How to roleplay a dragon.

89 Blood Elf Paladin
That's really not all that bad?
Let's let the test decide that. It's a good checker for characters that either you or others think are a bit much. Perfect? No, but it's about 95% accurate.

I took this test a couple months ago, and scored a 9.
I suppose I'll take it again.
89 Blood Elf Paladin
Alright, Tavvy scored a fifteen. So, worse, but still not too bad.
I think it was the weapon that tipped me above. Now, if one of the questions were such as "relates to magical creatures frequently" then, yes, I probably would have hit 20 or 25.
62 Night Elf Death Knight
I have been doing a lot of thinking about this concept. I have come to the conclusion that I think people have issue more with the idea of an overpowered character being played than the fact the character is a dragon itself is the main root of the debate. Followed secondly by what I'll sum up as "prove it" (ie, you can't turn into a dragon in game except through a very few limited items).

While I believe there are, and I have met, good dragon roleplayers...that still doesn't mean someone has to accept your roleplay. Any time you step outside the box of what's offered at character creation you need to be prepared for that, whether you're changing the color of your eyes to something that doesn't exist or playing a dragon.

The problem is many people associate dragon roleplay with being bad because of the inevitable fact that most players who RP one tend to use it to throw some IC weight around. They transform and try to eat people, or act invulnerable.

I propose that this is the major issue regarding ANY roleplay, but it just becomes more obvious when we see someone RPing a dragon. Any character has the potential, in a world of heroes, to become overpowered.

Paladins have Uther as an example, Death Knights have Arthas. Druids have Malfurion. Warlocks have Gul'dan. Mages have Medivh. Etc, etc.

However, in WoW especially, dragons are not infallible creatures in the least. We're constantly killing whelps, drakes, dragons, wyrms, children of the Aspects, and in the case of Aspect himself.

First one that comes to mind is the red dragon you have to free in Razorfen Kraul who you escort and then protect while he channels some magic. I mean, the Quillboar of all things caught him and they're not the epitome of technology or anything!

So, I stand by my /opinion/ that there can be good dragon roleplay if the roleplayer knows what he or she is up to. The concern is in finding a balance between playing a dragon, but making it so it that it is balanced with other characters in-game.

Character flaws and weaknesses are important no matter what you play, anyway, as they make them more realistic and keep a player humble so they're not trying to win every fight, save every girl, yadda yadda.
85 Blood Elf Mage
There is evidence in lore of dragons existing and taking on mortal form. Those other things do not even exist in game, therefore that takes it into the realm of LORE IMPOSSIBLE. Whereas anyone can say, "Is it possible at some point in time in Azeroth that a dragon took on a mortal guise and got into some shenanigans?"

I've been watching the argument of this thread unfold, and while this isn't entirely subjective I think that the Dragon RP idea, while Lore Possible, takes far too many excuses and explanations to be worth it.

For example, someone argued a dragon wouldn't need to study a race/nation/culture they have already observed for thousands of years. The counterargument was that cultures change over time. Indeed they do, take the transition from High Elves to Blood Elves for example. That was a significant cultural change, but I'm nearly certain if any dragon flights found it interesting they would already have designated someone to observe the new culture and bring that information back to their flight. However, even this change in Quel'thalas might not be all that important from the perspective of dragons who live thousands of years. And if that's the case for major events in lore, what does that say about the day to day things occurring in the cities in the more or less static game world we play in?

Of course, that was just one example and by itself can be counter argued (again) and does little in proving any real point. But looking at the issue overall, my point is that more questions are raised than answers, and the subject has crossed into a very gray area between the black and white.

Rule of thumb, no matter what you play, is don't expect everyone to like your RP no matter how plain jane, middle of the road, awesome, or way out in the left field it is. Don't force them if they back off IC or OOCly. This virtual space is big enough that we can all share it without bothering one another. :)

This is very true, but is your goal for RP really about doing something challenging and showing it to others? That's almost synonymous with Palehoof's comment about 'roleplaying a dragon for the cool factor.' Why intentionally prevent yourself from roleplaying with a large chunk of the playerbase, when community interaction is so vital for our playstyle?

