Suni's Guide to RPing a Worgen

94 Night Elf Druid
Hallo! I find with the new expansion that many, many people are going to roll Worgen. They're not your stereotypical werewolf, and are a part of World of Warcraft. So to spare you from going to Wowwiki or Wowpedia and finding a more limited amount of facts there then here, I'm plotting a RP guide!

A few things, first:

~ There will be things in italics. These generally mean that the fact stated is pure rumor, but can be backed by many clues. It also means it hasn't outright been confirmed by Blizzard, but could easily fit into the lore of the race. Anything that's -not completely true-, but is either assumed or backed will be in italics! These are not meant to be taken as literal lore spots, so please keep that in mind. ^.^

~ This thread will constantly be edited with new information abounding from either Worgen NPC's in the game, the comic, or various other sources. I may link to other sources as well with good Worgen information.

Table of Contents

~ Race Name
~ Race Leaders
~ Race Capital
~ Languages
~ Lifespan
~ Eating Habits
~ Personality
~ Appearance
~ Origination/Lore
~ Names
~ Important Worgen
~ Culture/Worship/Tradition
~ Class Overview
~ Geography of Gilneas
~ How to Distinguish a Worgen
~ Lore Path Options
~ Example
~ Misc
~ Grizzly Hills Worgen Section

Other Great Links:
Edited by Ysundre on 10/21/2011 10:12 AM PDT
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94 Night Elf Druid
Race Name: Worgen (Primarily Gilneans)

Racial Leaders: Known as the Royal House of Gilneas which is ruled by King Genn Greymane.

Secondary Leaders involve:Queen Mia Greymane
Prince Liam Greymane (Former heir to the throne)
Princess Tess Greymane (Heir to the throne)

Other Nobles And Such:
Mayor Gwen Armstead (Former Mayor of Duskhaven)
Lord Ashbury ll (Eastern Lord)
Lord Ashbury l
Lord Waldon (Eastern Lord)
Lord Hewell
Lord Godfrey

Race Capital: Darnassus (Formerly Gilneas City)

Secondary Race Capital: Stormwind City

Languages: Common

Lifespan: Gilnean/Worgen

Adulthood: 15
Middle Age: 35
Old Age: 53
Venerable: 80
Maximum Lifespan: 85-130

(Fun Fact: Genn Greymane has ruled for decades. He's around seventy, possibly older!)

>Keep in mind the Greymane wall was put up around 20 years ago<

Eating Habits: Omnivores. With the new worgen curse, it's assumed that meat may be prefered when it comes to food because of the original carnivorous Worgen. Also note that worgen have fangs, which contributes to their carnivore nature.

Personality: When it comes to being a Gilnean, you're always a Gilnean of Gilneas first, and a Worgen second. [This is assuming you're a Gilnean!!!] Considering Gilneans have been human longer then they have worgen, it's only natural!

Because Gilneans have been locked up for twenty years, very few of them have ever been exposed to outside cultures. They've only ever known Gilneas, and because of this, will feel that Gilneas is the best. Everything about Gilneas is amazing, and it's the best kingdom they've ever known. Aside from humilitation from their new deterioration of Gilneas, let's step back.

Genn was always known as an arrogant king. That's why he closed off Gilneas, because the Gilneans were better then the Alliance and didn't need the Alliance as much as the Alliance needed them. Because so many Gilneans agree, they have a sense of pride and selfishness for their kingdom. They may be stubborn when it comes to their opinions as well, but won't like the other races looking down upon them.

Key points of personality? Cynical, arrogant, prideful, nationalism. They're also willing to stick up for independence.

The worgens may have control over their mind and soul, but there is the occasional rage, caused by someone else (most likely). In most cases, the Gilnean will morph into worgen form because of their anger. So do remember, bad things could happen!

Also: Worgen seem to prefer natural habitats, most likely why they stayed with the Night Elves in Darnassus.

