I guess the SoE thing finally went through. The recruiter in me gets twitching, but I figure if folk are interested, they'll come to us.
The Weathered Cot: Sway A While And Listen
And why wouldn't they be?
08/19/2014 10:54 AMPosted by FinnaeusAt any rate, I think we should do like a team-building, training exercise. We're all individual adventurers, sure, but we should learn how to operate like a team. We could have themes - combat in certain environments, how to keep your weapons, how to survive with no resources, how to interact with certain other races in a diplomatic and non-offensive manner.
08/19/2014 12:14 PMPosted by LioreDiplomatic huh. Like with who, those !@#$ing shovel-faced greenskins?
Finny may have a good idea here. Doesn't have to be diplomatic, could be a massive tournament. Duels and such. Or we could set up a scavenger hunt, make everyone team up, and figure out the riddles.
...I HAVE HAD IDEAS. Lio. We will talk.
Like... write out clues. Set people all over the world and let the scavengers follow the clues to find everyone. First team to find all the hidden folks gets a prize of some sort.
Good ideas, Kells. I've got some plotting in the works.
Starting with an all-IC channel for the Coterie and associates.
/join Wayfarers
Starting with an all-IC channel for the Coterie and associates.
/join Wayfarers
Are associates like guildies but with benefits?
/pelvic thrusts into thread
/pelvic thrusts out of thread
/pelvic thrusts out of thread
/9 months later
/little taz/thread babies start popping up in /trade
/little taz/thread babies start popping up in /trade
So more thread trolls for /trade? Does WoW really need more of those?
No. No it doesn't.
But we'll take them. Tazlings have to be at least slightly adorable.
But we'll take them. Tazlings have to be at least slightly adorable.
*hexes all the Tazlings and then releases them into ponds far away from threads and trade chat*
Did someone just say tree frogs? I've been looking to diversify my woodland friends.
*looks up at the junked out squirrel passed out on his branches*
Yes, a change is needed.
*looks up at the junked out squirrel passed out on his branches*
Yes, a change is needed.
I can help you with that. *holds up the big tree pruning shears with a wicked grin*
*narrows eyes*
I'm beginning to suspect that you wish to do some real damage to my branches.
But let's play this out and see where it leads us. LIGHT ME ON FIRE!
I'm beginning to suspect that you wish to do some real damage to my branches.
But let's play this out and see where it leads us. LIGHT ME ON FIRE!
Silly lawn ornament. Only fire mages, like me, can use green fire.
Also... I promised a troll tree green boogers.
/tackles Finn
Also... I promised a troll tree green boogers.
/tackles Finn
*hisses and flees*
*hisses and flees*
09/12/2014 06:32 AMPosted by MormelSilly lawn ornament. Only fire mages, like me, can use green fire.
Also... I promised a troll tree green boogers.
/tackles Finn
Lie to yourself all you wish, narrow-minded fool. I am a warlock - and so are you.
I'll keep saying it until it sinks in...
There is no way that this green boogery thing is a warlock. She *says* she's a fire mage. And we all know, you can't *say* something and it be false.
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