H - Casual Guild

90 Tauren Warrior
Are there any real casual guilds out there? I'm looking to do Heroics (Dungeons and Scenarios), LFR, and old school raids for Achievements when people are up for it. Looking for a a guild that isn't uptight and is active (10+ people online most of the time). I don't RP and never will and I firmly believe in taking care of yourself when it comes to mats and gear, don't expect the guild bank to supply you with everything.
If such a guild doesn't exist and there are enough people interested in joining one I'd be happy to start one.
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86 Blood Elf Hunter
Hi, Thangarth.

Right now we are few in number but we are looking to build a casual weekend raiding group of experienced players or new/returning players who are interested in learning how to play their class and gear their toon while having a good time. Requirements: Good attitude and no drama. You can check out our posting at the URL below if you'd like know more about us.

Once we have a core group geared and ready to run we plan to run our progressions Friday thru Sunday final schedule pending groups availability. If you are interested in becoming a Weekend Warrior send in-game Mail/Message to Morderheinz or Katsuko. RWARRR!

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