Although the Gilneans were originally human, with the new addition of the worgen form bound on them, their worgen form is known as their true form. Although not every Gilnean comes to terms with their worgen, or in this case, "true form", it suggests most Gilneans do.
Edited by Ysundre on 7/30/2011 11:43 PM PDT
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94 Night Elf Druid

Gilnean: The Gilneans look like any normal human with hair colors ranging from a dusky blonde to a dark black. Their skin colors are generally paler then that of a Stormwind humans, although they can get to a remarkably dark tan brown, just not black in human form.


Female: Their hair color remains a black. I'm not sure if this is to change. Always with a toothy smile, the female worgen have varied skin colors from sort of a brown to shades of gray. There's also a reddish hue. Their fur can have different patterns, especially around their face with spotted dots of white, gray or brown. In general, females range from 4'7" to 6'1."

Male: The male worgen are generally more muscled but stand with a hunch, similar to races of the Horde. Their skin colors range similarly to the females with browns, grays, and blacks. They stand at around 5' to 6'6".

Origination: Elune looked down upon Goldrinn with dislike because of his feral nature. He hunted through the forest, a gleaming white beauty that would make any worgen proud. He was Lo'gosh, even honored by the orcs, but it was him who was also honored by the Night Elves.

Early in the history of Azeroth, around the time of the War of the Ancients, Night Elves gathered. A few among them were known as Ralaar, and a Priestess of the Moon named Belysra. Since druids had come to light, the males were following Malfurion and began to practice it. In search of new forms against their foes, the Burning Legion, they found the fury and pride of Goldrinn.

This stirred a new form, called the Worgen. It was very much like Goldrinn, including by the claws and feral nature that was let loose. But Goldrinn, and his feral nature was too primal and too strong for the Night Elves to control. In fear, Belysra and Relaar created the Scythe of Elune, a wooden polearm to control the feral nature and keep it in check. Unfortunately, the Scythe could not do that.

Eventually, the Night Elven worgen, also known as the Druids of the Pack, were lost to their feral minds. Banished to the Emerald Dream by Malfurion so they could be prevented from harming both allies and enemies, they slept eternally beneath Dral'nir, a tree very much like Tal'doren, but the first one.

At some point, Ralaar, the alpha of the Druids of the Pack ventured with Belysra to the Eastern Kingdoms, most likely venturing into Gilneas before the end or possibly the start of the Second War. The Scythe did not go with them.

Before the arrival of the Scourge in Dalaran, there was a mage in named Ur who lived there. He studied research for soldiers, partially to protect Dalaran and the Alliance from any attacks as he knew from the previous attacks from the Legion, they were gaining attention. Successfully finding begins, he named them Worgen. He wrote a book on the worgen and his studies, eventually dying when the Scourge destroyed Dalaran.

Ur's book eventually made it to the hands of Archmage Arugal, but there was also another person who was vital in the coming of the Worgen.

Velinde Starsong was a Kaldorei Sentinel fighting against the Burning Legion forces in Felwood and Ashenvale. The demons, as much as they were cleared out, would not relent. In desperate need, Velinde prayed to Elune for a weapon to use against the demons. She was granted with the Scythe of Elune, an old wooden polearm. As soon as she beheld it, she had a vision of the wolf-men fighting the Lords of the Emerald Flame who were actually the Satyrs in the War of the Satyr shortly after the War of the Ancients ten thousand years ago in Ashenvale.

Velinde used this weapon to her advantage, summoning these wolf-men from the Emerald Dream where they had previously slept for so long. Still cursed, the worgen fought for her for a short amount of time, but also like long ago, attacked their allies. More worgen appeared, whether by the curse spreading or by the summoning from the Emerald Dream. It was no longer a druid form, but a completely feral animal.

Backstory: Velinde Starsong ordered the worgen to stay at the Shrine of Mel'thandris while she went to Darkshore and Darnassus to search on the Worgen. She could find nothing except for whispers about Archmage Arugal, a Kirin Tor wizard who had also achieved skill in summoning such feral beasts. Velinde adventured to the Eastern Kingdoms from Ratchet and landed in Stranglethorn Vale. She took a cart up to Duskwood, which was then an expansion of Elwynn Forest and not so gloomy.

