When my priest finally, finally shifts into a shadow cat, you will all fear my shadowy, bitey wrath.
CC/Sisters of Elune connection delayed
And then I'll have to find a way to make a shadow cat. Because I always seem to follow Finn into classes for some reason.
In other news... this'll be great because new friends AND I have a couple real life friends that play on SoE and now we can play together without making alts or transferring!
In other news... this'll be great because new friends AND I have a couple real life friends that play on SoE and now we can play together without making alts or transferring!
I'm happy about this. They picked a good realm to pair us with.
02/08/2014 09:15 AMPosted by OskorThursday, Feb 27 is the day!
Looking forward to see you all on the 27th. Was hoping for next week but my guess is they are releasing the latest patch on Tuesday... Maybe
Hey-o CC!
Glad we're finally getting paired... and with an awesome server too. I used to be on CC back in BC, lots of familiar guild names around here! I'm looking forward to seeing you all around. :)
Glad we're finally getting paired... and with an awesome server too. I used to be on CC back in BC, lots of familiar guild names around here! I'm looking forward to seeing you all around. :)
Blog post was updated today to say we've been put on hold, hopefully it won't be too long.
02/20/2014 03:18 PMPosted by TajitBlog post was updated today to say we've been put on hold, hopefully it won't be too long.
Awww.... :-(
Still, I wonder what time zone the new server will end up being? I'm guessing it will change to match Cenarion Circle's PST since Sisters of Elune is a smaller realm.
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