How to roleplay a dragon.

84 Tauren Druid
Well, it would take an Aspect or a Prime Consort to level half a city. Hell, even Deathwing didn't level half of a city, and he messed up half the planet. The major cities are not places anyone short of a member of the Pantheon or an Old God could walk into and start leveling without serious danger of death.

Yah, I was being a bit dramatic there, but you get my drift. A full grown dragon is at least destroying the building you're standing in. And then burning away a small group of people who try to fight back. Or just sitting on people. Not to mention anything short of the strongest attacks would be negligable against your scaled body....
85 Night Elf Warrior
I came upon an interesting example while questing today, of a possible way to RP as a dragon and it not OP in any way.

Look up Ysondre when you get a chance, and read the quest text. She is a Green Flight dragon who was corrupted by the Emerald Dream, and takes on the form of a blind Night Elf female. She states explicitly that she was so weakened by the ordeal that she will never be able to retake her "True" form(As a full dragon) and will have to make a living among mortals in order to survive in the world.

You could RP some sort of very weakened dragon who us unable to retake their form for some reason or another. Sure that can lead to more "Why RP a dragon at all?" but you need to think. Your character's "powers" are not what makes your character interesting. Your story is what makes your character interesting.

What kind of situations could you get into with a character like that? What kind of emotions would that stir in the people that you interact with? Would they feel compassion for the plight of the majestic dragon reduced to scrabbling a living like the normal folk? Would they see it as an occasion to make a name for themselves? "I killed the dragon see how awesome I am!"

The story possibilities are quite endless.
70 Troll Death Knight
@ Slaye

I would modify your idea a little bit. since it is still unadvisable that you tell people you are a dragon, the rp could maybe more be focused on dealing with the sudden change in your life and searching for a way to return yourself to your former glory.
85 Night Elf Warrior
12/04/2010 1:44 AMPosted by Hazekiller
@ Slaye

I would modify your idea a little bit. since it is still unadvisable that you tell people you are a dragon, the rp could maybe more be focused on dealing with the sudden change in your life and searching for a way to return yourself to your former glory.

The way she speaks in the quest there is no way. She will have go on living like a mortal, with presumably with a dragon's magic and in a dragon's body(She's able to buff you a bit during a fight but it's relatively weak).

And, that's possible. I don't intend to RP it but at least it's an example of a storyline you could do that would ALLOW you do be a dragon without being overpowered. You're essentially a druid with a very interesting story.
10 Worgen Rogue
This should be read. I'm sure there are plenty of dragons out there who want to know how to live. (lol)
83 Worgen Hunter
For this scenario (Green Dragons who are severly weakened and pigeon holed into their humanoid forms) one would think that it shouldn't be a great culture shock for a dragon if he/she spent time learning the basics of the mortal race they disguese themselves as, but if they don't then that could be problematic.

Despite the interesting story anyone using this scenario will still run into bad reception from some RPers simply because of the stigma of Draconic RPers, who are all level 5 or under in starting clothing and automatically want attention and respect from the "mortals" or they type out a "transformation" in their little emotes.

I ~might~ have said something before in another thread or even this one, I'm too lazy to weed through it all, but I'd like to try out RPing a Dragonsworn, still mortals but they are dragon fanatics and little minions of them. Was thinking a Gnome, a Bronze Dragonsworn. Eh, idk I probably won't but I HAVE thought about it.
1 Blood Elf Priest
bump for an awesome guide.
85 Night Elf Mage
Necrobump! Ahhgh!

Run from this thread, its the scourge!
85 Blood Elf Death Knight
ugh Necro >.>

though it is true, people should read this guide
85 Night Elf Warrior
I don't exactly support bumping necro'd threads, but I do support people reading this guide.
Saelios, don't bump old threads. I realize that you're new, but that's both annoying and against the rules...
100 Night Elf Hunter
11/18/2010 8:17 AMPosted by Tavelian
NEVER use the term mortal unless, and only unless, the person you're speaking to knows you're a dragon, somehow

Or unless you're trying to roleplay an extremely obnoxious Night Elf ArchDruid. :)
100 Night Elf Hunter
FOR ONE: Black Dragons love human form. They exclude themselves from the other flights, who usually take High Elven form. So in this case, in order to be different, they take on the forms of humans.

FOR ONE: Black Dragons love human form. They exclude themselves from the other flights, who usually take High Elven form. So in this case, in order to be different, they take on the forms of humans.

FOR TWO: Night Elves can easily detect a disguise of a dragon! That is WHY ONYXIA decided to go for the humans!