She successfully made it there, but it was mysteriously left in a cave and Velinde never heard from again. Since the Scythe was left in a mining cave, Jitters and other miners entered for more work. Finding it odd that such a weapon there; Jitters attempted to remove it.
Edited by Ysundre on 12/30/2010 2:09 PM PST
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94 Night Elf Druid
Somehow, worgen were summoned from the scythe and murdered everyone but Jitters who managed to escape. Because of the worgen arriving in Duskwood, a dark aspect came over the area. The worgen were free.

Dark Riders came from Deadwinds Pass, searching for the Scythe of Elune to use to summon worgen to kill their enemies. When the wife of Sven lied to them, confident she would not be killed, they murdered her. Jitters saw this all, writing it down in a journal that he had buried out of fear.

Meanwhile, the whispers that Velinde heard were true. Archmage Arugal, an original patriot of Gilneas fled to the village of Pyrewood after the destruction of Dalaran. Frustrated by his loss, he used Ur’s research to summon worgen who would fight with the wizards against the Burning Legion. These worgen did slaughter the scourge, but like many times before, they also bit into the forces of the wizards and killed them. Arugal was insane, not meaning to kill more of his own magi. He adopted the worgen as his pets, taking residence deep within Shadowfang Keep.

These worgen could spread the curse, which lead all over Silverpine, but also to Gilneas as well.

Somehow, the Scythe made it out of the mine in Duskwood past the worgen, and was carried to Grizzly Hills in Northrend. There, used hopefully as another weapon, the scourge used it to raise worgen and the one man who knew how to control them. Archmage Arugal was raised by the San’layn. The curse spreads here too, because the worgen are still feral. Very much like the situation in Gilneas, a wolf cult forms within the humans where they can transform between human and worgen.

Gilneas-Specific History: Genn had a father namd Archibald who brought Gilneas to its height. Archibald influenced Genn very much, including with his opinions about building up Gilneas without ever needing the Alliance.

Gilneas used to be a part of the Alliance before the Second War. Its king, Genn Greymane was arrogant, finding that the Alliance needed Gilneas more than Gilneas needed the Alliance. Because of this, thinking he could bring his brilliant kingdom so far on his own, he closed off all ties with the Alliance and became an independent faction. In order to keep everyone of the Alliance out, he built the Greymane Wall which couldn’t be scaled by any human means, but that did not prevent the worgen. It was most likely that the wall was also kept watch over by guards to make sure nobody got in, including the camp of wagons outside of the gate.

Somewhere within this time period, as the wall was being built, Arugal was being used to help fend off the worgen on the other side of the wall. Genn and other nobles would go into the Blackwald and hunt worgen at night, or, so to speak, to rid Gilneas of the pests. It was at this time that Genn was bitten by a worgen which lead to the explanation of his transformation.

Lord Darius Crowley, a noble of Gilneas, insisted against the building of the wall, still intent that they needed the Alliance. A few rebel armories were stored within Gilneas City to power the rebellion and aid Darius Crowley. He led the Northgate Rebellion against the King, but lost to Prince Liam and the Royal Guard as they guarded Gilneas against this threat. Darius Crowley was put to prison in Gilneas City, although the armories remained as no one of importance knew they were there. This rebellion happened sometime within the last twenty years.

It was around this time King Genn Greymane shut off the harbor and trade with other countries. He would go to any lengths to spare his country from outside contact. This action eventually lead to worgen pirates who would most likely join the Bloodsail Buccaneers.

Within the few weeks before the coming of the worgen to Gilneas, a wolf cult like the one in Grizzly Hills began to form. Not only that, but a murderer by the name of Starlight Slasher because he, or she, murdered at night. Detectives began to investigate the nuisance that was the cult. Worried about the Slasher, the citizens of Gilneas began boarding up their windows and buying reinforced doors.

