[H- RP] Your presence is cordially requested

100 Blood Elf Paladin
The invitations were sent out to nearly every member of Horde Society, from the interns of the Royal Library to the head of the AAMS and everyone in between. By the sheer velocity of invitations one might surmise that it was going to be quite the social event.

Trenetir Moradinel and Irilin Duskwhisper
Cordially request the pleasure of your company
At their wedding celebration
Saturday, March the fifteenth at five bells in the evening
Nagrand, Outland

Ceremony to be officiated by Liore Bloodwing
Reception to follow.

Trenetir sat awake, careful not to wake Irilin as he stared at the invitation. The light from the single lamp was no longer a risk to rouse him from his sleep. Trenetir's breath's were slow and measured as his bright green gaze read and re-read the invitations. He ran his hand over the embossed script, losing himself in a memory.

He was smiling. How could he not be? Everything was going to be different. He dressed with purpose, knowing that his life would never be the same. Spurned by his father, filled with his mother's bitterness and his brother's ambivalence, none of it would matter, now that he was wed to Isamin.

They were set to depart on a trip, away from the city, time just for them.

His eyes flashed red; neither from blood nor from the actions of others, but from the words of one.

"She isn't coming."

"You mean she's running late?" He countered. It was just like her. She was a perfectionist. He could picture her now, fussing over ribbons and lace.

"No. she's not coming." Merithel said again, his features betraying the bad news of which he bore.

The look on Trenetir's face was one of shock, of disbelief, of disappointment. He opened his mouth to speak, "W...w...why?" His voice cracked with emotion.

"She was found dead this morning." Meri's face was pale, the news still clutched tightly in his hand.

The words struck the air from his lungs then just as they did now, causing him to inhale audibly. It took him a while to realize where he was, not lost in a memory, but at home, in the cell of a room that he now shared with Irilin.

The more recent memory of almost losing Irilin threatened to overtake him as he sat there. There was no reason to be worried. Things had changed. he had changed.

With one last look at the invitation, Trenetir leaned over, kissing Irilin on the cheek as he slept before faling back to sleep. His thoughts were not of vengeance or of revenge, but of the possibilities of the future.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
He sat alone in the study of his estate in Silvermoon, worried about a letter he had received from Father Shankolin, sent from Stormwind to Hearthglen and on to Silvermoon via Argent courier. He said that Stormwind's authorities were looking into the matter, but advised him to keep an eye out for anything suspicious while in northern Lordaeron. He had snorted; northern Lordaeron was largely held by the Forsaken, of course there was going to be something suspicious. But he would be watchful, nonetheless.

"Master," one of the House Guards reported, "this just arrived." He handed his lord an envelope. It was addressed to Lord Taeril'hane Ketiron, Whitehair Estate, Court of the Sun, Silvermoon.

Curious, the Blood Knight Master opened the envelope and read the contents, his eyebrows raising almost into his hairline when he saw it was one of the oh-so-important invitations that Moradinel had been bullying the AAMS for. Then, after a minute or so of silence, he started laughing. "Must have been sent to the wrong address."

"No, Master, it was properly addre--"

"I was being sarcastic," Ketiron interrupted. "Bosh and nonsense, this. I will not give that bullying swine the satisfaction." He moved to toss the folded invitation into the fireplace....then he hesitated. Genevra had raised his suspicions, but suspicion was nothing without proof. This would be an opportune way to obtain it. But could he go himself, when he had so publicly and vehemently condemned the man as a coward and a bully? His wife Areinnye, he knew, wouldn't give this man the time of day; she had said as much. This would be a task more suited to Kitrik, his goblin spy and assassin...especially seeing as there was more pressing work to be done.

He considered the idea of simply sending the goblin in his place...and then rejected it. The reputation of his House had not been made on delegation. He consulted his calendar; it was one month and ten days from now. Time enough. "Perhaps it will be entertaining, at the very least," he said at last.
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100 Pandaren Rogue
The island floating above Lake Sunspring in Nagrand was perfect. There was a tree for shade, and ample room for both an audience and a landing space as people arrived. Though it lacked an altar or seats, Irilin didn't worry; it wasn't what was lacking that mattered, but what was there.