I'm not going to try and establish what people can and can't roleplay. But from what I've read here... I'd advise against roleplaying a dragon, there are too many complications.
62 Night Elf Death Knight
The dragons in general just seem to have an interest in hominids for one reason or another. One example I noted a while back is that the blue flight is highly curious about how humans and other races utilize the Light or its many variations.

As to what you say, Feydran, about the goal of the roleplay brings up a very good point. It really does depend on the goal of the player. I've roleplayed dragon characters in personal roleplay outside of the game with my fiance, for instance, where it doesn't affect others.

Since roleplaying is usually about interaction, not just storytelling, a person has to decide their audience. Some one might play a dragon within their guild or small circle of friends only, or at least not let anyone else know they're a dragon. Someone might do it privately with just 1 or 2 other people "in the know" for personal storylines.

People just need to decide what they want out of the roleplay, decide why they think that current path or decision will get them that satisfaction, see if there's another less complicated alternative way of doing so (do I want to play a dragon cause I want to fly and breathe fire/gas/frost? or do I want to play one cause I like the idea of culture shock? If it's culture shock, would playing an older race like a night elf and thrusting them into human society get that same effect without resorting to playing a dragon?)....and then realize who you're playing with.

Wyrmrest Accord's community, for example, is very tolerant of quite a number of roleplay that I would be lying if I said didn't make me roll my eyes. But we work together and usually have fun with it, and the people who are attempting some zany things pull it off well and are receptive to feedback.

Now another server, for instance, might just completely shun the idea before it's even put on the table.


1. What do you want out the RP?
2. How can you get that via your character concept?
3. Is there a simpler way to get that effect? (AKA, toning down from the brainstorming!)
4. Who will be interacting this character and what are their views? (this determines if you're wasting your time and theirs, basically)
85 Human Warrior
26 Blood Elf Warrior

You're contributing so much that is useful to the discussion, but at least you're bumping the thread.
85 Human Warrior

You're contributing so much that is useful to the discussion, but at least you're bumping the thread.

Just saying, individuals shouldn't attempt to RP something as important, powerful, or few in number as a dragon, or as cliche as a vampire, or a demon, etc.

A character should be a human, dwarf, orc, etc. Those are the races available.
85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Reading this entire thread through, I'm just going to say my bit without quoting too much. A lot of good points were made and I have a feeling I might be a little late, but oh well.

Just saying, individuals shouldn't attempt to RP something as important, powerful, or few in number as a dragon, or as cliche as a vampire, or a demon, etc.

A character should be a human, dwarf, orc, etc. Those are the races available.

I generally agree with the second statement. The first however, is iffy. Not all dragons are all important. 'Important' would be like saying you're rping a direct relative of an Aspect, or a consort to one. Sure, dragons might be of higher importance simply by being dragons, but really? Not all dragons are important, tons go unnamed. And if a player keeps their cool and doesn't let anyone know, what's the difference anyway? I have plans to rp a blue dragon once they hit the level cap and will simply have fun strolling around as an energetic knowledge addict. XD

Many people have stated things such as 'Just don't' in response to this thread. Yes. That's the best thing to do for an inexperienced role-player who hasn't done the necessary amount of research required to successfully pull off a dragon, or even a Dragonsworn.

If a player needs this guide in the first place to learn how to rp a dragon, it is likely they shouldn't be rping one. The ability to rp any race well is born from knowing about the race. Of course, blatantly spewing Draconic or stating your race as "____ Dragon" in your MRP is absurd, thus common sense is oh so valuable as well. However, discounting that some people CAN rp dragons correctly, as few as there are, it is- again- inadvisable for someone who is new to rp or can't be bothered to research to attempt rping a dragon.
85 Night Elf Warrior
I'd personally rather it didn't die. The ones who are decent and actually want to try would read this and maybe get a few tips. The ones who want to and are smart enough to realize they can't might read this and rethink.

The ones who shouldn't be, read this, and do it anyway, well, we've been dealing with them for a very long time. You still have your /ignore function.
80 Night Elf Druid
I don't want this to die, so I'll say this: Role play what you like. Don't worry about the opposition.
85 Night Elf Warrior
As long as you try to make it believable. :3 Which is what this guide is about, people!
85 Night Elf Warrior
I don't want this to die, so I'll say this: Role play what you like. Don't worry about the opposition.
Unless you, you know, actually care what the second M in the MMORPG thinks. RPing one on the forums? Fine. Making one in a story or fanfic (which if it's warcraft related is the exact same thing)? Super, good for you. But don't expect any character to believe yours if you claim to be a dragon. If you don't claim to be a dragon, what's the point of playing one?

