable just to entertain themselves.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
There's a difference between naysaying, and answering questions truthfully. People left SoE because of drama, you included if I remember correctly, that's what happened to the server. The rest of us stick to ourselves and our own groups because despite popular belief apparently, it's not our job to keep rp alive in the community, we don't pay real money so that we can try and babysit a server. I play how I want to, and I'm not going to worry about trying to promote anything anymore because I've been doing it for years and years to no avail, the server still died.

I have always and will always tell people who show interest in this server to roll a toon for themselves and come look, and they do, and they see that it's a ghost town and they don't come here. That's not my doing, that's them using their eyes and witnessing first hand. It is what it is and I'd understand you trying to build this server up if you were even still on it, but you aren't.
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90 Troll Shaman
I've been on this server since TBC and when I joined it was seriously the best server an RPer could ask for and I have great memories from it. I quit at the end of WotLK and came back at the start of 5.3 to find it a wasteland sadly. I'm most likely doing a realm change soon. I've been told for RP Wyrmrest Accord is the best bet.
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