Wait... So Finn is a hippie hugger?
The Weathered Cot: Sway A While And Listen
I've been accused of many heinous things, some of them likely true. But hugging people? No. That is simply something I cannot tolerate.
This tree does not hug.
*lathers self in poisonous sap - watches with cruel antipathy as one of his squirrel friends falls afflicted from his branches*
This tree does not hug.
*lathers self in poisonous sap - watches with cruel antipathy as one of his squirrel friends falls afflicted from his branches*
If you are covered in poisonous sap then you should be hugging hippies.
But...that involves touching them.
I'll just have to evolve shooting poisonous thorns. I'll have my cracked team of scientists work on it.
*looks at the poisoned squirrel writhing on the ground*
Hmm...I'll also need a new scientist...
I'll just have to evolve shooting poisonous thorns. I'll have my cracked team of scientists work on it.
*looks at the poisoned squirrel writhing on the ground*
Hmm...I'll also need a new scientist...
Should probably stop paying them in crack.
And you might need to moisturize a bit more, Finn. You're a walking fire hazard. *hides the dragon gun, grinning*
Nyah! Hire some gnomes ta fix ya! Their grubby little hands are good at moisturizin' an' they are 'xpendable!
Currently in my oven:
And I'm not sharing neener, neener, neener.
And I'm not sharing neener, neener, neener.
I'd break into that.
I'd break into that good.
I'd break into that good.
What!? Why don't I ever get something like that!?
Because -Mind vision.-
No! It's like worms in my brain!
Better than squirrels in your branches.
Does that qualify as a disease?
Does that qualify as a disease?
It should. They must always be trying to steal his nuts after all.
Mormel, you need to come with a warning that you pose a choking hazard.
*Coughs a few more chips out of her lungs*
*Coughs a few more chips out of her lungs*
Eat slowly. Chew your food.
04/23/2014 11:45 AMPosted by KordrionMormel, you need to come with a warning that you pose a choking hazard.
*Coughs a few more chips out of her lungs*
Sorry about that but it is covered in the fine print of my contract.
04/23/2014 12:11 PMPosted by KetironEat slowly. Chew your food.
Hmmm... Speaking from experience? ;-P
I hate thursday. We're beefin. Its always the same old. Hump day at least gets points for sounding sexual. Friday is, well. Awesome. Thursday is purposeless. It is a bridge constructed of slivers. It stretches and it loiters.
Ugh. Thursday.
I hate thursday. We're beefin. Its always the same old. Hump day at least gets points for sounding sexual. Friday is, well. Awesome. Thursday is purposeless. It is a bridge constructed of slivers. It stretches and it loiters.
Ugh. Thursday.
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