Will Cenarion Circle be realm merged?

100 Night Elf Mage
Merging in my book would be preferable to what we are currently suffering through. CRZ killed life outside the main cities for me and many others. Saw another example of that the other night when a raid hit IF. When the call went out for help most responded that the raiders weren't from CC so who cares. Also Pornshire is such a HUGE turnoff most have given up, frankly it's such an embarrassment I won't even invite anyone to play the game anymore. Friends I've had over to watch me play ask what's going on and when they see it they just shake their heads and walk away saying something like 'That's truly messed up'.

The current situation is the prime reason I really wondered about returning this year after my annual break. MG and WRA in my mind really don't need to be merged with anyone so please Blizz get them out of the mix. If we can help a low pop realm or two by being merged with them then let's do it, but let's get it done in a way that promotes the game in a positive way and allows it to grow. The current enviroment if anything has pushed it further the other way.
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90 Human Warrior
I'm also of the mindset that in some fashion merging with one or more of the smaller RP realms might give some kind of positive effect in several areas. The least of which being that you'll bring new blood not necessarily familiar with Cenarion Circle to the realm which in most cases will have a positive effect for both the raiding and RP communities. I believe the only scenario that -might- not have that effect is merging with one of the larger ones.
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29 Blood Elf Warrior
Personally I would love it to merge with Steamwheedle Cartel. I have characters on both and I would love to be able to utilize all my friends, guilds and rp together. I just do not want MG and WRA in the mix.
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90 Undead Death Knight
I'm curious as to how things will be when CC will be merged. I kinda hope, like some of you, that they don't connect WrA and MG with us. I see a lot of people from both servers and I rarely see people from CC.

I starting leveling an Alliance alt a few months ago and Goldshire is definitely a turn off. Same with Silvermoon City with mostly Blood Elves from MG and WrA there.

I'll wait and see how things will be handled.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
The only scenario I could see where a merge with either Wyrmrest Accord or Moon Guard would be logical in Blizzard's eyes is an attempt to keep RP realms together. They've indicated that it isn't always about overall population density, but is sometimes about faction density. They've also indicated that Normal and RP realms tend to be Alliance-heavy, whereas PvP realms tend to be Horde-heavy.

Cenarion Circle has suffered from a meaningful dearth of Horde presence for years now. If only to make it easier on the dedicated Horde who work so hard to keep CC's RP scene alive on that side of things, I'd like to see more Horde characters here. If those come from Moon Guard, I can put up with the loss of Elwynn Forest. I haven't regularly logged in for a few weeks now, but I've already gotten used to the deviancy that goes on there. I could recommend the game to someone and just tell them that if they're going to play a human or an Alliance pandaren, they're better off turning General off from 6th through 10th (or so) level. The actual number of quests in Goldshire is fairly minimal, and after that, having General off will keep things sane until they head off to Westfall or Redridge.

When I was still concerned over finding new recruits for the Ebon Sanction, I was excited at the possibility of connected realms, because it's hard to recruit for guilds right now. Most everyone is guilded, and our realm population isn't nearly what it was prior to the migration to WrA when Wrath came out. We're still bleeding people to that realm.

We'll have to wait and see; they've released several waves of intended connections, and so far Cenarion Circle hasn't been on the list. I anticipate we'll eventually be connected, but I'm not sure with whom quite yet.
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92 Night Elf Druid

Update released today. No RP realms listed whatsoever. =/ Includes Monday's connections, plus two forthcoming.
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100 Human Mage
I'd absolutely love to see our server merged with some of the smaller RP servers.

I wouldn't necessarily mind being merged with WRA although I see a number of possible issues with that...such as CC's RP community being pretty much drowned out by the much larger population on WRA.

Being merged with MG doesn't even bear thinking about. Forget that "only Goldshire's bad" nonsense. Every zone on that server with people in it (yes, I leveled an alt there while looking for former CCers once) made me want to wash my hands in bleach and set fire to my keyboard.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Just a thought to chew on for some people: having come from one of the smaller RP servers, I can guarantee you that on most of them, RP is so beyond dead not even Thrall could resurrect it. So being connected (not merged, because by ever standard of merging the connections are not), to a smaller RP realm in some cases is pretty much tantamount to being connected to a normal realm.
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100 Human Mage
The addition of non-role players isn't ideal, Braedorialai...but even 50 new role players would be amazing. The addition of more non-roleplayers is something I'd be willing deal with. If one or two of those small RP realms were connected to CC, I bet our community could draw at least some of them back into RP. It could be a challenge, but it'd be worth it I think.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
I'll give you a nickel if you can find four, Imperon. And that's if you can get them to admit it in public. The larger point being- some people have rather unrealistic and large expectations for small realms that require connection just to breathe any kind of life into them 9at all.
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60 Human Warlock
I will have you know that smaller rp realms can be good if you want to rp. I for one do not want to be connected to any larger realm. I would love it if they were to connect CC to this realm, but only if we do not have to see MG included into the mix.

I love it here, its quiet, the people don't grief us and we can rp in the open without worrying about being camped, ganked or griefed for no other reason then there are not a lot of people here.
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74 Night Elf Druid
I realize a lot of people don't like the idea of a merger, but I certainly hope it happens. My main is on CC, and my husband's main is on WrA. We'd love to have his main join my Druid guild.

Still, I am wary of a merger. I can't tell if it'll help or ruin the economy even more. For one, there will be more people to farm mats, AH for cheap, etc., but there will be more people with lots of money who can control things. So, I'm iffy about it just for that fact.

Although, I think CC could very much benefit from some of the WrA people. When I was on WrA, bags were cheap. It's such an issue on CC with people posting bags for way more than they're worth. People keep buying my reasonably priced bags and reselling them for much higher.

Anyway, I think we'll merge. They're just not doing RP realms yet.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
I do not think they are merging AH's so the economy will stay the same.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
I do not think they are merging AH's so the economy will stay the same.

Connected Realms will be sharing auction houses, ability to join guilds, etc. Consequently, if Cenarion Circle is merged, our economy will change (and that isn't a bad thing). Our prices tend to be high due to the age of our realm (lots of "old money") and a smaller supply base (lower population). RP items will likely remain high priced due to demand, but mats, consumables, leveling greens (if you aren't already just using heirlooms), transmog items, etc. will likely drop in price a bit.

It does, however, also mean more competition for rare spawns (pets/mounts), though I think many have already grown used to that, since everything on Cenarion Circle aside from Pandaria is already under the CRZ effect.
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90 Pandaren Shaman
I has toons on Kirin Tor that I want in my CC guilds. Do eet, Blizzard. Pwease!?!
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73 Worgen Rogue
Why thought? At peak times Cenarion Circle is still very active.
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100 Human Mage
Why thought? At peak times Cenarion Circle is still very active.

Forget it, Donnie, you're out of your element!
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