How to roleplay a dragon.

85 Blood Elf Death Knight
I'm not judging you as one of them, I've never RPed with you so I can't and won't judge. However my opinions and views can only be based on what I have seen,

Yet you clearly stated you think anyone who attempts it is an attention seeking idiot....hmmm..

Also, since your list is empty... that's a good thing! That means, if someone did rp a dragon, then they were doing it right and you never found out ;)

Bow before my superior logic!

As well , no pointless name calling/rudeness :P
85 Night Elf Warrior
Then everyone you've seen doing it was bad at it.

I was beat to it. That was @ Razz or Rhazz or whatever.
Edited by Slywyn on 4/9/2011 11:29 AM PDT
72 Draenei Priest
04/09/2011 11:27 AMPosted by Drewan
I'm not judging you as one of them, I've never RPed with you so I can't and won't judge. However my opinions and views can only be based on what I have seen,

Yet you clearly stated you think anyone who attempts it is an attention seeking idiot....hmmm..

Also, since your list is empty... that's a good thing! That means, if someone did rp a dragon, then they were doing it right and you never found out ;)

Bow before my superior logic!

As well , no pointless name calling/rudeness :P

Maybe they did do it right, but honestly that doesn't count because I don't know if they were or not, yes it was a + they didn't have ZOMG DRAGON in their RP information or whatever, but I have no proof they were dragons either, just that they were average people of their race, so I can't count anyone that might have been for lack of knowledge.

And I said all the people I knew were idiots, as I said, I know nothing about you therefore will not judge, but everyone I've met has been attention seeking pillocks and as such I believe everyone is until proven otherwise.

You're word=Nothing to me simply because I have no first hand proof to back it up. Same as you have no proof I haven't met a dragon RPer that did it right...Quite frankly neither do I :/

Edit: And to the above post. That's what I'm saying! Every single RPer I've seen do a dragon was a complete idiot! I've not met a single decent RPer that I can recall. And as such my opinions are as stated because of this.
Edited by Rraazz on 4/9/2011 11:41 AM PDT
85 Blood Elf Death Knight
know nothing about you therefore will not judge

as such I believe everyone is until proven otherwise.

The amount of contradictory statements you put out astound me
72 Draenei Priest
I fail to see any contradiction there :/

But, ehhh...I fail to see the point in my continued posting here, everytime I post my OPINION, someone on this damn forum has to jump in and counter it and claim I'm wrong in one fashion or another.

Seriously forum, -Opinion- look it up!

Urgh, have you're little victory if you want to call it that, my mind is set and I find the fact that you're so religiously defending this concept disturbing honestly. So, yeah. *Backs out of thread and wanders off*
85 Blood Elf Death Knight
I just defend all roleplay in general, If its plausible in lore...go ahead, I'll just yell at you for doin it if ya do it wrong ;)

Plus I never stated you are wrong, it is merely my OPINION that you are wrong.

Also the contradiction is, you dont judge someone till you know them, yet you said you label and judge someone an idiot until proven otherwise, hence the contradiction.
Edited by Drewan on 4/9/2011 1:46 PM PDT
85 Night Elf Warrior
That's just Rraazz. It's what he/she does.
36 Goblin Warlock
Let me just say this.

Do what you want, if you suck at it, improve at it. If you can't, then you probably don't care enough about it. Either find something new on that character or reroll with a new idea.
85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Let me just say this.

Do what you want, if you suck at it, improve at it. If you can't, then you probably don't care enough about it. Either find something new on that character or reroll with a new idea.

I like the way you think there. I wish more people out there had your mindset :P
100 Night Elf Hunter
Bumping a good guide.
85 Worgen Mage
I like the guide. I was actually thinking of RPing a dragon myself after gaining money for the vial.

Though to eliminate most of the social aspects I was thinking of RPing as a dragon that has lost all of its memory. So I wouldnt have the same psychology as a regular Bronze dragonflight dragon. I was also considering having my argent squire being my future self since the dragon flight is heavy on maintaining the past.

I never did think about all the difficulties though and what you lose as RPing as a dragon. But I suppose it is the same thing as RPing as a Noble human that doesnt know he is a worgen. I really want to show others my fiery demonic worgen form yet I have to stay true to my charecter. I suppose it wouldnt be a change to my IC charecter now.
72 Draenei Priest
Wow you're on a roll today aren't you? :/

Reported AGAIN. Seriously, just stop with the necoring...For you're sake...
85 Night Elf Warrior
While this is one thing I honestly don't mind seeing necro'd...

Not with a post like that. x.x
100 Orc Shaman
Wow you're on a roll today aren't you? :/

Reported AGAIN. Seriously, just stop with the necoring...For you're sake...

I always find it better to use the search function and bump a useful discussion thread than to start a new one. This isn't really a topic that will have any sudden changes that could invalidate what people have said already.

That said, don't RP a dragon.

If you do, and want to do it well, don't let anyone know you're a dragon.
62 Troll Death Knight
In my opinion dragons are okay to roleplay if done with tact and skill. Personally I wouldn't roleplay one because of one simple reason; they just look silly. Seriously, what are those things hanging from their necks? Is it skin? It looks like some kind of rooster/snake hybrid given wings and magical powers! And don't some of them even have hair? Does that mean they're mammals? Or are they reptiles with weird attributes? What is a dragon's classification exactly? The lore surrounding them is fine, they just look ridiculous.

They also have these big flabby underbellies which, frankly, creep me out. Dragons should be sleek stylish powerhouses of complete awesomeness, not scaley wizards. Besides, I really only try to roleplay humanoids. Anyone who wants to roleplay a dragon can. Around me anyway.
85 Undead Death Knight
I've actually been tossing around an idea for a dragon character myself.

Basically, she's a red drake who is, in fact, my main's red drake mount (needless to say, she resents the saddle somewhat).
72 Draenei Priest

That's what I do everytime I see this *Guide* (Blech, can't believe I'm using that word on this thread) on the front page.

Dragons...No, just f*cking no!
85 Night Elf Warrior

That's what I do everytime I see this *Guide* (Blech, can't believe I'm using that word on this thread) on the front page.

Dragons...No, just f*cking no!

Have an open mind, Rraazz.'

Sometimes it can be done well.
72 Draenei Priest
Well I've never seen it...

Just saying, its possible, but very unlikely.
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