Surprisingly, Ralaar and Belysra are in Gilneas. Ralaar deals with the Slasher, but the wolf cult still remains. It is revealed that the Starlight Slasher attacks are actually initiations for those of the wolf cult.

Eventually, more worgen from Silverpine make it into Gilneas and curse the citizens. Banshee Queen Sylvanas Windrunner, under the command of Garrosh Hellscream was sent to batter and control Gilneas and its resources. Sylvanas herself, in search of a success for the Horde, sent out to retrieve the Scythe of Elune which she could harbor to spread the Worgen curse in her favor.

Because of Ralaar who shares the interests of Sylvanas, the worgen of the Bloodfang Pack seem to grow and attack Gilneas City. He, also known as Alpha Prime, was seeking to spread the worgen curse.
Edited by Ysundre on 10/21/2011 10:04 AM PDT
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94 Night Elf Druid
From there, the playing experience takes over. Although Tal’doren was planted by a seed of the original tree that soothed the Druids of the Pack.

Currently, some Gilneans have formed the Gilneas Liberation Front to fight against the Undead and retake Gilneas.

Gilnean Flags and Other Signs: The rapier weapon seems to be a trademark of the Gilneans, even if Gwen Armstead can't seem to use one.
Prior to that, when they transform into worgen, they seem to use fist weapons to accommodate their new ability with their claws. Swords seem to also be common, but probably not a trademark weapon.

Throughout Gilnean buildings seen in-game, there is a rug of two different colored roses, white and red. I assume this is a sign of Gilneas, like the "Gileas Rose". It also plays a part in the character creation of the worgen, a red rose. I like to refer to Princess Tess as the "Rose of Gilneas."

Names: Because of Genn's family, it's assumed the last name is generally passed down through males.

Since the Gilneans are heavily based off of Victorian era, their names are somewhat British. They're also just like human names, with the exception of some feral last names. These feral last names are unintended, most likely coincidences. Your character mmost likely wouldn't have a feral last name.The example would be Genn's last name, Greymane.

Some names taken from NPC's of Gilneas:

Female: Melinda Hammond, Kelsa Wildheart, Celestine, Marie Allen, Donna Berrymore

Male: Darius Crowley, Blake, Cleese, Vitrus, Roger Ulric

Important Members:

Lord Godfrey: He is probably the closest noble and advisor of King Genn Greymane and goes with him everywhere. He stood as the commander of the Militia of Gilneas during the Second War. It's possible he continued with that position after the Wall was built. With a strong intent to keep his kingdom pure and defend it, he is strongly against any worgen regaining their sanity. When Genn transforms, he kidnaps him, but to no avail. Shortly afterwards he commits suicide and is raised as a forsaken.

Liam Greymane: Prince Liam Greymane is the son of the King. He avoids being bitten by any worgen, but in the end as he tries to protect his father’s life, he is killed by Sylvanas. He's buried in Aedric's Repose, and is known as deceased. Unlike other nobles of Gilneas, he has not been raised as forsaken.

Darius Crowley: Lord Darius Crowley is a noble of Gilneas, having formerly spearheaded the Northgate Rebellion against the King. He took part in the Council discussing the action of the Gilneans during the Second War. Genn admired his ability to rule with emotion, but this respect was obviously lost when he spearheaded the rebellion. Because of his actions, he was sentanced to prison in Gilneas City. He eventually gets bitten by worgen and meets the Night Elves at Tal'doren.

Krennan Aranas: Proclaimed one of the best alchemists of Azeroth by King Genn Greymane, Krennan Aranas is a close friend of Genn. He saved Tess's life shortly after she was born and cured, at least partially, the worgen curse of the Gilneans.

Lorna Crowley: A non-worgen, Lorna is the daughter of Darius Crowley. She plays a large part throughout Gilneas, taking part in the evacuation and aids the Gilneans in the fight against the Horde and the other worgen.

