<Circle of Nine> Co9 recruitment

100 Undead Priest
Haven't been active on the message boards for a while and decided to come on and advertise the guild a bit.

Co9 has been around for over 5 years now and is well respected on the server. We have always been a guild that focused on a fun atmosphere and maintaining friendships. It's been a pleasure to be a GM for so many great people over the years and I want more of you guys to experience our family. We enjoy both pvp and pve. We also love to help out with gear, specs, rotations, questing, achievements and doing old xmog runs. We offer gear repairs and have many ranks ready to be filled by promotions. So come join our guild! We are always looking for new members and new leaders to help us evolve. Any level.. any class.. any race.. You are all welcome in Co9.

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
heyy quin, nice ta see ya again, been in maniwaki with the other young men of the tribe. dancing, archery, gotta love the summer celebrations
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