Ressurection and Roleplay

85 Human Death Knight
Regarding the lore-character resurrections post-mortem, Warcraft III's systems were either immediate, massive invocations of the Light to restore the souls of several people at a time (Paladin Ultimate Spell, seen more recently as a result of the efforts of Tirion Fordring and the ghosts of Frostmourne) or else extremely slow and difficult processes that involved not just a spell but a multi-person ritual, as well as an entire replacement body for the hero to be restored. And they had to want to come back, and could only be restored at altars that channeled spirits/the Light/necromantic powers in sufficient quantities. So no, in-game rezzes are definitely not full restorations from death.
So far, I have yet to receive a resurrection spell on any RP character and I hadn't really thought of how to respond, but I generally play corpse runs as "coming to" after being knocked unconscious. My rogue Berity gets moving again quickly, but she's a physically fit and very spirited mid-teen. On the other side of the spectrum is my aging veteran Duessel, who usually rests for a long time after each defeat, both regaining his strength and analyzing his failure so as not to repeat it. Specific reactions might vary based on characters and situations, of course, but I hold to in-game "death" as debilitating injury and unconsciousness, and time spent as a "ghost" is really just an interactive interpretation of avoiding the light at the end of the tunnel and gradually coming back to your senses - that last part in more ways than one.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Back in the day, you had to make a ritual kind of thing.
One time, I died, I managed to make a huge event, where three shamans, three paladins, three druids, and three priests were chanting in holy and nature magic to bring me to life until my age's purpose of death.
THAT was hell of a long time ago, and about 63 people attended (excluding the rezzers).

It takes will, power, stamina, and the area you try to rez in. With nature and Holy in a plagueland? You're most likely to turn undead with the tainted soil and undeath essence all over the place. Including the plague and diseases and bacteria.

So, it takes so much power and will to ressurect one person if in an attempt to ressurect him/her days after the death. Maybe even months, this kind of ritual would still be nessecary.

No one does it that was anymore. It's fun, and dramatic. People cry in joy if it goes right, people scream and cry in dispair if not that way. It sinks into your history and other RPer's histories if you were part of their family, a friend, or an enemy. Enemies have "love" for their enemies, too. Without enemies, who are you going to kill/tease?

Everyone just goes "Chant" with one person, then BOOM. "Yay! I'm alive even though my head with cut off and you DIDNT get it back!!" THAT is basically what's going on now.

Main point: I agree with rez does NOT always mix with RP, and the brink of death is also a valid opinion (or fact, IDK).
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98 Human Paladin
I ignore it. the same way I ignore other mechanics which conflict far too much with lore. The only time I don't ignore is if it is a story element.
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85 Worgen Hunter
How it works for me is that you have about 2 minutes before Brain death sets in so that is the window in which on can be ressurection once the time frames has passed unless you want break some of the fundamental laws of the Universe don't try it. There is also the case of the injury. The injury can not be too much I.e getting cut in half, or head chopped off. Good example of resurectable deaths would be bleeding to death, drowning, server stab wound with out any serve damage to the brain etc.
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77 Human Mage
The way I see it, getting a resurrection is viable when met under certain conditions.
1) SOME physical part of the body must be left over, even if it is only ashes or a finger, but it has to be part of the rezzed person
2) It can only happen within a certain amount of time. If your friend dies valiantly in combat and you rez them after the combat has ended, a portion of their spirit still lingers. If you try to raise someone whose been dead for a long time, you better at least have a sunwell to power you, or no dice.
3) They have to be willing to return
4) The healer must be able to supply enough energy to mend the body for the soul, send themselves to the nether, find the soul of the person being rezzed, and guide both of them back to the body. This can be accomplished over time if not all the energy can be expended at once.
6)The gravity of the wounds on the body/the time they died increases the energy required to rez. You're not just bringing the soul back, you're also mending the vessel that you returning them too, even if that means you have to start with a finger and regenerate the whole thing.
7) It is not guaranteed, even if most/all of the conditions are met to work. Sometimes it's just not possible.
I don't know if this helps at all, but be sure that resurrection is by no means an easy feat. That's Leo's 2 cents.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
I always view rezzes as 'brink of death' types, where shamans and locks get a 'do-over'. Forsaken and death knights can also get a do-over, only much more slowly as the body repairs itself (or in a Forsaken's case, ambles back to unlife with much less than it had prior to death).

It's my theory that Forsaken have borrowed time anyway, since they're rotting. Death knights are 'trapped', in a sense, in these bodies that have tons of necromantic energy flowing through them. But then, that's just my interpretation.
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100 Human Warlock
With all that is said I feel some explanation could be directed at the warlock's soulstone ability. Soulstone actually takes one's soul and stores it away (hence it's name) and, upon death, could be raised (within reason i.e. still has his head). What limitations could be used to keep someone from making a new stone on it's cooldown and practically live on near indefinitally?
Edited by Calfredd on 11/24/2011 11:45 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Rogue
11/24/2011 11:44 PMPosted by Calfredd
With all that is said I feel some explanation could be directed at the warlock's soulstone ability. Soulstone actually takes one's soul and stores it away (hence it's name) and, upon death, could be raised (within reason i.e. still has his head). What limitations could be used to keep someone from making a new stone on it's cooldown and practically live on near indefinitally?

getting killed before they have a chance to store their soul in another stone
failing that, once they are at the age to die of natural causes, it wont do them any good to soulstone because they'll just come back into a body ready to die all over again in a short period of time.

as for the OP's question, for me
- a resurrection covers anything from returning someone from a serious state of nonresponsiveness(coma/concussion) through the 'brink of death' and into the 'very recently dead' category
- a resurrection relies first and foremost on the will of the person to be revived. As others have said, if they don't want to come back or can't make it back, it's a no go.
-a resurrection relies then on the will of the person/people doing the reviving. They have to be strong enough to lure the soul(or better yet, journey into the realm of death and pull it back) to the body.
- It's not as quick and easy as the game makes it look for mechanic reasons. Or, if it is, it is even more taxing(think battle rez, and note the long cooldowns on them). A resurrection requires a lot of skill and/or a lot of power, and potentially some other form of life may need to be sacrificed to help restore the subject.
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85 Blood Elf Hunter

Do you know how OLLLDDD this thread is, DO YOU


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