Culture/Worship/Tradition: The Gilneans may not heavily favor tradition like the humans do, but they do devote some of their life to the Holy light. In Gilneas City, the center is a cathedral for the Gilneans.

An interesting, possibly Gilnean unique tradition is to take a momento and bury it under a grave. If the momento was removed, the Gilnean ancestors would become angered and wake up until the momentos were put back.

It's also custom to bury a loved one with a momento at the same time.

With the introduction of the black wedding dress, it's possible Gilneans marry in black, not white.

You're supposed to bring gifts to weddings for the bride and groom.

Hallow's End:
Many years ago before the Second War and the removal of the Gilneans from the Alliance, the Gilneans used to celebrate Hallow's End with the Alliance. They used to burn the Wickerman and because of the coming winter, would burn away their fears and sorrows. This lead to the awakening of hopes.

Now, because of their reintroduction into the Alliance, the Gilneans celebrate Hallow's End in full, fun style once again. They sell masks and candy and wands and costumes galore! Their most famous attraction is the burning of the Wickerman every hour on the hour.

...Basically, Gilneans like this holiday like I do.

Class Overview:
Edited by Ysundre on 10/21/2011 10:06 AM PDT
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94 Night Elf Druid
Warrior: The Gilneans had many footman, Knights, and other hand to hand fighters or soldiers. With their sanity regained, Gilnean worgen with the skills of a worgen fight just like a man. Rapiers and swords seem to be favored by the Gilneans.

Priest: Since the humans had faith to the Holy Light, it's not impossible for the Worgen to have their debts to the holy light as well. Although prayer and worship of the light is not strong, it plays a part with a society of 'Sisters'.

Mage: Like the humans, the worgen were mages before their transformation. Since humans were taught magic by the High Elves before the Second War, it's most likely assumed that the Gilneans picked up on this too.

Druid: Taught by the Night Elves to the worgen, druidism is integral within both. It may also be, that with their shapeshifting abilities, shapeshifting into other forms may come as easily. It's also because the Druids of the Pack were night elves, but shapeshifted into worgen under the form of Goldrinn. Druidism could be considered another way of controlling the beast.

Druidism was mainly brought to Gilneas in the form of the 'Old ways', partially from the Night Elves, but also to bring harvest to the drought of Gilneas that was sometime in the past. Most druids were harvest watchers to safeguard the crops from disaster. This was not an official form of druidism, and was quite weak, but serviced until they were taught properly by the Night Elves.
Druids are also known as Harvest-Witches and take prominent part in the celebration of Hallow's End.

Death Knight: In this case, you are a worgen commanded by Archmage Arugal in Shadowfang Keep. You eventually escape with another Lord, but are then raised by the dead by Arthas. Although in the script when you kill the Lord who reminds you of who you are, he says you're originally from Gilneas. This doesn't necessarily add up with the fact that the Shadowfang Worgen were completely different, experimented on outside of the wall.

Warlock: Very like the mages. Taught magic before the wall was put up, and used it before they ever became worgen. It was just then adapted into their worgen form.

Rogue: Most likely adapted before the Gilneans were ever worgen. In a dark gloomy country with rebels, rogues are the assassins.

Hunter: In order for food supplies to make it through the winter, Gilneans needed hunters. What better to eat then fox? Also adapted from human society, and also used for hunting down worgen. It's also most likely that they wore the fur of foxes, and hunted for sport.

Geography of Gilneas: Gilneas was surrounded by a reef, but when the Cataclysm struck, it was seperated, allowing passage of ships into Gilneas. Since it's a very dark and gloomy place, Gilneas has troubles making through the winter. It's also composed of hills and mountains, which hold the terrible Ettin, a force not to be trifled with in Gilneas.

The Eastern Mountains seem impassable, giving Gilneas a defended feeling. Gilneas City lies in the middle of Gilneas, planted with canals and gates known as the Queens and Kings gates’.

