Suni's Guide to RPing a Worgen

94 Night Elf Druid
Le' bump?
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11 Blood Elf Hunter
Basic guide to RPing Worgen. -By Derpy Blood Elf hunter.

Do the accent.
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94 Night Elf Druid
Updated with overdue Grizzly Hills worgen section. Enjoy =D
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100 Night Elf Hunter

Also: Worgen seem to prefer natural habitats, most likely why they stayed with the Night Elves in Darnassus.

True, but some of that is also more likely that among the Alliance races native to Azeroth, Night Elves, being of a somewhat feral nature themselves are less likely to freak out over the Worgen's own feral nature. (Which is probably why the evacuation ships sailed all the way to Kalimdor instead of Stormwind, despite the fact that Stormwind is a lot closer and did not risk crossing the Sea. In fact, the Kal'dorei are probably more comfortable around Worgen then they are among Humans.
Edited by Drahliana on 8/20/2011 5:09 AM PDT
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94 Night Elf Druid
Yeah. There's a quest in Shadowfang Keep Alliance side from Ivar. In one of the quests he explains that they might make Shadowfang their home, had they not preferred natural habitats more so.
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94 Night Elf Druid
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94 Night Elf Druid
Updated for Hallow's End.

Go Worgen! :D
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
Worgen scare me.
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94 Night Elf Druid
Do they?
I never noticed.
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91 Worgen Druid
Your lore on how the worgen curse entered and spread through Gilneas is totally wrong.
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94 Night Elf Druid
Is it? I only got through the first comic, if that said anything about how the curse spread. If you'd care to elaborate, I'd appreciate it so I can change it all.
I apologize, too, for having it wrong!
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91 Worgen Druid
Perhaps "wrong" was too strong a word. Incomplete would be more appropriate. You can find the entire story and associated lore on Wowpedia.
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94 Night Elf Druid
Hopefully added to. I can always still try to get more into it if I've still done wrong. Also added links on the first post for people who want to possibly get more detailed than what I have in here.
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94 Night Elf Druid
In bumpings!
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My Gilnean Worgen character, Zaelgar, has an RP that's quite different from the RP I've seen of others. "Zaelgar" isn't his real name, more of a title name, but he was part of the Northgate Rebellion, against the King. He was placed in prison along with the other traitors/terrorists, and was released when Crowley was. That's just a general rundown of it (: If there's any more Lore releases on Northgate, you should post them here.
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Also, another thing. Wouldn't the Gilneans have never heard of Draenei? Perhaps only rumors, if anything.
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94 Night Elf Druid
I'm being mischievous and using my delayed reply post as a bump.

Yeah, the Worgen wouldn't really have heard of draenei. No draenei in their borders. And news was cut off. I'm not even sure Belysra would've known about the draenei because that was only a few years ago and she seemed to be trapped if willingly staying in Gilneas.
(Shame on me for not knowing the story.)

Will do, though.
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94 Night Elf Druid
It's been a while.

And I saw a conversation in thread about how worgen were created, so I decided to bump.

Sorry for spiderwebs.
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My name is Hozak Smokeyday, level 90 Worgen Gimp. Where's my lore?
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