One: Actually the Bronzes take the cake in flexibility. They'll take any form they think is suitable, in the Caverns of Time you'll see some even taking the shape of crocolisks (presumably to observe the opening of the Dark Portal in the Swamp of Sorrows) There's at least one Black Dragon who prefers Sin'dorei form. And of course the guides in Caverns of Time will take the form of any of the major races. It's just a strategic choice that has created so many black dragon human impersonators in the present age.

Two: There's actually no lore support for Night Elves having any particular adeptness in dragon detection. of all the flights only the Green and Bronze, and possibly the Red. have spent any considerable time with Night Elves. The Blues on the other hand spent much more time with th Quel'dorei and the Humans as those two races were making the most progress in the arcane.

Shapeshifting among dragons is probably more of a learned skill than that of age. Many of those who are otherwise capable simply have no interest in turning themselves into a lesser form. (And to a Dragon all other forms (and to some, even the other flights) are "lesser". It's also quite possible that drakes who aren't fully mature may be taught the skill and "assigned" by superiors for the latter's purposes to infiltrate various societies as observers and manipulators.
Edited by Drahliana on 3/30/2011 7:39 AM PDT
85 Night Elf Warrior

FOR TWO: Night Elves can easily detect a disguise of a dragon! That is WHY ONYXIA decided to go for the humans!

Two: There's actually no lore support for Night Elves having any particular adeptness in dragon detection. of all the flights only the Green and Bronze, and possibly the Red. have spent any considerable time with Night Elves. The Blues on the other hand spent much more time with th Quel'dorei and the Humans as those two races were making the most progress in the arcane.

The preferred humanoid forms of the black dragonflight when in disguise amongst mortals are humans with black hair and dark eyes. Though black dragons can easily take other forms, humans have been especially useful. The powerful and semi-industrial human kingdoms could more easily accomplish the goals of Deathwing and his ilk than the nomadic tauren, the magically-minded high elves, or the mountain-dwelling dwarves. Humans are also far less sensitive to the presence of dragons than other races. Night elves, for instance, can identify a dragon with relative ease. Known black dragons that have taken human form are listed in their dragon state and respective human names: A few known exceptions are Lady Sinestra who, when acting as an ambassador to the Dragonmaw clan, uses a blood elven guise, and Blackwing Spellbinders in Blackwing Lair who also take elven form.

From Wowpedia, which took it from the RPG.

Yes they can. Though, personally, I wouldn't say 'ease' so much.
85 Worgen Death Knight
Rping a dragon is doable, but will starting on the same footing as a god-modder or Melvin, brother of the lich king. If you MUST incorporate dragons into your RP, than just make a dragon up for you to interact with in your RP stories, RPing a dragon in game is hard & ultimately much less rewarding than making up your own character.
Edited by Dalard on 3/30/2011 5:20 PM PDT
72 Draenei Priest
I have a simply response to people that want to RP a dragon, a easy 4 step process in fact!

Step 1: Find a blunt object, a rock, hammer, anything like that will do.
Step 2: Smash it against you're head no less then seven times.
Step 3: Do you still want to RP a dragon? If yes then repeat Step 2.
Step 4: Are you done wanting to RP a dragon? Good, now pick something you can actually RP please :/

No offense, I'm sure some people can actually do a dragon justice. But given all the lore related restrictions to playing one, its pointless. Oh hey you're a dragon in disguise, but you have to HIDE all of you're skills and ability's unless its the direst of circumstances...So for all intents and purposes you're just a normal *Insert race here*...Yeah, that's appealing.
100 Night Elf Hunter
11/19/2010 02:17 PMPosted by Vartei
Dragons do not meddle in the affairs of mortals

Actually they do, but part of such meddling involves also never revealing themselves as such. At least not to the non-adventuring Muggles. :)
Edited by Drahliana on 4/1/2011 8:39 AM PDT
85 Human Death Knight
I can roleplay a dragon. Watch!

I BURN YOU WITH FIRE! Everyone takes critical damage. I fly away and bask in the moonlight. FORM OF A WOLF!
85 Night Elf Warrior
04/01/2011 08:38 AMPosted by Drahliana
Dragons do not meddle in the affairs of mortals

Actually they do, but part of such meddling involves also never revealing themselves as such. At least not to the non-adventuring Muggles. :)

Or only to highly-trusted people. It does happen.
100 Night Elf Hunter
04/01/2011 08:41 AMPosted by Slywyn

Actually they do, but part of such meddling involves also never revealing themselves as such. At least not to the non-adventuring Muggles. :)

Or only to highly-trusted people. It does happen.

Problem is all dragon roleplay inevitable yields to the "I must stretch my wings and roar" syndrome. That reminds me. does the /mountspecial command I use to make my netherdrake roar work on the alchemy transform? Does the roar command?
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