How to Distinguish a Worgen: A few helpful hints for distinguishing Gilneans in roleplay as humans.

1 - The accent. Considering the time between the Cataclysm and now, who knows how much it could have faded.

2 - The clothing. Gilneans are still arrogant and favor their high status with 19th century victorian era clothing. Tophats and tailored suits along with dresses. Please keep in mind that the worgen would not fit into human society so easily. They would prefer to keep their comforting clothing for a time.

3 - The personality. Gilneans think highly of Gilneas, but are also humiliated because of their recent issues in Gilneas and the loss of the war against the Worgen. They'll be arrogant and stand up for their opinions. Anyone who stands straight, tall, and aloof could be labeled a Gilnean, but not always.

Gilnean Roleplay Lore Path Options:

1. The Gilnean who's not actually a Worgen.

If you'll notice, Lorna Crowley isn't a worgen. This is where my point comes in, where you just roleplay a human (or a worgen in human form) that's a Gilnean who avoided becoming infected. This could be cause for interesting roleplay, such as a distrust of the worgen and perhaps, like Godfrey, wanting to kill them. They may rebel, but would stay in the shadows with dislike for the worgen of their race. Still a noble character of arrogance, the non-worgen Gilnean is an option if you don't want to roleplay a worgen, but feel this lore path is interesting!

Some characters who aren't worgen may not necessarily be bent on the destruction of their race, either. Sympathy may be felt, or even a close friend of a worgen who avoid being bitten.
Edited by Ysundre on 8/13/2012 4:03 AM PDT
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85 Worgen Druid
Thank you for the information so far.
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86 Human Warrior
I was planning to make my worgen as dark-skinned as possible. Would this still be viable?
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94 Night Elf Druid
2. The tormented character.

The worgen who didn't want to be a worgen, or felt they shouldn't have survived. This often comes from guilt about either the falling of Gilneas, the killing of a loved one, or transgressions even they caused like killing their friends. Everything about them speaks out against becoming a worgen. They would prefer staying in human form, both afraid of other worgen and themselves. They also might avoid other Gilneans for fear of either being recognized or remembering how hard it was.

A few reasons for hating their counterpart form comes from the fact that they're becoming what destroyed their lives and their city. Some may not like the beastiality, or feel there's no asset to becoming something terrible that everyone fears. As a worgen, friends may be lacking, and if you truly hate yourself, you cannot find solace within other worgen as well.

3. Composed and Accepting

Although your character could be taken over by a brief feral instinct, this worgen is the one who has come to accept what has happened and is using it. This worgen is the one who has accepted with heavy weight the worgen curse on their people. They socialize lightly, still not used to other human societies. Still, the barriers between them and others will be swiftly broken down. This is the composed character, although still upset about Gilneas, has come to terms with their fate. They find assets in having this new feral side, whether it helps them with their job or if they can actually defend themselves now.

^^ There are plenty more then just these three, but these are the most obvious and most likely the easiest to follow. This doesn't mean you have to use any of them! ^^ (As refering to personalities)

Professions In Lore: Your worgen can have had a few professions before the collapse of Gilneas that may leak later into their life.

Crafting Rockingchairs: In fact, a wood maker of any kind would be of influence to Gilneans. Rocking chairs, ironically, are nice seating furniture that the Gilneans prefer. Most Gilnean houses were made out of wood, so the option of a lumber or wood worker could be an option.

Statue Creator: Perhaps you're the royal statue carver of the Gilneas Royal House, as every noble needs either a painting or a marble sculpture of them. In fact, there are two marble face sculptures of Queen Mia and King Genn in the Greymane Manor.

Antique Merchant: Collect a few antiques to sell, because the people of Gilneas like antiques. Whether for wedding gifts or not, there will always be an antique shop.

Cigar Shop: Cigars are also an unhealthy habit of the citizens of Gilneas. There are a few cigar shops. Might it also be noted a Gilneans teeth would be stained if they were a smoker.