Of course, he still didn't know if anyone would actually show up. He had been told by a few people that they would be in attendance, but he had a feeling that no one actually wanted to go. If no one else was there, he wouldn't be surprised, but it wouldn't lessen the joy of the event.

He made a mental note to find Dellis to make sure that the specific location was shared with anyone who might have RSVPed already. This would be, he hoped, an event to remember.
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100 Pandaren Rogue
((Seriously, though, are people planning on attending? It's okay if everyone stands/sits on Irilin's side--I'm pretty sure the island won't tip over...))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((I'm looking to, yes.))
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90 Pandaren Warrior
((I'll be there. In a dress.))
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94 Blood Elf Paladin
((It wouldn’t be wise for Koudo to be preset, but Yuuko will most likely be there for security and or to be the lone individual sitting on Tren’s side.))
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
((Telirra WILL be there, whether she wants to be or not!))
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100 Goblin Warlock
Mormel scratched her head upon skimming the invitation she had "borrowed" from a member of the AAMS.

"I'm confused... what's going on? Is this like an elf soap opera or something?"

Mormel muttered aloud to herself before she read the card once more.

"Oh it's wedding in Nagrand! How adorable! Unfortunately, I don't think it specified where exactly in Nagrand this would be... Probably some picturesque floating island with a large tree in the middle of it."

Mormel then loudly snickered to herself.

"Awww... those elves and their trees!"

Mormel began to crunch the invitation into the ball so she could unceremoniously chuck it off to the side when a thought suddenly struck her.

"Gnome biscuits! An elf wedding means handsome elf bachelors!"

Mormel immediately stopped what she was doing and rushed off to mark her calendar.

((I'll try to come but, depending on how long it runs, I will have to leave early so I can head over to the AAMS lounge night.))
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100 Goblin Shaman
((I think it's a safe bet to say that most AAMSers usually at Lounge will be attending the wedding on some alt or another... We love Trenetir and Irilin OOC wise, it's just a matter of figuring out which one of our characters would go and why! It's made for some fun OOC discussions.

But the point being, if it runs long, no harm done. We've known about the wedding for a long time now. We can start late or skip a week depending on how things go.))
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100 Goblin Warlock
((Ah. I was not aware of that Kezrin. Thank you for letting me know and I'll be sure to mention the wedding to some of the non-AAMS members that have shown up to the Lounge recently. Hopefully they can attend as well.))
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100 Pandaren Rogue
((Two weeks to go!

I still don't know what I'm wearing!

Also, mental note: Make sure Liore takes any remarks about "If anyone knows why these two should not be wed, speak now"...))
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90 Pandaren Warrior
((As we don't want the event to be stretched out into a month or two, I figured I'd skip that particular portion of the ceremony.))
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100 Goblin Warlock
((Tren pulled a sword on me last week. Does that count as a reason? :-P ))
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90 Pandaren Warrior
((Who hasn't he pulled a sword on. That's how he says hello.))
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100 Goblin Warlock
((Oh.... and here I was building a legal case against him :-/ I guess instead I'll try to find a good wedding gift.))

((Also, Rhazin should be coming to the wedding too.))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
03/02/2014 07:15 AMPosted by Liore
((Who hasn't he pulled a sword on. That's how he says hello.))

((Your mom.))

03/02/2014 08:29 AMPosted by Mormel
((Oh.... and here I was building a legal case against him :-/

((I fully encourage you to do this because it will be fun RP.))
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100 Pandaren Rogue
((Is there anyone who would be willing to give a ride to people who can't fly up to the island on their own? I don't know if there's a way to do that, and I don't know if anyone who's coming will be that low in lvl, but I thought I'd check just to make sure :) ))
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90 Pandaren Warrior
((I am capable, if people need to be carted. Or you could make FRIENDS. With a WARLOCK.))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
03/02/2014 12:44 PMPosted by Liore
((I am capable, if people need to be carted. Or you could make FRIENDS. With a WARLOCK.))

((I'm all filled up on friend slots but I think at least 1 lock will be there.))
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