The Dating Game

100 Worgen Rogue
*Walks in and looks around*
Wait where did I...
*Looks for exit and sigh*
I guess I'm in as well.
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100 Gnome Warlock
((Sizzle is signed up tentatively, I'll know for sure closer to the date :) ))
Edited by Sïzzle on 1/20/2014 4:16 PM PST
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100 Human Warrior
((Pending date and time, Cal will sign up.))
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100 Draenei Hunter
Add Thel to the sign up sheet :)
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82 Night Elf Druid
Lini was snoozing, and possibly snoring, although she would never admit it, under one of the tables on the upper floor of the Recluse when the argument broke out. Her tail began leisurely swishing across the floor as she opened one eye and peered through the slats in the railing.

Down below, were a pair of worgen and a human. The three men were having rather spirited argument over who was the biggest ‘love fool’. The taller worgen insisted he was the man for the job because he had a garden full of lovely roses. He claimed these particular roses lasted forever. Surely, any woman would prefer him and the beautiful flowers he could adorn her with.

The human whole-heartedly disagreed that the way to a woman’s heart was with any sort of vegetation. His point of attack in the game of love required food. He had in his possession a romantic picnic basket. It was stuffed full of chocolate and assorted heart-shaped candies. Purportedly, these items would lessen the impact of, shall we say, a female’s more grouchy moments.

The second worgen, who was shorter than both of the other gentlemen by at least a foot, scoffed at both of the other men and their ideas. He scurried to the door and motioned for them to follow him outside. The three of them, followed by a curious and stealthy kitty, moved out into the warmth of the afternoon sun. The undersized worgen waved his arms with a flourish at an extremely pink rocket. He informed his assembled audience that the true way to a woman’s heart was by giving her a ride she would never forget.

The stouter worgen and the human stood there dumbfounded. The man’s rocket was huge. They obviously had nothing to compare to this. Both of them walked away, defeated and dejected.

Lini, still stealthed, sniffed at the rocket, but decided a druid’s flight form was far more economical. She padded back inside to find her favorite napping spot.

((Please add Lini to the 'I desperately need a date' crowd. Thank you.))
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100 Draenei Priest
*Raises her eyebrows and thinks to herself with revenge in her eyes... "Sheep and sheer me will you?"

*signs Noikona's name*
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100 Draenei Shaman
Belpha eyes the notice on the board about the "Dating Game" He'd passed the notice before, scoffing at it. Now he's back and the notice looks a bit more promising than it did before. Belpha chuckles a little while reading it.

"I don't need a woman, especially not by some silly game. What a ridiculous idea"

Belpha signs his names and trudges his feet all the way home
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60 Worgen Death Knight
Vancina frowned as she read the notice. No one would want to date someone like me.. she thinks and goes to turn away. But something urged her to take another look at the notice. She read it one more time..then signed her name to the sheet before walking away, humming softly to herself.
Edited by Vancina on 1/29/2014 6:21 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Hunter
Kamaie snorted as she ran her eyes over the notice about the 'Dating Game'. Why would I EVER go to such an event? She turned to leave, but curiosity got the best of her. She huffed, spun around and signed her name.

For the hell of it.. She thought as she jogged away from the sheet of paper.
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100 Human Paladin
Details have been updated in the first post.
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100 Human Paladin
Bumping back to top with new details

Feb 21-22 if we have enough contestants. Khromie suggested 5 pm realm time both days. If this is a problem perhaps we could do earlier on Saturday. I understand that might be hitting right at supper time for some people.

sky golem to one lucky contestant

there have been some beautiful gowns donated for the ladies and I will list them.

Gentlemen will receive pets they don't have unless you are one of those guys who seem to have everything and then...I don't know. We'll think of something.

We'll also put together some romantic picnics for the lucky couples.

Get signed up soon so Khromie can get the lists made.

Also, there is a chance I may be out of town. If I am, I will make sure someone else has the prizes. We will do random drawings for the prizes among the contestants to keep it fair.
Edited by Gentyl on 2/13/2014 3:33 PM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
Who is going to be there? Will a big, strong orc... with bulging muscles that glisten as the sweat streaks down his skin... while he labors tirelessly beneath the searing Durotar sun.... and exhumes a heavy musk of pure testosterone....


er... What was I talking about?

Anyway, is this an Alliance only gig?

01/16/2014 04:39 PMPosted by Plainswander
Y'all're having a datin' game? Well ain't that a thing! Reckon it might be time ta end my self imposed isolation.

Fella gets lonely out there in the Jungles of Pandaria y'know. And, well, them gnomes ladies sure are cute.

Welly howdy there cowboy! What's a nice lad like you doing chasing after gnomish girls? Your mother warned you about dating them for a reason.
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100 Draenei Hunter
*She blinks and stares at the flyer for awhile as she drinks heavily from her flask as she finally gives a chuckle as she scribbles her name down on the sign up list before giving a slight stumble as she wanders away after listing her name*
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100 Human Rogue
"You think I should attend a what?" Slithengar said, to a night elf who mentioned something about a dating game. The elf didn't get a chance to repeat himself as a fist came slamming into the man's jaw, leaving him sprawled out on the ground to contemplate ever suggesting something to foul-mood humans. "That's what I think of that." It wasn't unusual for Slith to be a sourpuss but lately it had been even worse.
Inglehart on the other hand looked the notice over carefully. "Uuuhh..." He said for a long time before deciding to go ahead and write his name. T. Inglehart. "Sure why not? What is the worst that could happen?" He did pause for a moment thinking over a few events. "Well, I am sure none of those would.. maybe"

((Tentative at the moment, hopefully I will be able too!))
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100 Draenei Warrior
((*looks up with wide eyes* I think I know what the worst thing that could happen would be))
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100 Human Paladin
Potential Lists:


Caileanmor (Maybe)
· Valgrim
· Temperius
· Gnomerian
· Arlston (maybe)
· Broodin (maybe)
· Belpha
Inglehart (maybe)
Chambliss or Orwyn

Need more men!


· Dragoneir
· Sizzle (maybe)
· Calendre
· Kundalini
· Thelona
· Noikona
· Vancina
· Kamaie
· Dantemoon
EttinJandy (maybe)

((Thanks to Jataa for putting list together while I slacked))
Edited by Gentyl on 2/20/2014 5:00 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Gads I wish we could get horde in on this somehow. Thinking, thinking.
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100 Human Paladin
Abon walks by and signs up Plains and LIore.
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/18/2014 02:47 PMPosted by Gentyl
Gads I wish we could get horde in on this somehow. Thinking, thinking.

Nyah! If you think of a way then let me know.

Otherwise I guess we'll just hang around Orgrimmar... living in mud huts... eating rocks... as usual.
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100 Human Warrior
((I'll bring either Chambliss or Orwyn))
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