<Elektrik Wine> Is a wonderful family oriented guild and most of the time when people have issues with them its because of VERY abrasive behavior and or language. They have been around for a long time and will be. Good luck to all:)
Welcome To Feathermoon (Updated 6/12/12)
LMAO, family oriented... no. They like to gloat about how much money they make, call people crack !@#$%s, call a nine month old baby a crack baby, call people poor, say they are on welfare, call people fat, call them uneducated, does that sounds like members of a family oriented guild to you?
Please don't use this thread to name and shame guilds/individuals.
I'm very sorry for any negative experiences that others have had but this thread is not the place to air such things.
Please don't use this thread to name and shame guilds/individuals.
I'm very sorry for any negative experiences that others have had but this thread is not the place to air such things.
Ask and you shall receive.
Ask and you shall receive.
Feel free to add Meran, Gesthle, or Blial. Being a strict Worgen player, this means I'm limited to Alliance, but I'm always in need of new friends, hopeful recruits for my new guild, and connections to help me out. Even though I've been playing for a year on Feathermoon I'm quite the pup, and I was raised on PvP and questing so I still need instruction on instances and raids. I'll be back on the server on Tuesday, two days from now, so maybe I'll hear from you/anyone who happens to be reading this thread?
RealID: merancape@gmail.com
RealID: merancape@gmail.com
Please report any Code of Conduct violations, including:
Threats of violence. We take these seriously and will alert the proper authorities.
Posts containing personal information about other players. This includes physical addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and inappropriate photos and/or videos.
Harassing or discriminatory language. This will not be tolerated.