The Weathered Cot: Sway A While And Listen

64 Blood Elf Priest
Alas! The striking young creature was vain and selfish. Lightly stepping to the side, she moved hastily. Placing herself behind the dressmaker, ashen eyes flashed with an intriguing combination of wariness, ire and a bit of mirth.

Her gaze dropped low to meet the goblin’s upturned face.

“My dear…it seems I may be in need of some assistance.”
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97 Blood Elf Priest
"At the very least," the elder Quel'dorei agreed, turning a scrutinizing circuit around the girl, and subsequently her green shield. The clop clop clink of his hard-heeled shoes and the sha-headed cane upon which he leveraged his lean frame, punctuating the hard edges of his clear voice.

"Or perhaps procure a suitable enough cage, and watch her -sing.-"

Humor danced in the fathomless blue of intelligent eyes. It did not quite reach his unhappy face.
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64 Blood Elf Priest
Almost imperceptibly, her body stills, while muscles tighten, and jaw clenches. The moment is brief and nearly undetectable – then everything about her softens once more. A quick glance at the mad tree indicates he hasn’t moved since his unpleasant suggestion. With her head still tilted down toward the goblin, only her eyes shift up to look at the priest through long, slightly curled lashes. That penetrating gaze has lost all traces of indignation and guardedness. It would seem that merriment has won out.

“You wish for me to sing?”

The lyrical, poetic sound of her voice is sufficient enough to indicate she would be more than capable. Slowly, a sly, brazen smile spreads across her porcelain face. “I suppose I could give you verse or two. Although, I don’t believe a cage will help with the acoustics.”
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100 Goblin Warlock
Mormel glances between Liore and Kamdrin.

"Ya know if it's singin' ya want I've got the bestest voice ever!"

She then clears her throat before shouting in her high pitched, nasally voice.

"And I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I will always love you-you-you-you..."
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97 Blood Elf Priest
A moment of shocked silence, stretching on.

"That," he decides imperiously, "Was awful. And I have heard awful. I have heard an oboe, squonked upon by a curious taunka, amidst the howling winds of the frozen north. Awful."

But he considers this other one more thoughtfully. This songbird, thinking enough of herself to play brave at his court. And she might just pull it off too. Platinum brows raise thoughtfully, then lower to harden his scowl.

"Alright, then. -Sing.-"

And he sits. The throne materializes itself in time for his bottom to reach its black seat; shadow-wrought, tall and bladed and terrible, a body of black that carries no reflection. His elbow finds a crook, and his cheek a fist, the fingers of his free hand tracing the intricate darkness comprising the achingly beautiful banshee faces ornamenting the arm rest. And he watches the girl expectantly, a snake watching a blade of grass.
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64 Blood Elf Priest
The elf’s slight body shudders at the squawking, mewling noise emanating from the goblin. Her gaze never leaving the man’s face, she nearly giggles at his critique, but represses it.

Expressionless, she straightens her spine, light glistening in her eyes. Head up, shoulders back, gloved hands delicately resting at her sides. A regal posture to be sure.

Kamdrin does not balk at his request – nay, his order. Instead, she inclines her head in what would almost appear to be acquiescence.

“But of course, my lord.”

The briefest of pauses as her eyelids shutter, closing off the windows, revealing nothing for a moment while she chooses the song to grace him with. Shortly, a small, mischievous smile begins to play at the corners of her heart-shaped mouth. A decision has been made. Slowly, upper lashes rise, illuminating the dusky eyes once more.

Lips part.

That voice.

Words flow like a shadowed, icy cool stream over a naked body on a day when the sun is scorching.

“I’ve made up your mind.
The more you ignore me, the closer I get.
You’re wasting your time.
The more you ignore me, the closer I get.
You’re wasting your time.
Beware, I bear more grudges than lonely high court judges.
When you sleep, I will creep into your thoughts like a bad debt that you can’t pay.
Take the easy way and give in.
Let me in.
Let me in.”
Edited by Kamdrin on 5/31/2014 4:11 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
Nyah!? Ya didn't like my song. Well let me try another one then.

*clears throat before singing in her high pitched, nasally voice*

Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for!
I can't help it there's nothin' I want more!
Ya know it's true! Everythin' I do! I do it for ya!

Nyah! There's no love like ya love!
An' no other could give more love!
There's no where... um... somethin' somethin'...
All the time! All the somethin' somethin'!
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100 Human Rogue
*A passing cat pauses to give Mormel an odd look. Obviously this is not the dying rodent it was hearing despite it being the source of the sound.*
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100 Goblin Warlock

*Mormel abruptly stops singing and rushes off to huggle the cat*
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64 Blood Elf Priest
((Mormel, thanks to you, I have had Jango set to an 80's Hits station all day. <3 ))
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100 Goblin Warlock
((What can I say? I'm a sucker for the 80's!))
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Rp-less bump.

I was rather enjoying myself.
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100 Goblin Warlock
*pats Liore*

There, there. Here, have a sip of this Cactus Cider.
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64 Blood Elf Priest
06/04/2014 11:05 PMPosted by Liore
Rp-less bump.

<Bites down softly on one fingernail.>


And here I was anxiously awaiting an RP-ful bump.

<Presses her lips into a delicate pout.>

Tell me.

Was it Morrissey or Adams who killed it?

I must know.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
You'll get your rp bump.

Just distracted with life's smokescreens.

Cactus Cider sounds terrible. 0-2, Mormel.
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90 Human Paladin

<Clears throat>


Morrissey is clearly the superior musical selection. And since Mormel's suggested drink of choice is Cactus Cider...

I win.

Edit: Dangit...

Wrong character. Again.

This is what I get for posting in your thread directly after posting in my own.
Edited by Azheira on 6/5/2014 12:06 PM PDT
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I came here to post some sort of insanity, and I find that I'm too tired to come up with something. That's not good, right? I mean, can someone be too tired to be crazy? That's unpossible, right? Right?

*yawns deeply and then notices a kite stuck in his branches*

How the fel did that get there?
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100 Goblin Warlock
Nyah!? Ya don't like Cactus Cider!? H-how!?

An' what's this 0-2 crap?

*grumbles as she chucks another kite at Finnaeus*
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*lashes the poor, shaking squirrel*

How long does it take to get a bleeding kite out of a branch? Remove it! What do I pay you for??

*lashes again, and then notices another kite*

Great. Just great. I've got another kite infection.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Sorry, Finn. We're gonna have to amputate. *raises his sword* Hold still...
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