The Weathered Cot: Sway A While And Listen

100 Goblin Warlock
08/04/2014 05:31 PMPosted by Azheira

I see.

Mormel likes -that- kind of anime.

I-I have n-no clue what you a-are talking 'bout!

<hides Jade Tentacle behind her>
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97 Blood Elf Priest
-Crude jape about long waggly green things and Rhazin.-
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97 Blood Elf Priest
08/04/2014 08:31 PMPosted by Rakeri

Sheer willpower has been keeping me away from the latter for close to twenty years. Thus, my gravitation has gone to the former. *chuckles*

Ah hahaha!

So one pound gained per person spared? That seems a noble exchange!
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08/05/2014 06:32 PMPosted by Liore
08/04/2014 08:31 PMPosted by Rakeri

Sheer willpower has been keeping me away from the latter for close to twenty years. Thus, my gravitation has gone to the former. *chuckles*

Ah hahaha!

So one pound gained per person spared? That seems a noble exchange!

*Gets on scale*

Why am I getting fatter *AND* not murdering anyone?
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
08/06/2014 09:06 AMPosted by Finnaeus
*Gets on scale*

Why am I getting fatter *AND* not murdering anyone?

Because donuts are preferable to prison?
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08/06/2014 10:09 AMPosted by Ketiron
08/06/2014 09:06 AMPosted by Finnaeus
*Gets on scale*

Why am I getting fatter *AND* not murdering anyone?

Because donuts are preferable to prison?

Silly Ket - you only go to prison if you get caught.

*wipes powder from his mouth and grabs a chocolate donut from a nearby squirrel*

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100 Blood Elf Paladin
*gently pats Finny on the branches and "borrows" the donut*

You'll get it back.


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100 Goblin Warlock
A donut? Did you get that from a dwarf mage?
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Wow way to be racially sensitive Mormel wow.
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I don't care where the donuts are from. So long as they are delicious.

*grabs a blueberry cake donut and takes a munch*

Taste of summer indeed.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
08/10/2014 09:37 AMPosted by Liore
Wow way to be racially sensitive Mormel wow.

I admit you've lost me.
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100 Goblin Warlock
08/10/2014 09:37 AMPosted by Liore
Wow way to be racially sensitive Mormel wow.

08/11/2014 09:56 AMPosted by Finnaeus
I don't care where the donuts are from. So long as they are delicious.

*grabs a blueberry cake donut and takes a munch*

Taste of summer indeed.

You do know what she puts in those donuts right? Right!?
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*takes another bite*

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97 Blood Elf Priest
Okay. We need ideas for a guild event.

-Adjusts glasses, tapping his pointer on the chalkboard.-

Lets catch lightning early, folks. Lasershow. Wow me.

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90 Human Paladin
08/15/2014 01:25 PMPosted by Liore
tapping his pointer on the chalkboard

A chalkboard?

Who uses those anymore?

I think you are dating yourself.
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08/17/2014 02:13 PMPosted by Azheira
08/15/2014 01:25 PMPosted by Liore
tapping his pointer on the chalkboard

A chalkboard?

Who uses those anymore?

I think you are dating yourself.

Someone has to date him....

*laughs and then snorts another line of chalk dust*

At any rate, I think we should do like a team-building, training exercise. We're all individual adventurers, sure, but we should learn how to operate like a team. We could have themes - combat in certain environments, how to keep your weapons, how to survive with no resources, how to interact with certain other races in a diplomatic and non-offensive manner.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Diplomatic huh. Like with who, those !@#$ing shovel-faced greenskins?
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08/19/2014 12:14 PMPosted by Liore
Diplomatic huh. Like with who, those !@#$ing shovel-faced greenskins?

So you're not going to lead that particular seminar.
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100 Goblin Warlock
08/19/2014 12:14 PMPosted by Liore
Diplomatic huh. Like with who, those !@#$ing shovel-faced greenskins?

Nyah! My face does not look like a shovel! It is the epitome of beauty an' perfection!


Oh! Ya meant those big, beefy orcs. Carry on then.
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08/20/2014 01:38 PMPosted by Mormel
08/19/2014 12:14 PMPosted by Liore
Diplomatic huh. Like with who, those !@#$ing shovel-faced greenskins?

Nyah! My face does not look like a shovel! It is the epitome of beauty an' perfection!


Oh! Ya meant those big, beefy orcs. Carry on then.

*drops his donut*

Did you just say beef? WHERE?
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