The Dating Game

100 Human Paladin
We're still working on the details, but Pia is planning on sponsoring a dating game next month for Valentines Day.

Khromie says Feb 21-22 is best for her so those are the days we're going with. I'd like to do two days if we have enough people. Friday will be evening. Saturday will be afternoon.

A sky golem has been donated by Sizzle to be won by one lucky contestant.

We've had several lovely gowns and trans mog outfits donated for the ladies. Gents will receive pets.

This promises to be a lot of fun for both participants and the audience. I hope you all will sign up and plan on attending.
Edited by Gentyl on 2/2/2014 7:30 PM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
I'm intrigued :)
Can't wait to know more!
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90 Dwarf Hunter
I demand dwarven lasses!
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100 Blood Elf Warrior
*smiles sweetly at Caileanmor and bats her eyelashes innocently* I want to date the gnome.
Edited by Yuuko on 1/10/2014 9:22 AM PST
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100 Tauren Shaman
And I would like to cook the gnome.
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100 Gnome Priest
*smiles sweetly at Caileanmor and bats her eyelashes innocently* I want to date the gnome.

*Smiles up at the Elf and smoothes down his beard.*
Edited by Caileanmor on 1/16/2014 5:04 PM PST
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90 Undead Death Knight
(( O_o ))
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100 Human Paladin
It will be held in the Recluse. Khromie will host. Please sign up here and Khromie will do the pairing off into the different "games". This should be a lot of fun so please step forward and join in.
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Y'all're having a datin' game? Well ain't that a thing! Reckon it might be time ta end my self imposed isolation.

Fella gets lonely out there in the Jungles of Pandaria y'know. And, well, them gnomes ladies sure are cute.
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100 Human Warlock
((I got lots of alts in either gender to fill empty places, if necessary.))
Edited by Temperius on 1/17/2014 8:45 AM PST
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91 Gnome Monk
Nixim pushed himself out from under the vehicle, silently cursing with a sigh.

His repair work on the chopper was finally complete. Now that grizzled old dwarf, that stank of booze and pipe weed, would get off his back about fixing all the custom components that seemed to be constantly malfunctioning. Nixim knew better. He was a more than competent engineer and fairly intelligent as gnomes go, so it was plain to see that the problem wasn't so much with the chopper as it was with the rider. He would certainly give Ødin a piece of his mind for handling the chopper so roughly, but first was the delivery.

He grabbed the rag and wiped clean his tools and then his hands. His oil and grease stained face and hair would have to wait. He removed his dirty overalls, pulled on a leather cap, riding goggles, and mounted the chopper. It came to life with a roar and then hummed at a sweetly unique tone that only a chopper enthusiast could truly appreciate.

Out on the road from Thelsamar to Ironforge the ride held true. It was truly a work of art, a work that made the gnome smile from ear to ear. He eased it through the gates of Ironforge and glided carefully around the city. He had time to spare before meeting the grizzled old dwarf outside Bruuk's Corner, so Nixim made a pass by the Auction House to see what excitement there might be, and that was when he saw the Dating Game advertisement on the Hero's Board.

"Hmm. Dating game." It's been some time since he'd last had a life outside of his work. Perhaps the time is right, he thought.


((Sign Gnomer up! :) ))
Edited by Gnomerian on 1/16/2014 7:37 PM PST
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90 Human Rogue
Arlston noted the flyer posted in the Recluse as he was leaving.

He never ran faster from a piece of paper in his life.
Edited by Arlston on 1/16/2014 10:14 PM PST
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90 Dwarf Hunter
Peering up from his half-full flask of bourbon, the dwarf read the flyer. Seconds later, the flask hit the ground, spilling its remaining contents. "Oi! This is gonna be grand! All them boobies!!"
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100 Draenei Warrior
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Huh... can't but be noticin there ain't a lotta ladies, much less Gnome ladies wantin ta sign up fer this shindig.
Now, when it comes to the ways of wooin' with the kind words and such, I ain't afreared of a little competition, everyone knows ole Plains is a lover not a fighter.

But if there ain't nobody ta woo, then we're gonna look the fool. Y'all know it're true.

One other tiny lil' thing, any of mah fellow Horde SOrts plannin on attendin' this here revel? reckon we all oughtta go together, safety in numbers and th' like.
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100 Gnome Priest
Ring ring!

"Thank you for calling Staplers, your number one source for Gnomish party supplies. This is Milton Waddles speaking. How may I help you?"

"Hiiiiii, Milky!"


Ring ring!

"Thank you for calling Staplers for all of your partying needs, this is Milto--"

"Miky! Milky, it's me! Khro--"


Ring ring!

Ring ring ring!


"... Mil...Milton Waddles speaking..."

"Milky?! Milky, it's Khromie again! I keep getting discon--"


Milton Waddles wiped the sweat from his shining bald head, shuddering as the phone began to ring again. And again and again and... Milton slammed his head onto his desk as the ringing continued.

No way. There was no way he was picking it up again.

His cubicle neighbor, Pam, popped up her head and smiled cheerily. "Aren't you gonna answer the phone, Mr. Waddles?"

Milton shook his head. "Ah. No. It's... It's.. It's... Khromie."

Pam's eyes widened. "Oh my sprockets, Mr. Waddles, I would -definitely- answer a call from the Bronze Dragon Aspect!"

Milton sighed and dabbed at his sweaty head again with his little ducky handkerchief. "No, no, no. Khromie with a K."

Pam paled. "... Oh. Oh my. So it's the ..."

Milton nodded gravely. "Yes. The Overspark Account."

"Oh my! Oh my. Oh me oh my! Are all the stories true?"

"Yes. Yes, Pam. Every single one. You heard about the Winter Veil fiasco? And did I mention the hit we took for her Day of the Dead order? And don't even get me started about every time the Darkmoon Faire rolls around..."

"Oh my my my... And... And is it true that she refuses to pay bills in anything but baked goods and alcohol?"

"Yes, Pam. It's true. It's ALL true."

Pam gave Milton a sympathetic smile before sinking back down into her cubicle. Milton suppressed a sob as the call, at last, went to his voicemail.

You've reached the desk of Milton Waddles of Staples, please leave a message after the tone. PEWPEWPEWPEW!

"Hiya, Milky! Holy troll balls! Khromie here! For some reason I can't seem to get through to you today! Must be a bad signal. I am sitting next to this suspiciously fat panda at Shrine... Anyway! I just wanted to order some goodies for... Are you ready for this? I've been asked to host a event for the Pea Farmers! Now, I'm not entirely sure on the details, but I think the plan is for me to temporarily blind people by shooting them with poisoned arrows--some weird Goblin holiday tradition or something--and then pairing them up to make out lots. Do you have a pen on you, Milky? Are you ready? I'm gonna need the usual 5000lbs of glitter, about a hundred and seventy four balloons--wait! Make that a hundred and eighty six..."
Edited by Khromie on 1/17/2014 5:05 PM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
[ Oops, forgot to say post with practical details coming as soon as we pick a date! ]
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90 Pandaren Warrior
-Smokes cooly.-

I only eat what I kill.

Wait. Wrong game.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
*gives Liore a pointed look*
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90 Night Elf Druid
*blinks, then grooms himself for the next 4 hours
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