08/04/2014 05:31 PMPosted by AzheiraOh.
I see.
Mormel likes -that- kind of anime.
I-I have n-no clue what you a-are talking 'bout!
<hides Jade Tentacle behind her>
08/04/2014 08:31 PMPosted by Rakeri
Sheer willpower has been keeping me away from the latter for close to twenty years. Thus, my gravitation has gone to the former. *chuckles*
08/05/2014 06:32 PMPosted by Liore08/04/2014 08:31 PMPosted by Rakeri
Sheer willpower has been keeping me away from the latter for close to twenty years. Thus, my gravitation has gone to the former. *chuckles*
Ah hahaha!
So one pound gained per person spared? That seems a noble exchange!
08/06/2014 10:09 AMPosted by Ketiron08/06/2014 09:06 AMPosted by Finnaeus*Gets on scale*
Why am I getting fatter *AND* not murdering anyone?
Because donuts are preferable to prison?
08/10/2014 09:37 AMPosted by LioreWow way to be racially sensitive Mormel wow.
08/11/2014 09:56 AMPosted by FinnaeusI don't care where the donuts are from. So long as they are delicious.
*grabs a blueberry cake donut and takes a munch*
Taste of summer indeed.
08/17/2014 02:13 PMPosted by Azheira08/15/2014 01:25 PMPosted by Lioretapping his pointer on the chalkboard
A chalkboard?
Who uses those anymore?
I think you are dating yourself.
08/19/2014 12:14 PMPosted by LioreDiplomatic huh. Like with who, those !@#$ing shovel-faced greenskins?
08/20/2014 01:38 PMPosted by Mormel08/19/2014 12:14 PMPosted by LioreDiplomatic huh. Like with who, those !@#$ing shovel-faced greenskins?
Nyah! My face does not look like a shovel! It is the epitome of beauty an' perfection!
Oh! Ya meant those big, beefy orcs. Carry on then.
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