I was talking about Ressing as a Roleplay aspect.
Ressurection and Roleplay
In addition to everything that's been said about resurrection and the "brink of death", I feel that the person receiving the resurrection has to be willing to come back. If they are at peace; unwilling; or too frightened to hear the call, then it would not be possible to bring that person back to life.
Well, if you just need to take the time, then why didn't they just rez Cairne after he died? I think it would have been worth it.
I feel like my explanation above helps explain why even something as time-consuming as a resurrection may not be successful. It could be that one is actually attempted on Cairne (I know it's not really but still...) but he just doesn't answer the call. And we'll never know why. Maybe he truly was at peace with dying. Or maybe he was just too afraid of what happened.
A little off-topic, but some theorists think that people won't actually die naturally (i.e., old age) unless they're completely at peace with themselves and are content with death. You reminded me of that. I always found that a comforting prospect.
I was talking about Ressing as a Roleplay aspect.
So was I...
had to add Forest only setback
I have always envisioned my ressurections as a cross between actual medicine, magic, and technology. As an apotehcary adn priest my character is well versed in medicine at the level of modern day earth medicine. meaning he grasps how to restart a heart. So his method his assistant my friend who's an engineer they rip someones chest open defribrilate while adding holy energy. The energy heals the wounds and guides the soul back to the body while the shock restarts the heart. using holy energy and power form teh persons own soul now that itsreconected to the body he heals the wound he caused. all said and done he gives the patiend a health potion and bandages him. Even then he can only do it within 2-3 minutes after the persons death.
I think many people blur the line on game mechanics and RP. Yes, you can pretty much instantly rez your 5 minute dead companion in a dungeon - that's a game mechanic. You don't need to explain all of those from an RP standpoint. I've always treated it like Pokemon - they don't die, they faint! >_>
Edited by Wildpaw on 11/16/2010 6:24 AM PST
I keep it to a roll of dice playing a higher being's whim. So long as the soul lingers and the body is kept safe, I don't see why not... Shaman and Warlocks have a 'Get out of the Ground' free card, one that has been established, not only as a mechanic, as somewhat of a fact. It -is- within their power to bring themselves back.
I add a stipulation when ever I ICly raise someone with shamanistic powers, it -has- to be at an Alter of Storms. Either by actually going to one of the un-modified ones, or doing it by in-game chat.
I add a stipulation when ever I ICly raise someone with shamanistic powers, it -has- to be at an Alter of Storms. Either by actually going to one of the un-modified ones, or doing it by in-game chat.
Granted that this is all in game, I tend to look at death from a RP stand point as being knocked out or gravely injured. As for ressurection, I look at it as being greatly healed by magically means. When I write my short storys for friends on my server, I don't even write priest into battle unless they're a shadow priest & when I do I write them in as medics, same for resto druids, shamans & holy paladins. Yes I have gotten some grief for that from healing spec'd friends :(
I always view a game mechanic "resurrection" as someone being brought back from the brink of death.Pretty much this.
That being said, I've also toyed with the idea that all Battleground (and by extension, dungeon) deaths are permanent. The "ressing" that takes place is merely the arrival of new recruits, who may happen to be quite similar to those slain on the battlefield. In that manner, there's something of a bizarre mix between my personal character's actions and narrative and the general struggle and narrative of the conflict represented. Hopefully that's understandable.
I like this idea.
That's well and good but are you going to delete your character t he next time you die?
I think of resurrection as one of three things:
1. A portable magical defibrillator. Like a defibrillator, it doesn't work if you die by being stabbed in the face, gut, or other vital place. If you are jumped back to life, well, you just plain die again. It only really works on heart attacks, diseases, and very light wounds IMMEDIATELY after death.
2. A necromantic ritual that takes a very long time to gather the materials for. Once it is done, the subject of the ritual will be risen, but a bit different, with their mind and their soul ripped in two. It usually isn't worth it, and they won't remember much if not anything afterwards, but they will remember some things, unlocked through mental keys to their past.
3. A very quick but evil necromantic ritual that rises one as the undead or a death knight. The Scourge does this all the time.
1. A portable magical defibrillator. Like a defibrillator, it doesn't work if you die by being stabbed in the face, gut, or other vital place. If you are jumped back to life, well, you just plain die again. It only really works on heart attacks, diseases, and very light wounds IMMEDIATELY after death.
2. A necromantic ritual that takes a very long time to gather the materials for. Once it is done, the subject of the ritual will be risen, but a bit different, with their mind and their soul ripped in two. It usually isn't worth it, and they won't remember much if not anything afterwards, but they will remember some things, unlocked through mental keys to their past.
3. A very quick but evil necromantic ritual that rises one as the undead or a death knight. The Scourge does this all the time.
Edited by Tarnak on 11/17/2010 2:44 PM PST
My view on Ressurection is thatI have traverssed the Twisting Nether, found their soul, and brought it back. And this must happen in a short time, or else it odes not work. as said by others, the ressurected and the Healer are drained of energy and must wait a littl to heal and recover energy. The soul must also accept to come back.
For IC ressurections I have a macro to ressurect them and make it say "/e goes into a deep meditative state, and searches for the soul of the victim"
For IC ressurections I have a macro to ressurect them and make it say "/e goes into a deep meditative state, and searches for the soul of the victim"
Just wanted to ask what everyone's thoughts were on the idea of Ressurection being used as a roleplay mechanic. I, personally, feel that it is not valid. In the novels and game, major lore characters are not simply ressurected by their death. I feel that using this spell in a roleplaying environment cheapens and insults the immensity of a death. It seems like it is, overall, more of a game mechanic. The only way I can see it being used is more of a defib. type thing. That is to say, it is able to restore a person in very specific circumstances, and only in a very, very small time frame.
I Agree
Resurection is possible but there are rules:
1. The spell needs to be done before the body goes cold
2. The body can't be severely mutilated (third degree burns, dismembered ect.)
3. The person has to want to be alive agian.
1. The spell needs to be done before the body goes cold
2. The body can't be severely mutilated (third degree burns, dismembered ect.)
3. The person has to want to be alive agian.
Many other people stated some of my opinions on the matter.
I will say, though, that my entire view of resurrection in-game has changed since talking to the Spirit of Azuregos who's developed somewhat of a crush on the spirit healer based on how many times he's died and been rezzed.
I will say, though, that my entire view of resurrection in-game has changed since talking to the Spirit of Azuregos who's developed somewhat of a crush on the spirit healer based on how many times he's died and been rezzed.
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