How to roleplay a dragon.

85 Night Elf Warrior

Or only to highly-trusted people. It does happen.

Problem is all dragon roleplay inevitable yields to the "I must stretch my wings and roar" syndrome. That reminds me. does the /mountspecial command I use to make my netherdrake roar work on the alchemy transform? Does the roar command?

I actually think it does.

But not 'all' dragon RP goes there.

Only bad does.
73 Gnome Death Knight
85 Gnome Mage
Alliance in Wonderland

Point is, there was a drake that transformed. In that entry, I saw he gets a new title and appears as a full grown dragon in Cataclysm. Maybe he was close to growing into his new form when we first found him, or maybe he already was fairly old as a drake. I don't know dragon lifespans, so I'm not sure how long you have to be a drake before you're an adult dragon.

Whelp to drake is one year. Drake to dragon, several thousand. And he wouldn't be described as "ancient" if he was a fresh dragon.

People with lifespans like ours might call something several thou years old ancient.
100 Night Elf Hunter

Problem is all dragon roleplay inevitable yields to the "I must stretch my wings and roar" syndrome. That reminds me. does the /mountspecial command I use to make my netherdrake roar work on the alchemy transform? Does the roar command?

I actually think it does.

But not 'all' dragon RP goes there.

Only bad does.

Okay then by that definition, I have yet to see ANY Dragon rp that did not "go there." Because that's what Dragon roleplayers itch to do, set up that big moment that's supposed to impress all and nearby sundry.
85 Dwarf Paladin
Just keep that nonsense away from me.
Dragon RPer = Instant /ignore

Then don't post here....

Anyways, I've played with a Half dragon before. He wasn't that good at the start but as we leveled he got progressively better. Now he didn't go around claiming to be a half dragon or boasting about powers, nor did he ever sprout wings because he was only half dragon by defalt definition not in any physical way.

He had dragon blood in him from birth, but that was it. Sence he was conseived while his dragon parrent was in mortal form, that is all that carried over. As far as his powers went thanks to the blood, he kept a supply of ale that made you breath fire, speed potions and those magic candles the kobolds drop in the elwin "deep" mines that let you cast the equivolent of a level two fireball.

Due to his past, he kept his blood secret from nigh everyone. Even the four other people in our group, myself included. Out of which only myself & two others were trusted enough by him to be told, with the fourth figuring out on her own after about a year of fighting alongside him, and the fifth of our group never figured it out durring the entirety of our play togeather. He just figured that our halfblood had inherited some of his mother's mage blood.
57 Worgen Death Knight
Tarnak, I think you fail Hard, and HI YSUNDRE. You can easily RP a dragon with the right storyline, and the right gear, and if you're a bronze dragon, you should go get the Vial of Sands.
85 Night Elf Warrior
Just keep that nonsense away from me.
Dragon RPer = Instant /ignore

Then don't post here....

Anyways, I've played with a Half dragon before. He wasn't that good at the start but as we leveled he got progressively better. Now he didn't go around claiming to be a half dragon or boasting about powers, nor did he ever sprout wings because he was only half dragon by defalt definition not in any physical way.

He had dragon blood in him from birth, but that was it. Sence he was conseived while his dragon parrent was in mortal form, that is all that carried over. As far as his powers went thanks to the blood, he kept a supply of ale that made you breath fire, speed potions and those magic candles the kobolds drop in the elwin "deep" mines that let you cast the equivolent of a level two fireball.

Due to his past, he kept his blood secret from nigh everyone. Even the four other people in our group, myself included. Out of which only myself & two others were trusted enough by him to be told, with the fourth figuring out on her own after about a year of fighting alongside him, and the fifth of our group never figured it out durring the entirety of our play togeather. He just figured that our halfblood had inherited some of his mother's mage blood.


Dragons. Sexing mortals. ><
85 Dwarf Paladin
Love is blind to everything. So stfu and go burn with the trolls
85 Night Elf Warrior
04/07/2011 05:55 PMPosted by Oní
Love is blind to everything. So stfu and go burn with the trolls

I assure you I'm not a Troll.

But, really? I mean. Dragons. The most powerful things to exist in the WoW-verse outside of like, the Titans.

"Oh hey this mortal is hawt, secks me!"

On top of the baby(CROSS-SPECIES, AND FROM REPTILE TO HUMAN/ELF EVEN) surviving the mom transforming back and forth. And then being birthed. Was he an egg? A babby?

