Welcome To Feathermoon (Updated 6/12/12)


87 Tauren Hunter

Welcome one and all to the best roleplay server in World of Warcraft.

Allow me to introduce myself, and then answer some questions that you might be asking yourself.

I'm Tufak, the unofficial greeter and alt-o-holic in the extreme. Should you ever need my aid while in game, for questions, or simply recommendations, then please feel free to whisper any of my many alts, listed below. There's a very high likelihood that I'll be online, though I might be AFK and slow to answer.

Horde - Tufak (85) /Daashi (85) /Liran (85) /Panetonne (85) /Tarlael (85) /Maevir (85) /Mahn (85) /Banticus (85) /Tariste (85) /Kechalo (65)

Alliance - Slyien (85)

Now for the questions.

I'll list some of the most common questions that we see here on these forums, as well as answers to them. Feel free to add additional questions to the end, and I'll be glad to answer them later.

1) What is the Horde/Alliance ratio like?

Here on Feathermoon, we tend to have more Alliance than Horde, though it seems closer due to the high number of Alliance with 'secret' Blood Elf alts. We have recently had a surge of alignment shifts from Alliance to Horde, which has evened things out more.

2) How is the PvP on Feathermoon?

Tol Barad's conflict has cooled as the Horde and Alliance prepare for the coming expansion. The Alliance tend to have greater numbers, but the Horde tends to maintain control of the zone. Late night and mid-afternoon tend to be the best times to search for a group to win Alliance side. In battlegrounds we fight just as fiercely, though we're often considered the 'low man' in our battlegroup. Goldshire is under constant Horde control, and the flight master in the Crossroads rarely lives longer than a few hours undisturbed, but the spate of black war bear runs has largely tapered off.

3) How does Feathermoon stand in terms of raiding?

We have some amazing raid progression both Horde and Alliance side that can be tracked via the Raid Progression Thread (stickied for your convenience). Our raids advertise often for new members, and most are willing to accept characters that are less than perfectly geared so long as the player proves to know their class and be willing to work hard. Raids here come at all times, so there should be something for everyone.

4) How is the Feathermoon economy?

Alliance side has a very brisk Auction House economy, where almost anything can be found if needed, and Horde, while slower moving in terms of money, still has a fairly steady run of things. Trade channel can be a scary place, and we ask that you be respectful and not feed the animals in there.

5) How is the roleplay here?

Ah, roleplay...the bread and butter of many of our players, the reason why several of us, myself included, are here. The best way to learn how our roleplay stands is to make a low level character, find a city, and roleplay in it. While many of us have grown shy about public roleplaying due to a period when lolRPers and catgirls ran rampant, we're almost all willing to slip into a little conversation with polite, well mannered characters. Even those that are less polite can be interesting. Please be careful of spelling and grammar, though, and remember to not use /s and /e for out of character commentary. If you must, use brackets to denote it.

Although Silvermoon was once the major city for RP, things seem to have shifted more toward Thunder Bluff and Orgrimmar of late.

6) How is the community?

The community is the best feature on Feathermoon. Many of us are friends and enemies that have known one another for some time. Even those that slaughter one another mercilessly (if not with active cruelty) on the field of battle are willing to talk civilly and kindly in whispers or the forums. We mourn together, play together, and in general are a large community of friends. We won't harass you, so long as you don't harass us, but if you do act out of bounds, expect to have such misconduct reported on the forums.

7.) What does the server need most?

This question has been cropping up a lot from people in regards to what characters they should transfer. Feathermoon, so far as I've noticed, seems to have a higher than average number of tanks and a lower than average number of healers. I know that in the raid I'm in we never have trouble finding a replacement tank, but we sometimes scramble for healers. I also have noticed that the Call to Arms tends to be for healers as much as, if not more than, it is for tanks. While I don't think that people should play just 'what is needed' and not the character they enjoy most, for those wanting to know what has the highest likelihood of landing them a raid spot, I would recommend a healer before a tank.

I hope that you've enjoyed this little look into our friendly realm, and once again, welcome to Feathermoon.

Edited by Tufak on 6/12/2012 6:25 AM PDT
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87 Tauren Hunter

Just a few tips from an old time roleplayer when it comes to initiating roleplay:

The Approach -

Sorry to say this, but walking up, plopping yourself down in the middle of a group of roleplayers and watching silently isn't going to cut it. You won't be instantly welcomed, won't be immediately greeted and you might even be considered a troll.