You still are one? The hallmark of a good dragon is not knowing they are one, and when you find out, going "Really? I never would ha-... wait. Okay, it makes sense now."

A bad one is the type to run around "OMG I'M A DRAGON".

It's like your dirty little secret.
84 Tauren Druid
Eh, I don't think you could successfully pull off a dragon. Sure, you could try to keep it a secret. But at the same time, by lore, there are others who could distinguish what you are, and rightfully should be capable of such. As it's been pointed out already, Night Elves and those close to nature can tell. As well as hunters and almost certainly druids. Then we can go so far as to expand that list to shaman I'd imagine. And the chances of never meeting one of those classes of sufficeint IC skill and knowledge to tell the difference is very slim.

Then we can move on to the power factor. It's been said that you simply don't use your power. I'm afraid it isn't that simple. Iktome here is a very old and rather powerful druid in his own right, but he largely tries to stay out of conflict. Suffice it to say you can't always stay out of conflict. Eventually you'll get attacked, and not always by some stranger you can ignore like a rabid cat weasel. When your character is in mortal danger, or a close friend of yours trapped, will you not use the very powers that would allow them and yourself safety? If it's a matter of use your full power of die then you'll have to reveal yourself. And the moment you do, the fact a dragon is just blatantly stronger than a mortal pushes you into the zone of powergaming, and dangerously close to godmoding. Especially as a bronze dragon, seeing as anything involving time is incredibly overpowered and best left alone.

Now, if you simply must have your dragon rp then I'd suggest using your mount as an NPC. Iktome being incredibly incredibly old now is a rather vulnerable person despite his experience with druidism. And for his duties done in the past to aid the Dragonflights, and his desire to continue aiding them in coming battles, he was enrusted to a young red drake named Thanostrasz. I rp Thanostrasz talking to Iktome and to others with his own amusing sense of humor. But he is ultimately just a side character for Iktome. And because he is just a simple drake he really doesn't afford much power beyond flying around and the occasional weak fire breath. Unlike a transformed dragon in disguise who'd be able to level half a city.
70 Troll Death Knight
If it's on his RSP he's doin it rong.

Furthermore, enlarge effects are for lulz, and wtf does skin color have to do with anything?

imo, having it on his RSP is not wrong. another player meta-gaming and using that information is the one who is wrong.

furthermore, i have seen several players use enlargment effects or shrinking effects quite well. and skin color would probably matter because it would be influenced by what flight he/she was connected to.
83 Worgen Hunter
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. (Type it again...blarghle.)

Anyone can choose to RP what ever they want, but no one is obligated to play along with what they are RPing at the time. Sure, they can either not RP with you at all or ICly think you are crazy, but no one can say "you are not aloud to RP this".

Tips. hints, and showing distaste for dragon RP, sure I'm for it, but thinking you have the authority to say "don't do it" or "not allowed" is not something I support. The ignore option is a wonderful feature for those who are bad with RP or are griefing/godmoding in general, not just on this subject.
70 Troll Death Knight
okay, i thought about this a little more and i came to a conclusion about how you could possibly rp a dragon in disguise. remember pre wrath when stormwind had a child king and one of his two advisors was Onyxia in disguise? she had wormed her way into a position of power to manipulate the armies of sw from helping people in need. it's why duskwood never recieved any help for example.

in otherwords, a possible reason for a dragon to be disguised as a humanoid spending all their time in the city would be for engaging in politics and attempting to place the dragon within a position of power and influence so that they can help their aspect by manipulating the mortal races. naturally, a dragon of this sort would be focused on politics and would be avoiding the majority of physical conflicts. the problem might arise when they become more influential and potentially have rivals attempting to assasinate them.

so you are still left with the major issue of how to respond in a life threatening situation. do you reveal yourself, or, being a dragon and good with illusions, fake your death at the hands of your enemy. at the same time however, remember again that many dragons are not super powerful, and would be slayable by some other players most likely.
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