04/15/2013 09:59 PMPosted by
Vethene I'm looking to start fresh on a new RP server to have fun with other folks (I'm from WRA originally) and before I get a character going I'd just like to know..
Is the rp good here? Always something going on?
Is the community friendly?
Is there a little bit of everything? (raiding, rp, pvp, etc)
thanks in advance!
Welcome welcome!
When I moved to SoE from Maelstrom long ago I found the RP on this server to be very good in terms of quality, yeah it didn't have the numbers like MG and now WRA, but the quality of the RP has always kept me coming back for more and more. Well four years later I'm still here and don't regret coming here at all. With being connected to Cenarion Circle, we've seen a boost in RP in all departments, however when our cross-connection was stalled it left us standing like this for the time being. So while things are a little slow right now, we're seeing progress with time, more people from CC coming over to SoE, and more RP interaction happening between the two servers which helps both of us.
The community is friendly depending upon who you talk to, like anyone in life, we all have different personalities. Some welcoming, some questionable, and others you rather just not deal with unless they're your cup of tea. However, most people I talk to on SoE that are fellow Role players are helpful and very friendly people. I'm always willing to meet new people and talk to fellow RPers no matter where they come from or how much RP experience they have.
As far as raiding and pvp goes, I sadly cannot help you in that department as I really don't get involved in the affairs of raiding and pvp guilds.
If you wish to come over and chit chat with us, the RP community channel is RPchatter for both Alliance and Horde. Come test the waters, meet people, have a good time, take it slow, and see if this is where you want to come to visit for awhile or stay for longer periods of time.
Have a good evening and may your RP experience be enjoyable & never ending!
Tamz, SoE RP community site Mod & GM of The Shrouded Sentries.