Some suggestions...

Look for an interesting pet, mini-pet or mount. Have your character comment on them, pet them, etc. However, don't simply do a /pet emote while targeting the pet. Perhaps have the character walk up and say 'Oh, what a beautiful wolf! May I pet it?'.

Perhaps your character enjoys fine clothing? If another character is wearing something interesting, have yours comment on it. If, on the other hand, they're wearing something that your character wouldn't like, that can be commented on as well. Liran has more than once glanced at a woman in low cut clothing and made some off-hand comment about it under his breath. Even insults can start RP.

You can also have your character ask for directions, seek out recommendations for a good place for a drink, etc. They're all good conversation starters in real life that work in RP as well.

The Appearance -

It's a shame that I have to bring this up at all, but appearances do matter. A female character wearing the full black mageweave set is not going to be taken seriously until she proves that she isn't trolling for cyber. Likewise, a greeting of 'sup?' is going to cause people to assume that you're a troll.

Some suggestions...

Pay attention to what your character is wearing and remember that if they're in a public place, they should wear things that are suitable for public. While Blizzard has many, many options for revealing clothing, both on men and women, if your character is a shy, bookish mage, then they likely wouldn't be wearing them. If your orc is a battle-hardened veteran, then maybe armour is a better choice for him to wear than a lovely black dress.

Punctuation, spelling, grammar and capitalization do matter. While you won't be roasted for a typo here and there, showing that you're putting effort into your character's speech and actions will go a long way.

Brackets are useful when you speak OOCly. A quick ((Do you mind if I join your RP?)) will honestly do wonders for you. Even if all that you request is to be allowed to watch for a bit, it's appreciated.

The Follow-up -

It isn't always required that you follow up on roleplay, but some of us like to do so and appreciate when others do as well. If you enjoyed roleplaying with another person, then why not send them a whisper asking where they tend to spend their idle time while roleplaying or suggesting another get together later? You can even ask about possible plot lines that they're involved in and if there is a way that you can be involved as well.

I hope that these tips are helpful to someone and that it helps new roleplayers break into the somewhat cliquish environment on Feathermoon. For more ideas and suggestions, feel free to contact me in game at any time that I'm on. My characters can be found in my signature.

Good hunting!

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87 Tauren Hunter

Here on Feathermoon we welcome traveling strangers, but there are some things that you should know:

1. We will respect your lack of RP so long as you respect our desire to RP.

Please remember that on RP servers the use of /s and /e are meant for In Character (IC) interaction, and to not use them to discuss the 'phat lewtz' that you picked up recently.

Please realize that if you see people speaking or emoting, while it is fine to sit and watch (especially if you're wanting to learn to RP) it is not fine to start bouncing on top of one or the other person or to spout random gibberish. Also, it's polite to whisper one or the other player and ask 'do you mind if I watch out of characterly?'.

If you see players walking along, we request that you don't run after them and hound them with questions of 'lol, guyz, wer u go?'. I've had many a dramatic sulk ruined by this sort of behavior.

2. Feathermoon is home for many of us.

It is the server that we have been on for years, and will be on for years to come. If you decide not to stay, then please, move on and let it be. Don't bring drama that is unnecessary. We have plenty without you.

Some rules and standards have been in place for ages. It's best not to question whether or not Gildas's beard is truly magnificent (it is), if Goldshire actually does belong to Draxul (it does), or whether or not Alanth is a mule (he is). These are immutable facts of Feathermoon.

3. Blatantly non-RP names will earn stares, if not mild derision.

They happen to be against the ToS for the server, and will likely be reported and eventually force-changed by a GM.

With those basic facts in place, I hope that you enjoy your stay on Feathermoon and enjoy the many exciting opportunities here.

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87 Tauren Hunter

Helpful information added by Sadaye -

So I've hopped around a couple of different RP servers on both factions and on a variety of characters, and I have to say that as far as hunting down RP goes, a few things tend to hold true across all servers.

1) The accusation of cliqueishness pops up everywhere. Though to be fair, the veracity of these claims is rather variable, every RP server is accused of having this problem. Yes, even Moon Guard has been, on occasion, accused of cliqueishness. Which brings me to:

2) Random RP exists on every RP server that I've tried. To the extent that if I want to RP with people that I don't know, I can really very easily find people who are RPing. Any hour, any day. All I do is engage people. If they're nonresponsive or respond negatively, then I move on. But you can even pull people who don't really consider themselves serious roleplayers into the RP community by doing this. Now, here's where the bigger problem comes in.

