Each time Malfurion take action, the Keldorai suffer.
Take out the Queen...
Blow the Well.
Take out Archimonde...
Blow the Tree.
He even make nature's problem pass before is people as show in the darkshore and in is and Tyrande short story.
He is suppose to be that uber powerfull archdruid, he as the backing of the direct conduit of Elune and instead of attacking Archmonde, he throw away is people immortality. Note that it's only is people immortality because HE and is druid are still immortal.
He is NOT a race leader material. He shown time and time again that he only care for nature. In WC3, the Druids, the ancients and the Dryads are part of the Keldorai force. With the creation of the CC, the Keldorai lost over 50% of their combat force and where send away from their home on Hyjal.
He need to choose between is people or the CC and we all know what the choice will be.
Posted by Renrashin
03/28/2014 04:13 PMPosted by Darstine
Just tear down Nordrassil and tap the Well. As far as I know it's totally powerless now, and if it comes down to a big tree or the prosperity if your species most people should choose the latter.
Malfurion and the rest of CC would object to this
Once again, because
03/28/2014 04:33 PMPosted by Lilyphoebe
Unfortunately Nordrassil also seems to unified so deeply with Azeroth itself that any damage to it would threaten the world itself as well, so I do not think taking Nordrassil down is a possibility.
Easy, take a 1/16 of the lake's water and recreate another lake elsewhere. not one flask like the high elf did for the sunwell. Should do the trick to return the NE to immortality and power.