The Weathered Cot: Sway A While And Listen

Giant dinosaur down! Guess what we're grilling up for dinner tonight?

*carves out dinosaur flank steak*

No one runs down my guild but me, Thok. No one.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Wow he was really after you last night. What was that, like 12 fixates? 15? I remember him going after you twice in a row, even.

Yeah Thok really wanted that ##****%##.
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Only one can be the fastest. And unfortunately for Thok, he insisted on two legs, where I run with four.

Fixate all you want, Thok. You ain't catchin' this cool cat.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
My ability to walk in a single, straight line has been thoroughly tested, and found lacking.

I can speed-run SotN in like 8 minutes but I can't successfully move from point A to point B in a straight line.

Are there any conveyor belt addons? I think I need a conveyor belt addon. Maybe it can highlight an optimized route. Heck, auto-run would be a step up from last night.
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This is what you get for all that half-assed, smug strutting you do in Silvermoon. You forgot how to run like a real elf.

I'll get you whipped into shape. Just as soon as I -

Yep. Just stepped on another drill bomb.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Look out Silvermoon, here comes Finnaeus the Fineaest.

The worst part about the drill bomb is you have both the time going up, and the time coming down to contemplate your failure.

Me, I only have the very long drop in the tiny chasm between the belt and platform. Seriously its like, a five inch gap. I plummet to my death because I cannot step over a five inch gap.
Edited by Liore on 1/23/2014 10:04 AM PST
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I think I'm gonna give you symbiostisization next time so that if you go a little bit beyond the pipes, you can use it as a speed boost to give you some more time.

And I'll use the Intimidating Roar that I get from you to sound more impressive when I scream as I fall to my drilly, drilly death.
Edited by Finnaeus on 1/23/2014 2:20 PM PST
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Pretty sure its called 'Heroic Intimidating Scare'.
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As opposed to "Nature's Fail"?
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90 Pandaren Warrior
'Sexy Moonfire.'
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100 Draenei Shaman
These folks are a bunch of meanies. They kill Belpha for no reason after he tried to kill one of them. NO REASON, I tell ya.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Hey man. When WfC rolls up, we rolls on you -deep-.


Of course if I had any idea who you actually were, I'd probably have not gone full frothy mongoloid.
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.....'full frothy mongoloid.'.....

Better watch out Lio, I'm pretty sure Fin's leaves became all aflutter when he read that. We don't need another mushroom incident, no matter how film-worthy it was.
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I'm still cleaning up the mess from the last one. Leaves and sap EVERYWHERE.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Not to mention the child support.
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Those little saplings ain't mine, baby. Keep your weeds out of my garden.
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90 Night Elf Druid
A giant bird foot falls from the sky and lands on Liore.

A note falls not long after it. There is a single word on the note:

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90 Pandaren Warrior
-Deep within the birdfoot-shaped crater in the earth, his sleek figure stirs from its crumpled heap. A shred of paper seesaws weightlessly through the air, before settling over the bloody bridge of an otherwise perfect nose. Shaking fingers pinch at it. Comically spiraling eyes rattle around before zeroing in on the lettering with a determined squint.-



I don't know what I expected."
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*walks over to Lio in the middle of a giant, birdfoot-shaped crater. Blood on his face, his hair hilariously askew*

"That looks painful."

*Pauses for a moment, grins gleefully, and then waggles away*
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Lesson learned. Never walk in on Siegecrafter Blackfuse. Always knock first.
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