3) Whether it's people I actually want to RP with is another question entirely. Any hour, any day. At any hour of any day in Goldshire on Moon Guard I can find...oh, probably at least five things that are horrible in more ways than one. But hey, at least it's RP! And I'm not going to tell other people that they can't have their fun that way, I'm just going to choose not to RP with them.

Now, many times in the past when I have had this discussion - and I certainly don't mean to accuse anyone here of this - but many times when people complain about the dearth of RP they tend to neglect point number three. There's RP around, it's just not the RP you're looking for. Maybe it's too furry, too pointy-teefed, too sexy, or too crazy for you. Whatever the issue is, it's not for you. But just because the RP you're looking for isn't occuring doesn't mean we're experiencing a lack of RP. And there is never anything stopping you from creating the situation you want for yourself.

This could be either a good thing or a bad thing. Make of it what you will.

Edited by Tufak on 11/18/2010 6:52 PM PST
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87 Tauren Hunter

Please remember to remove all bumps that were made to add this to the Sticky List.

Edited by Tufak on 11/22/2010 5:38 AM PST
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90 Night Elf Hunter


Welcome one and all to the best roleplay server in World of Warcraft.

(( Hehehe, Bump for Sticky and 100% agreement there. ))

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*Stretches cat-like and yawns* Tuffy........did we move? Why didn't you wake me up? Hey.....where did Voodoo wander off too.......
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100 Human Priest
/bumped! lol

((As for New People, Welcome to Feathermoon! Pull up a Chair and have a Pint!))
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85 Night Elf Druid
((Bump for sticky!))
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85 Orc Hunter
Likewise, a greeting of 'sup?' is going to cause people to assume that you're a troll.

((Unless, of course, you're a goblin (once they're available), since many of the goblin NPCs use variations of "wassup?" as their greeting.))
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87 Tauren Hunter
Likewise, a greeting of 'sup?' is going to cause people to assume that you're a troll.

((Unless, of course, you're a goblin (once they're available), since many of the goblin NPCs use variations of "wassup?" as their greeting.))


Completely valid and acceptable.

Coming from an Orc, however, it's a bit off-putting.

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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
((DO you have welcomers for new rp player that do not know a lot about RP (I am from a pve server and I have never been on a RP server), I would be willing to learn with a new alt but diving in RP alone look really hard.)) brackets learned?
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100 Undead Mage
Trade channel can be a scary place, and we ask that you be respectful and not feed the animals in there.

((What dear Tufak means is that Trade is one of the best parts of our wonderful server -- at least this is the case Horde-side.

Wit abounds, and we have many fun and wacky adventures there!

Come, join us.

Join us.))
Edited by Vivimord on 11/22/2010 10:55 PM PST
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87 Tauren Hunter
((DO you have welcomers for new rp player that do not know a lot about RP (I am from a pve server and I have never been on a RP server), I would be willing to learn with a new alt but diving in RP alone look really hard.)) brackets learned?


That's actually the purpose of this thread, is to give people a place to find others who are willing to help them learn to RP or at least how to navigate the social climate of the server.

And don't listen to Vivi. He's a very, very bad man.

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85 Worgen Warrior
((On the Alliance side...it can get pretty scary with Trade. My goodness.))

/shakes head with disappointment.
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100 Undead Mage
And don't listen to Vivi. He's a very, very bad man.

((He says it with love in his heart.))
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87 Tauren Hunter
((He says it with love in his heart.))


It's true...but you're still a very bad man.

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100 Night Elf Druid

I don't get the time to RP as I'd like, but like Tufak, I'm an alt-o-holic. Ping me any time for help of any sort, and if I'm free I'll try. Alts to watch for:



Incidentally, looking for good RP/Questing/Dungeon/Raid guilds on most of these.

In general, Tufak is absolutely right through and through. Teach the newbies! Give them unsolicited gifts! (but don't feed the beggars...)

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100 Undead Mage
(( Anyone who's new to the server and can't find any of the other helpfuls online can feel free to whisper me, as well. Had someone do so today and it went rather well. :0) ))
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