Ressurection and Roleplay

85 Undead Warrior
Just wanted to ask what everyone's thoughts were on the idea of Ressurection being used as a roleplay mechanic. I, personally, feel that it is not valid. In the novels and game, major lore characters are not simply ressurected by their death. I feel that using this spell in a roleplaying environment cheapens and insults the immensity of a death. It seems like it is, overall, more of a game mechanic. The only way I can see it being used is more of a defib. type thing. That is to say, it is able to restore a person in very specific circumstances, and only in a very, very small time frame.
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85 Undead Warrior
Tempest keep may have only been a set back...But remember what Kael looked like when he came back. Not the same guy. As for about Forsaken, I agree.
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85 Troll Hunter
may i remind that tempest keep was only a set back.

May I remind Kael was clearly defeated, not killed, after you came back to Shattrath to report to A'dal.

That is all.
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93 Night Elf Druid
I always view a game mechanic "resurrection" as someone being brought back from the brink of death. Like the orc the blood elf priest resurrects in the TBC cinematic.

I also think that the spell takes great skill and power to perform and not every joe shmoe can do it.

Healing would entail restoring stamina, washing away fatigue, and mending wounds, and such. Again, not everyone has a talent for it.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
I'll agree on the "brink of death"

It's sort of a magical instant-CPR
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80 Night Elf Hunter
I'll agree on the "brink of death"

It's sort of a magical instant-CPR

Another important aspect is that (yes, this has been mentioned in lore) even if it's right after death, it's not always going to work. It has to be "willed" by whatever type of magic the healer is using.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
I have to agree, resurrection is like a "brink of death" thing. It's dependent on both the resurrector and the resurrected. If a person is rez'd but they lack the will to go on, than they die. If rez is forced, I think that's pushing the lines on necromancy (again, I think). But anyway, yeah. Rez lore wise is just magic CPR, only to be done by those that are certified (or have defibrillator knives).
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85 Troll Hunter
Another vote for the 'brink of death' thing here, at least for the rez spells available to players. I can think of a couple quests in which the resurrectee was more than mostly dead, but I'd say those are special circumstance. And then soulstones and such are a whole 'nother tricky grey area...

I'm not a fan of casual resurrection at all--had an undead priest kill a character's cat and then try to bring it back to 'prove the power of the light'. >.<
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
May i also remind,
AN was only a set back
Nax was only a set back
the list is greater then just Kal.

Also in one of the WoW mangas.. the one with the sisters going into kara one of the town gaurds said the only way to kill one of the scourge was to either cut off the head or crush there spine.

AN - Anub'Arak is undead.
Nax - Everybody is undead.
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My personal take on Ressurection is it's not like they can just be "HEY YOUR DEAD" -Resses- "YOUR ALIVE AGAIN". You have to go to great great great lengths to just ressurect someone, and to be honest.. It wouldn't be worth it to bring someone back from the dead after all that.
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85 Human Mage
My personal take on Ressurection is it's not like they can just be "HEY YOUR DEAD" -Resses- "YOUR ALIVE AGAIN". You have to go to great great great lengths to just ressurect someone, and to be honest.. It wouldn't be worth it to bring someone back from the dead after all that.
Well, if you just need to take the time, then why didn't they just rez Cairne after he died? I think it would have been worth it.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
I hate the 'LOLREZ' resurrection in RP. The aforementioned method of resurrection takes all the meaning out of someones death. Just look at dragonball. Oh it doesn't matter if I die, I can just come right back!

Same goes for healing. Person gets stabbed, leading to some awesome, dramatic RP when a random priest comes by. Priest tosses a renew and say 'kay that should do it'. Yes. Riveting isn't it?

From an rp stand point though, be it rez or healing a wound, it should still take time to recover. Even though I hate using this comparison, even with in game mechanics, you rez someone, they don't come back with full health (well, maybe with rebirth). If someone is fatally wounded, a stab wound for instance. You can heal the wound, sure, but it should still stand the chance of reopening if you move about too much or scaring regardless.
I think a lot of people mistake healing for LOLNVRHAPPENED, rather than just what it is, mending a wound, abrasion, or what have you. Same goes for a ressurection. If you're rez'd ICly, you shouldn't go jumping around because your body should still be recovering strength. All that being said, if a person wants to rp coming back to life then jumping into a maw of demons, that's their right and choice. I'll bring flowers to their grave though.
Edited by Zadon on 11/11/2010 11:11 AM PST
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Adhering to the rules of reality - I don't believe it should be even remotely possible. However, since it is a fantasy setting, I would probably understand a few loopholes here and there. I mean, we sustain injuries that would kill most "mortals" in our RP...

In my books, if you're gonna rez IC, that healer's going to get a lot taken out of them, and the healed isn't going to be 100% off the bat.
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In addition to everything that's been said about resurrection and the "brink of death", I feel that the person receiving the resurrection has to be willing to come back. If they are at peace; unwilling; or too frightened to hear the call, then it would not be possible to bring that person back to life.

Well, if you just need to take the time, then why didn't they just rez Cairne after he died? I think it would have been worth it.

I feel like my explanation above helps explain why even something as time-consuming as a resurrection may not be successful. It could be that one is actually attempted on Cairne (I know it's not really but still...) but he just doesn't answer the call. And we'll never know why. Maybe he truly was at peace with dying. Or maybe he was just too afraid of what happened.
Edited by Jerald on 11/12/2010 12:27 PM PST
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