Alchemist: Although Krennan was the royal alchemist, he could not service everybody. There were probably town alchemists in some of the smaller regions outside of Gilneas City. This is a perfect opportunity to have the profession and proclaim you had an apothecary earlier in the day.

Painter: Gilneans also respect fine paintings as it fits the noble lifestyle. Perhaps it's a portrait of them or a whole family, but painting for nobles could go a long way as it seems very expensive. There are tons of paintings around Gilneas, they only need a painter.

Royal Guard of Gilneas: A warrior serviced to the King to aid him and other nobles. They fought against any threats, such as the rebels in the Northgate Rebellion and the worgen.


Katerana Halley was a simple Gilnean girl, born just after the Greymane Wall was put up. There was never any question in her life about life outside Gilneas, or about Gilneas itself. She was in full support of everything Gilnean, convinced to the peak that it was the best country there could be. When the Northgate Rebellion came, she was terrified, and sided with the King against the rebels. Darius Crowley was put in jail as the leader of the rebels, and Katerana turned back to her life of freedom.

It was simple. She began to tailor and do apple picking for the citizens of Gilneas. They all loved her as she sprung from orchard to orchard, taking the apples back to Gilneas City. Eventually, she was allowed to begin studying arcane arts, which fascinated and challenged her.

When the worgen came, her family was slaughtered. She was bitten, but the worgen that had attacked her was shortly killed afterward by a hunter. Defenseless, she began to get sick and woozy, terribly confused. Brought to the cathedral to be healed, the worgen soon attacked. She was turned into a worgen, as well. The lovely, innocent Gilnean was gone, replaced with someone who had seen practically a lifetime of despair. She still tailored, perhaps with more intricacy and more emotion, and still practiced the Arcane.
Edited by Ysundre on 10/21/2011 10:08 AM PDT
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80 Draenei Priest
not meaning to spoil the comic but there was one scene where it shows how the curse is being transfered.
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94 Night Elf Druid
ExampleTwo: Kaidrea Applemore was the heir to one of the well known orchards outside of Gilneas City. She cared for her apples like no other, and when she was younger, frolicked with the foxes and horses in the woods. She was born a little bit before the Greymane Wall was put up and lived a life of pride for her orchard, and Gilneas. She was often invited to many weddings and brought with her the famous Applemore apples as gifts for the groom and bride.

The apple business was kind to her, but not enough, so Kaidrea began to pick up the art of selling antiques. Sometimes it was a necklace passed down through her family, or something she found out in the woods of Gilneas.

Then the worgen came. Kaidrea was hopelessly terrified, bringing only her favored locket with her and abandoning her orchard. She fled to Gilneas City, but in one of the streets, she was attacked by a worgen. She got bitten on the shoulder, but a fellow hunter quickly shot down the worgen. Kaidrea stuck with him the rest of the time, heavy with fever. He eventually carried her to the Cathedral in the middle of Gilneas City when the Gilneans were planning an attack back on them.

Kaidrea turned into a worgen and killed the hunter until sedated. She eventually woke up, was fed the alchemist's serum, and regained most of her control. She found herself with a less restricted temper then before which could lash out at even a simple argument over if it was her best apple or not. She never went back to her orchard for fear of remembering her past. In fact, she often stayed in worgen form to forget her human life, until the Scythe appeared.

She had mostly full control over her mind and spirit when she drank from the wells. Out of exhaustion, she changed back into her human form, and then collapsed. With the others, she fled Gilneas and into Stormwind. she did not want to confront any others of her kind in Darnassus. With a new preference towards her human form to fit in, Kaidrea started to study more languages. She eventually began to take up the very slow studies of arcane magics.

Medicinal Facts: In the Southern Barrens, a Worgen tells you that he has prepared a traditional Gilnean Poultice that smells so much it practically wakes up the dead. It's used for medicinal purposes to heal severely injured citizens.

Another serum was proposed in Duskwood for giving sanity to worgen, namely bear brain and widow poison.

