Welcome To Feathermoon (Updated 6/12/12)


85 Human Paladin
Hello, hello!

I'm an ex-rp'er who hung up the trade after it seemed like my old server just kind of stopped. This thread made me hopeful! Although I haven't RP'd in a year and a half...

I took a break from it and started focusing on PVP. Alas it wasn't fun enough to keep my interest.

Maybe I'll send someone a whisper!

Thanks, hope to see you in-game
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87 Tauren Hunter

And here I spent all morning on Sly!

Ah well, hope to see you in game as well.

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47 Worgen Warlock

I'm back to wow after some months away... hope i'll find some great time RPing around.

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87 Tauren Hunter

Glad to have you back.

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87 Tauren Hunter

Scathblana, of Wyrmrest Accord, was kind enough to post this on multiple RP realm forums. I thought that I would memorialize it here, as a way to help those looking for ideas for clothing:

Tired of mismatching clown suits? Tired of looking like every other raider with the same tiered-out-look? Need something different to spice up your RP life? Interested in some of the new low-mid level Cataclysm armors and wondering where to get them?

If so, then I am glad to announce a new project of mine...

Down With Clown Suits!: http://fashiondwarf.blogspot.com/

A blog showcasing a variety of RP outfits that I have been putting together over the last couple of months.. I plan on keeping this updated with a wide range of ideas and sets over time, some themed, some not, and the occasional digression into topics such as; "Shoes For Every Occasion", "Why Does my Helmet Look Ridiculous and I'm Not Even a Worgen?" and many many more.

If you wish to contribute to the discussion in regards to this, please visit the inagural thread over at the Wyrmrest Accord Forums http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2369744725

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87 Tauren Hunter


Make it oatmeal raisin!

Also, I'll likely be dropping by your blog every now and again with suggestions for more casual RP outfits (check Maevir or Tariste on the Armory for what I mean).

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85 Human Hunter

If you want to role play, hit me up ingame whenever ;)

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87 Tauren Hunter

Try wearing some of my armour sometime...have to shave off horns to fit a helmet properly.
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16 Dwarf Paladin

I'm seriously considering leveling an alt from 1 to 85 here because of this thread. I've been frustrated with WoW for a while and took a one month hiatus. But alas, I couldn't resist the calling and when Blizzard offered me 7 free days I was sucked back into the vortex. But the problem is same I've always had: I'm yearning for a community. I started researching RP servers with hopes they would be a little kinder than your average run of the mill server. I realize every place has it's fair share of trolls, so I'm obviously not going to be escaping it entirely. Is this the place to post and get to know people, or do you have a sort of "unofficial" forums?

I'll be hitting up several of you that offered with some general RP help. I'm extremely familiar with the mechanics of the game, but I've never gotten into some serious RP. Just the casual hi and bye type of stuff.

I realize my small intro is becoming a wall of text and now I'm worried I should have started my own thread instead.

Hi. I'm new here. Maybe we should have a drink sometime.

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87 Tauren Hunter
Personally, I'm an engineer and miner. I learned my trade well from the goblins, but a helpful gnome in Booty Bay aided me to refine it. It doesn't make much gold, but some parts of it are handy.


And welcome to the server, for those that are recent and just reading!

In true answer as to which professions make the best gold...I keep hearing good things about jewelcrafting and inscription, though if you know the new patterns, blacksmithing can be very lucrative.

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85 Undead Priest

Someone ought to update this with regular times and locations for RPers, like the Grol'dom farm and such

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87 Tauren Hunter

If I knew more of the times and locations, I would do so, Mutterscrawl.

I know that Noxilite has their fire. I know that TCS has To the Streets (which changes location weekly). Other than that I end to find RP just by RPing wherever I am.

Yesterday I got a brief bit of RP on the zeppelin to Undercity. I've found RP while questing. I've found RP by walking around cities. I've been told that I lead a charmed life when it comes to finding RP and I might actually.

That said, if somebody wants to add times and locations for regular events, please feel free to do so.

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69 Human Hunter
((I'd like to thank you for your thread. I had just made one of my own, asking all the questions you have answered here. I was half asleep, and did not see the sticky. /sheepishgrin.

After reading through the original posts, and some of the thread, I can see that Feathermoon more than just seems like a place I want to be.

This is the primary character I'm going to be moving here with. If you happen across my post "One RPer to Another", you will see one of the reasons why I'm heading this way.

I look forward to meeting you all, or those I am honored to, in the near future.

Again thank you for such an informative and helpful thread.))
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72 Human Hunter
((I couldn't up-date the above post. But wanted to let you know, that because of this thread, and the people in it, I did go for the transfer. Had to name change.

I'm here now and looking forward to meeting some, if not all of you.

I wish more people took the time to make these types of posts, and to welcome the new members of their Servers. ))
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87 Tauren Hunter

Man. It's been quite a while since I updated this. Mostly because the information doesn't really seem to have changed from what I've seen.

Do people still battle over Tol Barad? It seems to stay in Horde hands most of the time...unless I'm in the fight for it, in which case we always lose...I need to stop because obviously I'm cursed.

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69 Night Elf Druid
(( Just finished reading all the goodies here & wanted to say thanks as well. I used to rp quite a lot but thanks to some rather unfortunate events I don't anymore. But, hey, if any of you see my pixelated form blurring across the landscape somewhere feel free to attempt contact IC or even OOC via whispers.

Who knows? Candrima might even warm up to your character. ... Maybe. No promises. lol

I added her profile to the 'Flesh out your Character' thread so that fellow rpers could figure out if my recluse interests them or not. If so, great! If not, I'm okay with that.

So, again, great thread & I'm happy to know that there's still rp out there. ))
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85 Human Priest
11/18/2010 06:48 PMPosted by Tufak
The community is the best feature on Feathermoon. Many of us are friends and enemies that have known one another for some time. Even those that slaughter one another mercilessly (if not with active cruelty) on the field of battle are willing to talk civilly and kindly in whispers or the forums. We mourn together, play together, and in general are a large community of friends. We won't harass you, so long as you don't harass us, but if you do act out of bounds, expect to have such misconduct reported on the forums.
Hi, guys. I would just like to make a comment about this, specifically the "out of bounds" part. I have had the misfortune of being grouped with several members from the guild <Elektrik Wine> (Alliance) who were extremely abrasive towards their own teammates and generally harassed individuals throughout the entire experience. I thought about talking to a GM or high ranking member of the guild about it, just to find that one of the people happened to be a high ranking member. Just giving a fair warning here, you might want to stay away from them.
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