Suni's Guide to RPing a Worgen

94 Night Elf Druid
Thanks for the extra jobs! There are probably tons out there... like construction and what-not.
Also, sort of a bump for this being long and lost. <.<
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Working with the Idea of one of the Druids of the Pack is an incredible Idea. I've used this in my RP, and have found it very enjoyable, but also extremely lonely. Thank you, Ysundre for your insight. Frankly, before I ever saw this guide, I knew what I wanted to do. And, (IC, as a Magi in who seeks to enlighten and teach) I wrote a three page guide for a Worgen of the Pack, blessed by Elune.
I'll post it, if you'd like. This has Ideas for various Packs, to fit different personalities and classes for the enjoyment of any True Worgen who would like to try it out.
Mind you, it does play heavily on the untied ends of Shadowfang Keep and Arugal's summoning of the Worgen.
Edited by Illanyá on 3/14/2011 12:00 AM PDT
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I have a question. On the age of adult hood it said 15. Does this mean since the curse now that their worgen? Or does it mean while they were human? Is it physically, mentally, socially, or politicly? Speaking of politics what do they follow? What was the Gilnean Economy built on? All of this can give someone a wealth of RP supplies to work with.
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94 Night Elf Druid
@ Illanya (With the accent I won't try to put in here :P)
That'd be great. If you want, you could just link it and I could put it in the main post.

@ Abrey
I believe worgen aging is about the same as humans, but the adulthood was definitely intended at a human rate. Most likely physically, too. Maturity does not always have a single age to depend on and can be even a burden upon worgen. Although it's considered that people who have seen lots of death mature more than others.

They follow a King, of course! AKA hereditary monarchy.

Gilnean Economy... Before the wall was put up, there was trade from the harbor to other areas like Lordaeron and Kul'tiras. I believe fishing and mining (according to looking in houses in Gilneas) were definitely other economy traits that could've been used before or after the wall was put up. The Gilneans had to sustain themselves for over twenty years or so. Trapping was also probably big if we were to assume fox pelts went for a lot.

@ Dominque
I'll look into it. I think I still have my Cata guideline book somewhere in here and it shows the heights of all of the races.

I added a little new section on Worgen Piracy in the backstory. So much to add, hmm?
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Thank you.
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94 Night Elf Druid

I can't cover everything on the Gilneans/Worgens, but I like to do as much as I can. :P

What can I say? I'm pro-worgen!
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94 Night Elf Druid
I think I will plan on doing a small Grizzly Hills Worgen section, although I don't think it'll actually be very small.

I stared at Darkflight. Noticed it mentioned "true form". Edited that into 'personality'.

I still haven't even thought of comics 2-5 for the Worgen Curse, so I may or may not retrieve them. They'll definitely help.
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85 Draenei Shaman
bump for awesomeness
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94 Night Elf Druid
Bump from page eleven. (Whether it makes me look good or not, this'll help people, so I'll bump it.)
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82 Blood Elf Rogue
I requsted a sticky for you and pressed the little thumbs up button too! This is a great guide, and I'm glad I decided to actually read it.
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100 Night Elf Hunter
11/18/2010 08:27 PMPosted by Azearan
yes you can read it online, you just have to purchase it digitaly for 2.99.

Have to signup at comixology first.

Then go to DC comics here

find the book, put it in the cart checkout etc. etc.

and then go to your home and theres a tab of what comics you purchased. Click that and you should be reading the comic digitally on your own browser.

There are also Android and iOS apps for reading the comics as well. they will sync up with your browser account.
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94 Night Elf Druid
Bump. Les' go help more developing worgen RPers. ^.^
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90 Worgen Priest
04/24/2011 01:08 PMPosted by Misume
I requsted a sticky for you and pressed the little thumbs up button too! This is a great guide, and I'm glad I decided to actually read it.
I second this, including the sticky and thumbs up! I've RPed three characters on these forums, two are worgen. This guide helps immensely.

I was wondering if you could do a section on non-Gilnean worgen, non-druid worgen. It makes sense that worgen would have bred when out roaming Silverpine. The result wouldn't have been a druid of the pack, and wouldn't be a Gilnean. It would have just about nothing in the way of human or elf DNA, much more feral than its Gilnean counterparts. I'm amazed not to have already found a character's past like that while RPing, just my own.
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52 Troll Mage
11/18/2010 07:20 PMPosted by Ysundre
Worgen (Also known as Gilneans)

I have a problem with this. Because not all Gilneans are worgen and not all worgen are Gilneans. There are Gilneans who are not affected by the curse and there are non-Gilneans that are worgen such as Hillsbrad refugees and night elves. I would advocate that no one should attempt to roleplay the latter, since it is impossible to represent in-game, but one can easily represent a character who was from Lordaeron (Hillsbrad or otherwise) and accepted the worgen curse to evade undeath.