The Last Note To You!
Thank you for reading my guide to roleplaying a Worgen. I understand most of this is towards roleplaying a Gilnean Worgen, and not all of you roleplay those. If you'll notice, the Grizzly Hills worgen are a ways down if you choose to roleplay one of those!

Be aware plenty more updates come on this guide as the days go on, such as Hallow's End, which is umphed by all this Gilnean spirit.

You may be a Worgen, but you are also Gilnean. You are refined and noble, but also feral and ferocious.
Edited by Ysundre on 10/21/2011 10:09 AM PDT
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80 Draenei Priest
yes you can read it online, you just have to purchase it digitaly for 2.99.

Have to signup at comixology first.

Then go to DC comics here

find the book, put it in the cart checkout etc. etc.

and then go to your home and theres a tab of what comics you purchased. Click that and you should be reading the comic digitally on your own browser.
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94 Night Elf Druid
~ Welcome to the Grizzly Hills Worgen part of the Worgen Guide! ~
Sidenote: I understand there are many more types of worgen out there to roleplay, but for now I will be going over the worgen of Grizzly Hills if you wish to roleplay out these ones. =D

Now there isn't much information to the Grizzly Hills worgen, just some things I will brush over:

'History': The pilgrim trappers of both Silverbrook and Solstice Village were just civillians basically come to Northrend with the rest of Azeroth at the time. They were traders and trappers, good folk. This was until the Lich King had plans to ressurect Arugal, one of the former summoners of the worgen.

Arugal began the Wolfcult, as explained in the journal of a murdered trapper, Mikhail. The villagers of both Silverbrook and Solstice village were reluctant at the time to follow the Wolfcult, but many sympathizers to its cause rose up and swayed them into its grasp. Solstice Village appears to be the first town that was infected by the Wolfcult.

The Scythe of Elune seems to have been transported to Grizzly Hills at the time of the Wolfcult.

Personality: Since the feral nature of worgen drives those who are "Cursed" with it insane, the worgen of Grizzly Hills definitely do not have the sanity that the Gilnean worgens do. (If you are interested in roleplaying a sane Grizzly Hills worgen, some serums were divised via quests, such as the ones seen in Duskwood.)

These worgen were devious in order to keep their cover, as they seemed not to want to tell anyone about it. If you do choose to roleplay one of the insane ones, you might want to turn others into a worgen as well.

Did I mention they also hate fire?

Misc Info for Roleplaying: Grizzly Hills worgen hate Wolfsbane. It seems to cause "allergies". It's unknown if the effects of Wolfsbane applies to other worgen.

When attacked, they do not immediately go into worgen form. (But they can change at will.)

These worgen, when not cured, can in fact turn someone into a worgen by biting them.

And for irony: Kill 'em with truesilver bullets.
Edited by Ysundre on 8/19/2011 6:54 PM PDT
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80 Draenei Priest
oh I"m just starting to get into this whole RP business since i want to know how well the RP community will do on the worgen/goblin characters.
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94 Night Elf Druid
I edited out another post so far! Definitely more to come. ^.^
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94 Night Elf Druid
~~ Tons more information has been input. It's nearly done on the surface, although tons of editing with new information and more will be released, along with a misc. section to fit the unique Gilnean poultice and more! :) Thank you! Enjoy. ~~
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83 Worgen Hunter
My character would probably be excepting of who he is and prefer to stay in Worgen form pretty much all the time. Mainly because I have no interest in turning into a human.
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94 Night Elf Druid
It's about done. More information will be added, the example changed, and perhaps another added. Thank you sooo much for taking the time to read it all!

(P.S. I got the worgen comic! Huzzah!)
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80 Draenei Priest
I think I read somewhere that some humans willingly embrace their worgen selves and stay permanently worgen.
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94 Night Elf Druid
A few do, a few don't. Genn prefers his human form, some prefer their worgen. There's sort of a half and half preference.
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