CC/Sisters of Elune connection delayed

100 Troll Hunter
The connection for Sisters of Elune and Cenarion Circle has been delayed. We'll provide an update at a later point in time.
Edited by Tajit on 2/20/2014 3:17 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Druid
Greetings from SoE!

I don't know what the population status on your realm is, but ours is low-medium. Trade chat's usually dead. I'm excited to hopefully get a bit more life into the game.
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100 Troll Shaman
Ours is pretty much the same thing. Here's to new connections! :)
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100 Troll Warlock
More skulls ta collect mon! Da human fodder be increasin!
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100 Night Elf Rogue
01/31/2014 03:08 PMPosted by Reignac
Greetings from SoE!

I don't know what the population status on your realm is, but ours is low-medium. Trade chat's usually dead. I'm excited to hopefully get a bit more life into the game.

I recognize you... it sounds like we'll be seeing more of each other.

For better or worse.
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90 Undead Warlock
Hello Cenarion Circle! Looking forward to connecting with you and hopefully revitalizing both of our realms. SoE is not as dead as some realms, but we definitely can use the boost. It will be especially nice to see some more Horde brethren around the place.

See you on the battlefield.
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100 Night Elf Druid
01/31/2014 05:06 PMPosted by Kyalin
01/31/2014 03:08 PMPosted by Reignac
Greetings from SoE!

I don't know what the population status on your realm is, but ours is low-medium. Trade chat's usually dead. I'm excited to hopefully get a bit more life into the game.

I recognize you... it sounds like we'll be seeing more of each other.

For better or worse.

My excitement dropped a little I have to admit.

Still, a (hopefully) active server that's still a good thing.
Edited by Reignac on 1/31/2014 10:39 PM PST
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90 Human Monk
I'm just hoping CC-SoE is just the first of several connections. We'll need a LOT more people to reach the old glory days of CC once again...
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100 Night Elf Hunter
Wow, people greeting each other and being friendly! I'm looking forward to this!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
02/01/2014 03:18 AMPosted by Unz
Wow, people greeting each other and being friendly! I'm looking forward to this!

It's a FAAAAAAKE! *ahem* Sorry.
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90 Dwarf Warlock
If you want to play a fun joke on a friend. Tell them we're getting connected to moon guard.
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97 Worgen Death Knight
Goodbye server identity, hello future...
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Oh hey.
We actually have a guild member whose mains are all on SoE.
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100 Gnome Priest
Imagine my relief when I found this out! :D
I am looking forward to the connection!

When we connect with SoE, does this cut us off from CRZ with MG/WRA?
It would be great to finally get Goldshire back. <.<
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100 Human Paladin
No. Connected realms do not directly affect CRZ, they are simply another thing that Blizz is trying.
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90 Human Mage
That sucks, we wanted to share the Moonguard Goldshire Inn with everyone!
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/03/2014 05:48 AMPosted by Aeriscats
That sucks, we wanted to share the Moonguard Goldshire Inn with everyone!

No!!! You don't understand! The horror! The HORROR!!!

Anyway, greetings from SoE and I look forward to seeing more Horde RP.
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We're being connected with a new server? Fabulous! Tell them to start right away - we could always do with a bit more serving help. The last few have been getting lazy, and they always bring the soup out cold...

*is handed a note*

Oh. A game server. Not a butler server. Oh. Well. That changes things. I um, well, I think that, well -

#$($ it. We'll do it live.

New blood! Exciting!
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90 Draenei Shaman
*Pats Finn gently on the shoulder* There there Finn, its alright.

*Looks to everyone in the room* He gets very confused sometimes, you should see his Priest try and shape shift in to Cat form. He tries real hard though :D

(This is Dar by the way Finn :) )

Good to see we are on the connection list, it will be great to boost the numbers of the realm. CC isn't a dead server by any means, but the population has dropped significantly since its days back when I started in Wrath. Constant chatter in trade and general, pug groups forming pretty regularly. It would be nice to get that atmosphere back.

And usually there are more then just one connection for realms, at least that has been the trend so far for the majority of the connections. So I would imagine we would be connected/merged with another realm or two before all is said and done.

See you all soon SoE peeps.
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