Hello everyone, I've been a part of this server for just a few hours, and I've decided to make an official reach out to the alliance social/rp/pve guilds (Doesn't have to be all in one ;] ) I'm 20 years old with a good 7 years of wow lore/exp under my belt, I've always been a more roleplayerish kind of person (dabbled in d&d with some of my friends in middle school, but nothing too nerdy! :P) At any rate, I'm looking for a place to call home, and honestly i'm not at all worried if you're level 25 with all those wonderful perks (though bountiful bags would save me hours of time..) regardless, I am looking for somewhat of a community, not just me you and your 9 alts.. So, feel free to send me a message in-game or reply on the forums! Thanks :) *
*Edits may come depending on how this reads in the morning, I'm quite tired posting this >.<
*Edits may come depending on how this reads in the morning, I'm quite tired posting this >.<