Welcome one and all to the best roleplay server in World of Warcraft.
Allow me to introduce myself, and then answer some questions that you might be asking yourself.
I'm Tufak, the unofficial greeter and alt-o-holic in the extreme. Should you ever need my aid while in game, for questions, or simply recommendations, then please feel free to whisper any of my many alts, listed below. There's a very high likelihood that I'll be online, though I might be AFK and slow to answer.
Horde - Tufak (85) /Daashi (85) /Liran (85) /Panetonne (85) /Tarlael (85) /Maevir (85) /Mahn (85) /Banticus (85) /Tariste (85) /Kechalo (65)
Alliance - Slyien (85)
Now for the questions.
I'll list some of the most common questions that we see here on these forums, as well as answers to them. Feel free to add additional questions to the end, and I'll be glad to answer them later.
1) What is the Horde/Alliance ratio like?
Here on Feathermoon, we tend to have more Alliance than Horde, though it seems closer due to the high number of Alliance with 'secret' Blood Elf alts. We have recently had a surge of alignment shifts from Alliance to Horde, which has evened things out more.
2) How is the PvP on Feathermoon?
Tol Barad's conflict has cooled as the Horde and Alliance prepare for the coming expansion. The Alliance tend to have greater numbers, but the Horde tends to maintain control of the zone. Late night and mid-afternoon tend to be the best times to search for a group to win Alliance side. In battlegrounds we fight just as fiercely, though we're often considered the 'low man' in our battlegroup. Goldshire is under constant Horde control, and the flight master in the Crossroads rarely lives longer than a few hours undisturbed, but the spate of black war bear runs has largely tapered off.
3) How does Feathermoon stand in terms of raiding?
We have some amazing raid progression both Horde and Alliance side that can be tracked via the Raid Progression Thread (stickied for your convenience). Our raids advertise often for new members, and most are willing to accept characters that are less than perfectly geared so long as the player proves to know their class and be willing to work hard. Raids here come at all times, so there should be something for everyone.
4) How is the Feathermoon economy?
Alliance side has a very brisk Auction House economy, where almost anything can be found if needed, and Horde, while slower moving in terms of money, still has a fairly steady run of things. Trade channel can be a scary place, and we ask that you be respectful and not feed the animals in there.
5) How is the roleplay here?
Ah, roleplay...the bread and butter of many of our players, the reason why several of us, myself included, are here. The best way to learn how our roleplay stands is to make a low level character, find a city, and roleplay in it. While many of us have grown shy about public roleplaying due to a period when lolRPers and catgirls ran rampant, we're almost all willing to slip into a little conversation with polite, well mannered characters. Even those that are less polite can be interesting. Please be careful of spelling and grammar, though, and remember to not use /s and /e for out of character commentary. If you must, use brackets to denote it.
Although Silvermoon was once the major city for RP, things seem to have shifted more toward Thunder Bluff and Orgrimmar of late.
6) How is the community?
The community is the best feature on Feathermoon. Many of us are friends and enemies that have known one another for some time. Even those that slaughter one another mercilessly (if not with active cruelty) on the field of battle are willing to talk civilly and kindly in whispers or the forums. We mourn together, play together, and in general are a large community of friends. We won't harass you, so long as you don't harass us, but if you do act out of bounds, expect to have such misconduct reported on the forums.
7.) What does the server need most?
This question has been cropping up a lot from people in regards to what characters they should transfer. Feathermoon, so far as I've noticed, seems to have a higher than average number of tanks and a lower than average number of healers. I know that in the raid I'm in we never have trouble finding a replacement tank, but we sometimes scramble for healers. I also have noticed that the Call to Arms tends to be for healers as much as, if not more than, it is for tanks. While I don't think that people should play just 'what is needed' and not the character they enjoy most, for those wanting to know what has the highest likelihood of landing them a raid spot, I would recommend a healer before a tank.
I hope that you've enjoyed this little look into our friendly realm, and once again, welcome to Feathermoon.
Welcome one and all to the best roleplay server in World of Warcraft.