I think it should be amended to the following:

Worgen (Primarily Gilneans)

That is, of course, unless this is a guide for roleplaying -only- worgen who are Gilneans. I assumed it was simply a roleplay guide for roleplaying worgen.

(Fun Fact: Genn Greymane has ruled for decades. He's around seventy, possibly older!)

>Keep in mind the Greymane wall was put up around 20 years ago<

He could also be as young as fifty. I don't see any evidence to indicate why he would have to be as old as seventy, although he could be.

Personality: When it comes to being a Gilnean, you're always a Gilnean of Gilneas first, and a Worgen second. Considering Gilneans have been human longer then they have worgen, it's only natural!
The more I read this, the more I think you should change the guide's name to RPing a Gilnean or Rping a Gilnean Worgen.

However, I do like the point made above. I encounter far too many Gilnean RPers who simply choose 'a wolfman cuz its cool' and their character is nothing at all in line with the Gilnean culture save for a bad accent.

Further, every Gilnean I meet seems to claim that they were against the building of the wall. How about some patriotism please? Argue that the wall was the only thing that saved you from the Scourge! Argue that the wall was the only thing to have kept the worgen curse partially contained! Anything, but please stop making your character speak like a person with OOC knowledge and opinions.

Because Gilneans have been locked up for twenty years, very few of them have ever been exposed to outside cultures. They've only ever known Gilneas, and because of this, will feel that Gilneas is the best. Everything about Gilneas is amazing, and it's the best kingdom they've ever known. Aside from humilitation from their new deterioration of Gilneas, let's step back.

Genn was always known as an arrogant king. That's why he closed off Gilneas, because the Gilneans were better then the Alliance and didn't need the Alliance as much as the Alliance needed them. Because so many Gilneans agree, they have a sense of pride and selfishness for their kingdom. They may be stubborn when it comes to their opinions as well, but won't like the other races looking down upon them.

Key points of personality? Cynical, arrogant, prideful, nationalism. They're also willing to stick up for independence.

The worgens may have control over their mind and soul, but there is the occasional rage, caused by someone else (most likely). In most cases, the Gilnean will morph into worgen form because of their anger. So do remember, bad things could happen!

Also: Worgen seem to prefer natural habitats, most likely why they stayed with the Night Elves in Darnassus.

Although the Gilneans were originally human, with the new addition of the worgen form bound on them, their worgen form is known as their true form. Although not every Gilnean comes to terms with their worgen, or in this case, "true form", it suggests most Gilneans do.

I agree with all that, it's good stuff.

11/18/2010 07:29 PMPosted by Ysundre
Somewhere within this time period, as the wall was being built, Arugal was being used to help fend off the worgen on the other side of the wall.


The Greymane Wall had already been constructed by the time of the events of the Third War, the coming of the Scourge, and Arugal's use of the Scythe of Elune.
Edited by Arcanetroll on 7/30/2011 9:24 PM PDT
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94 Night Elf Druid
You've got valid points! :D A'ight, time for a reply. xD

@ Sillat: I could try it. I'm trying to understand what you mean though, because there are also the Grizzly Hills worgen which I didn't brush upon, but it seems you don't mean those, unless you mean in actuality, just the rabid worgen themselves.

@ Arcanetroll: I'll be sure to fix the first one. Thanks. :D
At the second one.. I recall seeing his age on a place like wowpedia or wowwiki that stated he was about seventy or so, but if you want, I can ammend it and say he's old. :P
At the third one, all right. It's more a suggestion for people who -are- RPing Gilneans. I understand that this thread seems to be -very- heavily turned towards RPing a Gilnean type of worgen, and I suppose I should not have gone off of that assumption, but I did it mostly because the starting zone is Gilneas, but that doesn't stop people. I can get right on editing that. ^.^

And at the last one, in the Genn Greymane story, Arugal is on the wall fending off the worgen. ^.^ He was originally Gilnean, I think?
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52 Troll Mage
07/30/2011 11:40 PMPosted by Ysundre
At the second one.. I recall seeing his age on a place like wowpedia or wowwiki that stated he was about seventy or so, but if you want, I can ammend it and say he's old. :P

I don't just want my way, if I'm mistaken I'd rather just see the source of information.

07/30/2011 11:40 PMPosted by Ysundre
And at the last one, in the Genn Greymane story, Arugal is on the wall fending off the worgen. ^.^ He was originally Gilnean, I think?

I'll have to brush up on that, although I do not ever recall Arugal being on the wall, but even if he was my point was just that it would have been a completed wall. What you wrote implied the wall was mid-consturction during those events.
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94 Night Elf Druid
Ah, the cite for Genn Greymane's age is on a wowpedia page, and as follows:

"He is a large bearish man, a brawny warrior with thick features, a heavy beard, and black and gray armor who must be in his seventies or eighties by the time of Cataclysm.[5]"

Now, that's cited from Tides of Darkness on page 44...
(I have the book, but unfortunately it's on Kindle so I can't retrieve that wherever it is stated. xD)
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