[H-CRRP] Dead Scar Restoration!


100 Blood Elf Paladin
If the Scar represents the years upon years of suffering our people have endured, let us remind our people that there is -hope-. Let us remind them that they do not suffer alone, nor do they have to. We shall bring life back to what was dead. We will heal that which was scarred. The darkest chapter of our homeland will be closed, and we shall write in our hallowed history a new, triumphant victory.

Years have passed since the Scourge carved a path of death toward our beloved city and our revered Sunwell. In those years, we have suffered, fighting both the enemies at our doorstep and even the enemies within. We endured hardship unlike any we've ever experienced as a people, having to conquer addiction, chaos, and the shadow of death that claimed half of our beloved lands, and drew a terrible scar through the middle of them. The Dead Scar, as it's called, remains a hellish reminder of the terrors that befell Quel'thalas, and how far we've come since then.

That reminder, however, does not need to be permanent.

It is time to press on, to begin healing the scars we've bore since the dark days of the Third War, and heal the Scar that divides our otherwise still pristine forests. We've buried the Lich King in the wake of the war against Northrend. Let's now bury the rest of his horrid legacy, here and now, in Quel'thalas.

The Fury of our People need you! You of able body, of sharp intellect and loyal hearts. On the eve of Sunday, July 28th, we shall march upon the Dead Scar and attempt to purge the corrupted soil with all of our magic, our might, and our fury. We will be supplying a large number of Pandaren Tree Saplings from the Valley of the Four Winds. What we will need are the bodies to plant these trees, and those with the magics to help heal these lands. That includes druids, shaman, agriculturalists, alchemists, naturalists, and the like.

This event shall be Thori'Anore's last hurrah in Quel'thalas before focusing our efforts in Kalimdor and the Rebellion. War is upon us, so let us share with you a moment of peace, fellowship, and pride for our people and our beloved forests. There will be a celebration afterwards by Stillwhisper Pond. Selama Ashal'thalas! Ashal Thori'Anore!



1. What is this Dead Scar event all about?

This event, being held by Thori'Anore, is one that is open to all Horde who wish to participate, and will involve a glorious attempt to bring life back to the Dead Scar through magic and tree planting!

2. Tree Planting? What kind of tree planting?

You know how the Tillers' seed vendor sells those Autumn, Spring, and Summer Blossom Saplings? The ones that grow into trees you can plant anywhere? Well, if you've got at least Honored with the Tillers, you can use at least one of those trees to plant in the ground around the Dead Scar! We're hoping to have a lot of people, ideally with lots of Tiller rep, to plant these trees (alas, they are soulbound) in a big group to make it look like there's still growth left in the Scar!

Check out this link:


It gives a tiny example of what the trees will look like when planted.

3. Neat! So, who's invited?

EVERYONE! It is mainly a Horde event, but anyone from any guild, any faction, any RP server for that matter, is invited to this event. Together, we'll plant a bunch of trees and make the Scar pretty :D

4. What if I can't plant any trees!? D:

No worries! Just come for the RP and fun, which there will be plenty of.

The event will happen around 6PM on Sunday, July 28th (this coming Sunday). We'll probably start gathering up around 5pm just in case, and after the event, you're free to schmooze, socialize, eat, drink, and be merry with everyone near Stillwhisper Pond!
100 Blood Elf Paladin
The Main Event is only a day away! If you're Honored or higher with the Tillers, you should get one of the following:

-Autumn Blossom Tree
-Spring Blossom Tree
-Winter Blossom Tree

Any of these can be purchased as saplings from the Tiller seed vendor and planted to grow into trees you can plant pretty much anywhere. They last a few minutes, and I'd like to see a whole bunch of them in the Scar on Sunday! All Horde RPers are encouraged to attend!

#Gooberjay1982 is my Battletag if you have questions/concerns/etc
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