The Weathered Cot: Sway A While And Listen

100 Blood Elf Paladin
All at once Devynn felt as though a giant weight had been lifted off of her. The running, hiding, the sense of never feeling truly safe, all this was about to come to an end. She would have her answers.

She motioned to the Padaren behind the bar, cleaning one of the glasses and asked for a glass of whiskey on ice, he obliged and she handed over a few gold, to cover hers and Lio's drinks as well as a nice tip.
She took her drink and for a moment just stared into the glass the ice slowly was melting, the amber hue reminding her of the trees of Silvermoon. The days in Silvermoon seemed like another lifetime, joining the Blood Knight order, back before the Naruu sacrificed itself to purify the sunwell, then after that answering the call to Argent Dawn, which would later merge with the Order of the Silver Hand to become the Argent Crusade. Devynn always felt the desire to protect those weaker, and less fortunate than her, so it was a no brainer to her to answer the call.

She was brought back to the present by a crashing sound to see a Druid at another table having a battle with himself over what from was going to be in control, or so it seemed to her, everyone save for a few members of the Coterie was new and it would take her some time to get used to all the new faces. She liked the Coterie this band of laid back individuals who like to kick !@# and have fun, both at the same time on occasion.

She would not be here at the bar when the Commander was brought in, lest he realize something was amiss, she leaned over to Liore, and whispered “I will be at the Undercity. Orgimmar is too hostile these days, and Silvermoon may have spies there. Please reach me when he is here and ‘incapacitated.’”
With that, she placed her mask back on, locking the guard in its place, she still felt awkward, for so long she was accustomed to her other equipment, this felt foreign like it was not a part of her. She gripped the handle of her Sword and nested it in the familiar place in it scabbard on her back, the Sin’Dorei Warblade, made by the finest craftsmen of Silvermoon.

She adjusted her armor and walked out the bar as she made her way out she nodded her head to the Druid at the bar that was having Shape shifting issues, and to the Troll with the monocle. She would learn who they were but at this moment she was focused on this bigger issue.
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Zulalam saw the Sin'dorei that Liore had been talking to leave the bar. He had regained control of his "drunkshifting' and turned to glare at the monocled one.

They were team mates. They had fought together as well as against each other. The duel had lasted a very, very long time with some of their other Coterie fellows watching.

Zulalam did not know where their semi-friendly rivalry had come from. But he knew that someday they must either fight again or join forces. For some reason he felt that the final outcome would be decided by what preferences for delicious, baked, sugary, goodies each of them had.
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*strokes white cat with gnarled tree branches, while the cat is desperately trying to get away*

So RP-ing as well. AND he chose chocolate chip over sugar cookies.

He will either join us or be destroyed.

*spins in chair, cackling, and is then interrupted by the cat hissing*

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90 Pandaren Warrior
Normal guy normal walk.
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I see no normal here.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Finnie. All this flitting about and spare time of yours.

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I'm working on a something for the contest thing!

I promise you'll only be mildly disappointed.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Shameless nudie bump.
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HEY! If you're doing the nudie bumps then what am I kept around for?
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I had a scathing retort, Other Druid, but then I realized today is Love Day.

Also, no one drunkshifts quite like you.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Speaking of love lifes

Finn, how -dare- you offer to pay for my movie tickets. I am an empowered woman, and I don't need any chauvinistic swine stealing from me my Goddess given right to shell out 11 bucks on cardboard nachos and runny stale popcorn.
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You speaketh of others not bumping. So I leave you this:

*Runs into Liore's room when the door is open and takes a nice, ammonia smelling pee on his bed*

*Saunters out nonchalantly*
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Joke on you, Zulaman.

I sleep in a hovering pose of meditative transcendence.

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So I may not have gotten you to lay in it... but it still smells!
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Finn, take all my money. A dwarf that's actually -likable?- If that ain't an easy win, I'm fighting -everybody-.

Zul, stop spraying the guild Ikea.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
The guild has an Ikea?
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Of course we have an Ikea. We're not savages.

Lio, I aspire only to the great heights of matching your skills. Stop being better at descriptions, and character, and words than me. It's making me hate everything I write.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Stop that. I have pulled more quotes directly from you than from Tyler Knott.

And let me tell you I -really- like typewriters.
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I want to tell you that I didn't have to Google Tyler Knott, but that would be a bold, disgusting, filthy lie.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
What are we doing with ourselves, Finnie.

We should. We should just. Start a big thread.

And just. And just put words in it man.
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