[H- RP] Your presence is cordially requested

100 Goblin Shaman
((Warlocks? Eww. I think Kezrin would rather walk... to the floating island.... first.

Assuming she's coming at all, mind you. I have no idea what my final availability will be on the 15th, as there is a large construction project scheduled at my workplace to begin on the 16th so I may be busy doing prep work.))
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100 Goblin Warlock
03/02/2014 10:13 AMPosted by Trenetir

((I fully encourage you to do this because it will be fun RP.))

((Yeah it would be fun to do a court RP event. Still, I'll need to pick the perfect time to serve you with the papers. Besides, this month is pretty heavy on RP so we can let something like that slide into next month.))

03/02/2014 12:44 PMPosted by Liore
((I am capable, if people need to be carted. Or you could make FRIENDS. With a WARLOCK.))

W-Warlock!? W-Why are you l-looking at me? I'm just a humble fire mage a-and know nothing about o-opening demonic gateways that t-transport people.

((In all seriousness I can port people if they need it.))

03/02/2014 01:15 PMPosted by Trenetir
((I'm all filled up on friend slots but I think at least 1 lock will be there.))

((Ohhh! If I give you this rotten egg yolk that I found can I be your BFF? :3 ))

03/02/2014 01:59 PMPosted by Kezrin
((Warlocks? Eww. I think Kezrin would rather walk... to the floating island.... first.

Assuming she's coming at all, mind you. I have no idea what my final availability will be on the 15th, as there is a large construction project scheduled at my workplace to begin on the 16th so I may be busy doing prep work.))

((Kezzy! No! You can't be absent! Your job isn't worth it! *-* ))
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100 Blood Elf Warlock

You'll have at least one warlock, the one that matters...mattered? Will matter? Whatever. ^.^

I'd be happy to help.<3
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100 Goblin Shaman
Kezrin didn't have an invitation, of course. One of the odd things about working at the AAMS meant that you rarely actually received a delivery, since you could just pick it up yourself. Not that she couldn't get one. She was pretty sure there was still a small stack left in the AAMS offices. Maybe even one with her name on it, who knew? She'd never bothered to take a look at them. She was tempted to pick one up just so she could rip it in half.

Trenetir had actually come to apologize for his actions, of all things! Not that she believed him; lies were easier than actions, and she'd yet to see any actions. Except for the bag of gold, perhaps. But bribes were easier than action, too.

Nor did it change the fact that she didn't like weddings, and a wedding thrown by someone like Moradinel was likely to be one of worst sort of pomp and posturing. She shuddered at the thought.

Still, she felt as though she owed Irilin at least a gesture of... something. She rummaged around her closet until she found what she was looking for. A large, dark brown decorative Goldwick Candle, Fireplace Fizzle. It was scented like burning firewood and even had a special wick that made the popping noise when burned. It was relaxing at times when she just needed some white noise to tune the world out. She'd saved this one for a while.

She considered what sort of note to include, but grimaced as she realized anything she wrote would have to be read by Moradinel. She settled on a small note saying simply, "To Irilin, Kezrin." Note and candle went inside a small box, wrapped with plain brown shipping paper. She'd leave it the next day in the office with a label addressing it to Irilin for his wedding with no sender; no need to let anyone else know she was sending it.


03/02/2014 03:12 PMPosted by Mormel

((Kezzy! No! You can't be absent! Your job isn't worth it! *-* ))

((Actually, it turns out I won't be there, but for completely different reasons. I have some rather big things to deal with in real life at the moment that only came up in the past few days (nothing bad!) and will not be able to log in on Saturday. So have fun, and take lots of screenies for me, 'kay? ))
Edited by Kezrin on 3/9/2014 8:13 AM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
03/09/2014 08:01 AMPosted by Kezrin
((Actually, it turns out I won't be there, but for completely different reasons. I have some rather big things to deal with in real life at the moment that only came up in the past few days (nothing bad!) and will not be able to log in on Saturday. So have fun, and take lots of screenies for me, 'kay? ))

((Awww! I'm sorry to hear that and I hope you get everything sorted out real soon. You will be missed! ;_;))
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100 Pandaren Rogue
((So, we're just going to pretend that all of these details were in the original invitations...

The wedding of
Trenatir Moradinel and Irilin Duskwhisper
Saturday, March 15th, 5pm server
Island above Sunspring Lake, Nagrand (50, 30)
Reception to follow at the Stormspire Inn, Netherstorm (FP available at Garadar, Nagrand)

I think that covers everything...I hope that covers everything...If I forgot something, just nudge me))
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100 Pandaren Rogue
((Tonight's the night! Even Alliance peeps can come, if you promise to behave! Also, since Tren is anti-cake, there probably won't be one...but there should be pie...maybe...))
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100 Pandaren Rogue
Irilin's Wedding Vows
((amended to fix a missing line!))

My heart has known despair, and yet, you raised
It from those lonesome depths to beat again,
Much stronger than before. I'm here, amazed
That such a day as this has come, for when
My heart was last in love, that love was wrenched
Away too soon. Your love has given me
The will to live, the potent wine that quenched
My thirst and warmed my soul. And now, we'll see
A vintage of our own mature, and share
That lovely liquor with our friends, so they
Might taste the happiness as well. Aware
Of you, more now than ever, any way
You go, so too shall go my heart, and swift
Will yours return to me its precious gift.
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100 Goblin Warlock
((Thanks for the open invite and for hosting the event! I had a lot of fun!))

Nyah! Good luck on the honeymoon you two! Let me know how that 'sword' holds up.
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((well, poop. I was working. Sorry to miss this.))
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100 Pandaren Rogue
Did anyone take screenshots/video? Would be nifty to have some sort of album to share...
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Yes there is an album available.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Oh! I wanna see! I wanna see!
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