Crayonites!? Pft! If Liore didn't give you them then I bet it was the work of underpants gnomes.
The Weathered Cot: Sway A While And Listen
I honestly do little more than just spew nonsense and keep track of the nonsense he spews in return.
05/15/2014 12:23 AMPosted by LioreI honestly do little more than just spew nonsense and keep track of the nonsense he spews in return.
But two negatives equal a positive, so our nonsense combined makes sense.
I'm the Olympic curler, scurrying along and scraping at the ice. So the transition from one patch of cold to the other is smooth as possible.
Edited by Liore on 5/15/2014 9:41 AM PDT
Thanks Liore. Now I really want to play curling.
Said nobody ever.
Ha! Shows what you know! My sister and I use to play the curling event in this one video game frequently. We even made her husband play it with us although he whined and complained about playing it like a little child.
Ah, good times.
Ah, good times.
And if I may just take your breath away
I don't mind if there's not much to say
Sometimes the silence guides our minds
So move to a place so far away
I don't mind if there's not much to say
Sometimes the silence guides our minds
So move to a place so far away
Im a BOY.
-Snorts, hocks loogie impotently, a wad of drool sliding down his face, Mulan-style.-
-Snorts, hocks loogie impotently, a wad of drool sliding down his face, Mulan-style.-
Oh please sing a sailor song for us sir! As a burly, bearded New England man you must know ever so many!
-Croons out a Cobaine number.-
05/15/2014 08:58 AMPosted by Finnaeus05/15/2014 12:23 AMPosted by LioreI honestly do little more than just spew nonsense and keep track of the nonsense he spews in return.
But two negatives equal a positive, so our nonsense combined makes sense.
All science trembles before the searing logic of your fiery intellect.
Don't encourage him. Finnler is lab-altered to be immune to sarcasm.
I feel like writing.
But I don't feel like writing.
But I don't feel like writing.
Wow. That's... pretty heavy and deep Liore.
*sheds a single tear*
*sheds a single tear*
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