It's just... it doesn't work.
85 Dwarf Paladin
You'd have to ask my friend, his character not mine.
100 Night Elf Hunter
04/07/2011 07:54 PMPosted by Oní
You'd have to ask my friend, his character not mine.

Officer that was my friends cocaine. Not Mine! Honest! :)
85 Dwarf Paladin
[quote]Anyways, I've played with a Half dragon before.

Please read. Also, I like my pally too much to RP with anything else.
Crusader Oni Stoneheart has battled scourge and demons alike for over six years, and is just too dam stubborn to die of old age now.
85 Goblin Hunter
04/07/2011 07:18 AMPosted by Drektal
Dragon RP is a horrible idea
72 Draenei Priest
Urgh this is still going?

Fine heres a simply answer that everyone can understand.

"Can I RP Dragons? /puppy dog eyes"

Short Answer: No!

Long Answer: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Urgh this is still going?

Fine heres a simply answer that everyone can understand.

"Can I RP Dragons? /puppy dog eyes"

Short Answer: No!

Long Answer:If done well, fit within lore, and done because of a storyline or because you want to take on the challenge of roleplaying something out of the norm, and if you dont have the itch to spread dragon powers around, then yes

72 Draenei Priest
Urgh this is still going?

Fine heres a simply answer that everyone can understand.

"Can I RP Dragons? /puppy dog eyes"

Short Answer: No!

Long Answer:If done well, fit within lore, and done because of a storyline or because you want to take on the challenge of roleplaying something out of the norm, and if you dont have the itch to spread dragon powers around, then yes


If by fixed, you mean ruined. Then sure. But in my opinion, you're just an attention seeking idiot if you wanna RP a dragon. Aside from YOU, no one is supposed to know you're a dragon so why be one? Just be a normal human/elf/whatever and call it a day.
85 Blood Elf Death Knight
But in my opinion, you're just an attention seeking idiot if you wanna RP a dragon.

Wow, you must have a really closed mind and hate things that are different, plus , don't judge what you don't know, no need to call people insults unless you know 'em.

Aside from YOU, no one is supposed to know you're a dragon so why be one? Just be a normal human/elf/whatever and call it a day.

This is a dumb argument used by a lot of closed mind rpers, yes you are in disguise and only you know about it, so what? Other people say "Oh well you might as well just play 'X' race.", because even if people don't know it, a person who is a dragon in disguise and someone who just is 'X' race could react completely differently to a situation.

An example would be some humans going out dragon slaying, but if one was a dragon in disguise they wouldn't go or be angry. It not the physical aspect of being a dragon that attracts the good Dragon rpers, but the challenge of adding the new and alien mindset to a character and take up a challenge.

Like I aint gunna lie, I RPed a dragon before...for a story line mind you but, I must say, it was a real challenge. Also, you should be fairly experienced with roleplay to even THINK about it, I have been Roleplaying since vanilla and we were doing a new story line so I thought "I need a challenge, something that requires effort to pull off, even if its just for this private storyline", you have to know ALL lore 100% to pull it off, and there are struggles. But sadly most rp to do with dragons is because of idiots that don't follow this guide. If you are even shaky on just one of the rules in this guide, then don't do it.

Also, you should be fairly experienced with roleplay to even THINK about it, I have been Roleplaying since vanilla and we were doing a new story line so I thought "iIneed a challenge, something that requires effort to pull off, even if its just for this private storyline"
Edited by Drewan on 4/9/2011 9:59 AM PDT
Here's what I have to say.

Let people RP what they want, see how they RP. If they don't do good. /ignore or something. Or walk away. Don't judge people's RPing skills by what they RP.
85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Here's what I have to say.

Let people RP what they want, see how they RP. If they don't do good. /ignore or something. Or walk away. Don't judge people's RPing skills by what they RP.

...ya this pretty much sums it all up in very few words. :D
72 Draenei Priest

I'm not that closed minded. Yes dragon RP CAN be done and be done RIGHT. However...Here is the list of people that I've seen do it right...



^ Quite the list no? EVERYONE I've seen do it is a complete pillock that goes "RAWR I"M A DRAGON RAWR!" At ever turn and then wonders why everyone just laughs and ignores them.

I'm not judging you as one of them, I've never RPed with you so I can't and won't judge. However my opinions and views can only be based on what I have seen, not what other people say. I've seen plenty of people claim they can 'do it right' then just revert to the aforementioned idiocy.

Maybe it can be done. But like you said, they need to be highly experienced RPers to try...And most of them know better by that point.
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