The Weathered Cot: Sway A While And Listen

Yeah man. Totally.

*tokes leaves from own branches*

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90 Pandaren Warrior
I hate this. Why do you do this.
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100 Pandaren Monk
Since I am finally stalking the forums... should at some point make a nice long post >_>
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*runs through the guild clubhouse doing Parkour off all the furniture while also drunkshifting*
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90 Pandaren Warrior
-Adjusts his professor's tweed jacket, making a -_- face at all the students.-
Edited by Liore on 2/22/2014 9:48 PM PST
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*faceplants out of the air onto Liore's teacher desk completely and drunkenly passed out*
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Just popping in to /wave at friendly faces.

I know Lio shared what was going on with me, with the Coterie, I wanted to check in and let y'all know that I'm still in Washington State with my kids and amazing family and I'm doing ok, really. We all are.
My son's memorial was today, way more people turned out than we'd expected which was really nice.
It does a Mama's heart good to know her boy was loved by so many people.

I lugged my 14 pound laptop across the country but didn't pack my authenticator so couldn't log in to keep in touch and got to worrying that some of you might be worried. I'm heading home later this week so will see y'all soon.
Edited by Arizza on 2/24/2014 3:15 AM PST
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Our hearts, prayers, and warmest condolences extend to you, Rizz.

Thank you for the update, as I know those of us who've raided with you have been keeping you close in mind. I'm so happy to hear that the turn out was so impressive, you certainly need and deserve the support.

Hang in there, and know we look forward to having you back.<3
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All the love and good wishes in the world to you, Rizz.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Really wish there was more to be done than just spitting impotent words from across the country, but please understand we've got your back in this, whenever and whatever you need.
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So Apolex wanted to officially protest the name of this thread. He's insisting that we rename it Quality Animoo.

Since he's the lone bull and I'm sure he gets lonely, I say we do this for him. He deserves it.
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
*strips and does the chicken dance on a table with a stripper pole*
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90 Pandaren Warrior
-Twerk-walks downtown to the beat of Billie Jean.-
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Did the sidewalk light up as you walked? Please tell me it did.
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Hello guildie friends. I was wondering if anyone in the guild plays D3. With the recent update clans can be made and was thinking it would be awesome to have one so I can stalk, I mean play with you guys in multiple games!
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90 Pandaren Warrior
I do have a max level witch doctor, and a barbie that's up there somewhere too. Since picking it up for console, I really haven't spent much time in D3 to be honest.

Here's my tag, if you need it: Soulcatcher#1130.

Looks like there were a lot of changes, sweet ones too. I can dig throwing frogs at people again.
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The changes are amazing. I'm in love with the game all over again.
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But I don't have Diablo. And if I join...I'd be following you....

Nefarious, Other Druid. A clever, diabolical plot.


*scurries away, roots waggling and dragging a pair of screaming squirrels caught in his foliage*
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100 Draenei Shaman
02/27/2014 11:33 PMPosted by Liore
I can dig throwing frogs at people again.

Frogs? Where?
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03/03/2014 12:03 PMPosted by Belpha
02/27/2014 11:33 PMPosted by Liore
I can dig throwing frogs at people again.

Frogs? Where?

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