Personally I think Blizzard is working in a better direction right now than I've seen at any other time since the beginning of Wrath when I started playing. LFG/LFR both started out as bad ideas and have been nothing but a frenzy of jerks and trolls since their inception.
Some people look at these changes with disdain but to be frank I see them as an opportunity, a viewpoint which many within Pia Presidium share.
Oh fer cryin out..I don't.../sigh
I love raiding, but given my schedule, LFR is all the raiding I get to do. And I'm getting sick of how trendy it seems to be to trash it. LFR/LFG are what you make of them. I've been in bad ones, I've been in great ones. Stop slagging on it because you feel you're better than it. I've been here darn near since CC opened its doors. LFR is a godsend for me, my schedule doesn't allow me to join any raid before about 9:00 at night, and let me tell you, those are PRECIOUS FEW on this server.
And before you say "FIND A GUILD FLEX OQ NERPA DERPA DOO", I've been looking. It ain't easy. Standard requirements for oQ these days seem to be "you've done it on normal already" or "are kitted out in 530+". And what with me being stuck in LFR and sitting at about 514 right now, that aint' gonna happen. And I gave up on finding a genuine late-night
(as in, starts late, not raids late) guild sometime mid-expansion. They don't exist, or if they do, they're not recruiting. To get into a good guild, you need social capital. To get social capital on CC, you need to play a LOT. And to play a lot, you need more time than I have. This isn't to say my current guild isn't good, they are, and they're a lot of folks I've played with for years...but they don't have a raid I can join on my schedule.
Next, gearing and all that doesn't mean squat, sure, it was something of a marker in the old days, but what mattered way more was the reputation of the person. Even in Vanilla you had really well geared people who couldn't play for crap. And, well, not to put too fine a point on it, the old days are over,
and they ain't coming back.I'll admit, I
really miss the reputation and camaraderie we had back then, I miss it a lot, but I don't miss not being able to cook dinner for my family or otherwise pay attention to the real world because raid started 20 minutes after I got home from the office. That might be okay for some folks, but my priorities are a little different, and I am not going back to treating pixels like anything but pixels, or annoying 9 to 24 of my comrades by making them wait because I have to deal with household stuff before I can play with them. And LFR? LFR allows me to raid, without inconveniencing my raidmates, on my schedule, and I can still progress, after a fashion.
Would I like to do normals or flex?
Oh hell yes. Desperately. But it ain't gonna happen.
Consequently, it honks me off something fierce when I see people trotting out the old
"LFR is nothing but a55hats and jerks huhr huhr huhr" saw. That kind of talk doesn't solve anything, and is just wildly, borderline insultingly, dismissive of those of us who go into LFR with preparation, basic courtesy, and good attitudes, so please, just...stop. Stop with the LFR bashing. You don't have to like it, but think before you lump everyone who plays on the mode into the "bigot, nuub, or a55hat" category.