Allow me to introduce myself, and then answer some questions that you might be asking yourself.
I'm Tufak, the unofficial greeter and alt-o-holic in the extreme. Should you ever need my aid while in game, for questions, or simply recommendations, then please feel free to whisper any of my many alts, listed below. There's a very high likelihood that I'll be online, though I might be AFK and slow to answer.
Horde - Tufak (85) /Daashi (85) /Liran (85) /Panetonne (85) /Tarlael (85) /Maevir (85) /Mahn (85) /Banticus (85) /Tariste (85) /Kechalo (65)
Alliance - Slyien (85)
Now for the questions.
I'll list some of the most common questions that we see here on these forums, as well as answers to them. Feel free to add additional questions to the end, and I'll be glad to answer them later.
1) What is the Horde/Alliance ratio like?
Here on Feathermoon, we tend to have more Alliance than Horde, though it seems closer due to the high number of Alliance with 'secret' Blood Elf alts. We have recently had a surge of alignment shifts from Alliance to Horde, which has evened things out more.
2) How is the PvP on Feathermoon?
Tol Barad's conflict has cooled as the Horde and Alliance prepare for the coming expansion. The Alliance tend to have greater numbers, but the Horde tends to maintain control of the zone. Late night and mid-afternoon tend to be the best times to search for a group to win Alliance side. In battlegrounds we fight just as fiercely, though we're often considered the 'low man' in our battlegroup. Goldshire is under constant Horde control, and the flight master in the Crossroads rarely lives longer than a few hours undisturbed, but the spate of black war bear runs has largely tapered off.
3) How does Feathermoon stand in terms of raiding?
We have some amazing raid progression both Horde and Alliance side that can be tracked via the Raid Progression Thread (stickied for your convenience). Our raids advertise often for new members, and most are willing to accept characters that are less than perfectly geared so long as the player proves to know their class and be willing to work hard. Raids here come at all times, so there should be something for everyone.
4) How is the Feathermoon economy?
Alliance side has a very brisk Auction House economy, where almost anything can be found if needed, and Horde, while slower moving in terms of money, still has a fairly steady run of things. Trade channel can be a scary place, and we ask that you be respectful and not feed the animals in there.
5) How is the roleplay here?
Ah, roleplay...the bread and butter of many of our players, the reason why several of us, myself included, are here. The best way to learn how our roleplay stands is to make a low level character, find a city, and roleplay in it. While many of us have grown shy about public roleplaying due to a period when lolRPers and catgirls ran rampant, we're almost all willing to slip into a little conversation with polite, well mannered characters. Even those that are less polite can be interesting. Please be careful of spelling and grammar, though, and remember to not use /s and /e for out of character commentary. If you must, use brackets to denote it.
Although Silvermoon was once the major city for RP, things seem to have shifted more toward Thunder Bluff and Orgrimmar of late.
6) How is the community?
The community is the best feature on Feathermoon. Many of us are friends and enemies that have known one another for some time. Even those that slaughter one another mercilessly (if not with active cruelty) on the field of battle are willing to talk civilly and kindly in whispers or the forums. We mourn together, play together, and in general are a large community of friends. We won't harass you, so long as you don't harass us, but if you do act out of bounds, expect to have such misconduct reported on the forums.
7.) What does the server need most?
This question has been cropping up a lot from people in regards to what characters they should transfer. Feathermoon, so far as I've noticed, seems to have a higher than average number of tanks and a lower than average number of healers. I know that in the raid I'm in we never have trouble finding a replacement tank, but we sometimes scramble for healers. I also have noticed that the Call to Arms tends to be for healers as much as, if not more than, it is for tanks. While I don't think that people should play just 'what is needed' and not the character they enjoy most, for those wanting to know what has the highest likelihood of landing them a raid spot, I would recommend a healer before a tank.
I hope that you've enjoyed this little look into our friendly realm, and once again, welcome to Feathermoon.
Edited by Tufak on 6/12/2012 6:25 AM PDT