Shadow Priest Lore [OOC-Discusion]

100 Gnome Priest
I am doing a lot of digging on my own, and I know that there just isn't much "official" information to go on, so I would like to put this out to the community.

What can you (the community as a whole) tell me about Shadow Priests?

Give me everything you've got.
Official Lore to your best guess to good assumptions made based on experience.
I wouldn't even mind getting into a discussion about what a Shadow Priest IS or CAN BE vs what it ISN'T or COULDN'T BE.

And lets not relegate this to the Priest alone. Let's also talk about Shadow Magic.
Edited by Caileanmor on 2/3/2014 10:36 PM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
After I posted this I came across this old thread titled: What is the Shadow Priest lore?

Its an interesting read. They cover everything there is to find on Shadow Priests (which isn't much) and even get into some discussion about the Cult of Forgotten Shadows, its teachings, philosophy and so forth.

I felt inspired to post a thought of my own, and in doing so inadvertently necro'd the thread no realizing its about two years old.

=P opps.

At any rate, please continue with your own thoughts on the matter. :)
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90 Pandaren Warrior
This is actually very relevant to my interests. Thanks for digging this up, Caile.
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100 Gnome Priest
02/02/2014 05:42 PMPosted by Liore
This is actually very relevant to my interests. Thanks for digging this up, Caile.

My pleasure Liore. :)
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90 Pandaren Warrior
May I-

May I stroke your beard?
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100 Gnome Priest
Thank you for your appreciation of my beard, but I must decline. You may not stroke my beard. I simply don't know where your hands have been.

Back to the Topic:
Some have said that Shadow Priests focus more on the mind than say a Holy or (perhaps) Discipline priest would. Evidenced by their increased abilities attacking the mind. Abilities perhaps enhanced by their use of shadow magic.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Off-Server friend here.
Saw the thread while snooping around.

To me Shadow Priests could draw their powers from several sources; much as a mage can. (Fire, Arcane and Frost for example.) While it's true focus is on the "shadow" it could also be drawing the sources of such magics from the nether and the mind.

Which is why we see in our in game toolkits such a variety of spells.
(Void Tendrils, Mind Blast, Mind Control, Shadowy Apparitions, Void Shift for examples of the variety.)

To me it's up to each player to decide how exactly their character is in tune with the "darkness".
Are they lingering in the void to summon forth it's powers?
Are they interested in manipulating the mind?
What about experimenting with the magics of the nether and souls?
Are they truly "evil" or just taking part in things taboo for their culture?

The enjoyment from RP'ing a shadow priest for me comes from the fact it's so vague and there's so much you can do with it.
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100 Gnome Priest
Off-Server friend here.
Saw the thread while snooping around.

To me Shadow Priests could draw their powers from several sources; much as a mage can. (Fire, Arcane and Frost for example.) While it's true focus is on the "shadow" it could also be drawing the sources of such magics from the nether and the mind.

Which is why we see in our in game toolkits such a variety of spells.
(Void Tendrils, Mind Blast, Mind Control, Shadowy Apparitions, Void Shift for examples of the variety.)

To me it's up to each player to decide how exactly their character is in tune with the "darkness".
Are they lingering in the void to summon forth it's powers?
Are they interested in manipulating the mind?
What about experimenting with the magics of the nether and souls?
Are they truly "evil" or just taking part in things taboo for their culture?

The enjoyment from RP'ing a shadow priest for me comes from the fact it's so vague and there's so much you can do with it.

Hello there Off-Server Friend! I'm glad you came snooping around :D
You actually inspired me, so I took a trip over to SoE's forum and did a little snooping of my own. lol

Thanks for the input! I like the angle you presented. It gave me a lot of ideas and angles to work from in my own RP. Up until now Cail here hasn't had any special abilities, but I'm slowly working him in that direction. Exploring the light and shadow aspects of someone not particularly tied to any sort of dogma, and purely from a logical/analytical perspective, has been really interesting.

Thanks again for the post! :D
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90 Pandaren Warrior
The Light is often times considered derivative of one's goodly qualities. The positive force inside each of us, with a bit of help from training, or prayer, or what have you. That would imply the Endless Shadow to come from negative force, something akin to the matter that constructs the Sha.

This is a concept I intend to elaborate on as a couple of things become resolved. If the angle is contradictory to any known, established lore, I'm willing to reconsider.


I really like the concept of a pseudo-psychic. Really like it. Puts me in the mindset of some of that 40k goodness. This is also something I'd like to work on.
Edited by Liore on 2/4/2014 7:39 PM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
That's a good angle to take, good or positive versus the bad or negative aspects of a persons will. Each drawing on either light or shadow as a result.

TL:DR bellow....

Taking a slightly different approach, it seems that the popular angle to take on "the light" is that it is a force or energy just like "arcane" or "nature". Like them, the light is therefore a neutral force, neither good nor bad, it just is. Perhaps this is derived from recent interactions with the pandas. I am not sure where this concept originates, but I rather like it. :)

Considering it thus, they then explain that the wielding of "the light" is based solely on one's conviction. Conviction that what they are doing is right, or perhaps ultimately 'good'. Much like a Scarlet Crusade Paladin wields light based power, he does so because he is completely convinced in the righteousness of his actions. So as long as I maintain the conviction that regardless of what I am doing it is for the right reasons (or the greater good) then I can use "the light". I can heal or I can smite.

It was an interesting take for me because (in my view) it completely disassociates "the light" from any sort of dogma or religious stance.

It no longer mattered "how holy" you were, so long as you maintained your conviction in the 'goodness' of your own cause. Seen like this, it made sense to me that someone like, say, oh, a gnome, who is by nature (and mostly tradition) a creature of pure logic doesn't need to find his spiritual side. He doesn't need to trade his cold reasoning logic for something as intangible as warm fuzzy faith. All he has to do is hold a powerful conviction in the righteousness (or goodness) of his cause and he can wield "the light", apart from any established order or faith.

This is the path that I have been slowly leading Cail down. I want him to be able to use the light to heal people, yet he just can't fathom religion. He's a doctor. Helping and healing people is in his bones. Until now he's only been able to use his skill, knowledge, technique, technology, and alchemically derived compounds. So as he is progressing into this notion of "the light" as a tool and a power that he can learn to harness, its opened up curiosities about the use of Shadow. Both for him as a character and more importantly for ME as his creator. :)

So if we say that "the light" is wielded through conviction in a righteous cause, how then is "the shadow" wielded?

I like the concept of a good or at least benign Shadow Priest.

How then is he able to use "shadow" if the power of shadow were related to evil or negativity?
Where dose that shadow come from?
For that matter, where does "the light" come from?
If the light is something that just is, a force like the Arcane or Nature, then could we also say that Shadow just is? Perhaps we can look at it as a parallel to Fel Magic. A force that corrupts and taints.

In my understanding Fel is derived from the Arcane. It's Arcane that has been stripped down to its most basic raw form. Where Arcane is Orderly, Fel is Chaotic. If that is true, then Fel is no more 'evil' than the Arcane is 'good'. If "the light" could be considered a parallel to Arcane, then perhaps "shadow" is simply a stripped down raw version of "the light". It would then neither be good nor evil. It just is.

Did you follow me through that wall of text? :P
If not, that's ok.

If Light is similar to Arcane, and Fel is derived from Arcane, then Shadow is equally derived from Light.
If Conviction is similar to Will, and Light is similar to Arcane, then only a strong Conviction is needed to use Light. Good or Evil never factors into the ability to use said power.

Follow? Make sense? Where am I right and where am I wrong?

Comment people! I need more data! :D
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