But that doesn't make what you're doing good.
You are accusing Blizzard of the thing that you yourself are perpetrating.
I very much disagree. While I may say how Tyrande's characterization doesn't make sense in ALP due to her WC3 persona, that doesn't mean I want her WC3 persona back either. I want progression and logical character development, not characters given and plots put forth just because it was like that in the old days.
Changes in the story and in characters should follow a logical and well developed path, not be used as justifications and plot devices to prop up other characters.
Tyrande and Malfurion don't follow logical paths. Malfurion wouldn't stand aside and let people destroy his forest. Cenarius wouldn't either.
The story should have never placed them into the position to choose, and if it did, it should have been rationalized and dealt with in ways that played to the character, not played to the necessity of the plot.
Night Elves should be adapting to the Alliance....but the Alliance should be adapting to them as well. It's not Nostalgia that makes me want Elune to not be a Naaru, the Night Elves to not use the Light, and for them to not be giving up their culture and losing biological functions and disadvantages/advantages..
It's respect for the art of story telling. Any and every idea I have for Night Elves (or any race at all) stems from points and plots mentioned in the past. They are ALWAYS organic, if sometimes stemming from an obscure piece of lore.
I don't want WC3 Night Elves. I think WC3 was the time for WC3 Night Elves...
But I DO want Night Elves that make sense and reconcile with what we saw in WC3, where the growth and changes are both logical and in tune with what we knew of their characterization. The lift of male/female thing was well done at first, with it being a cultural thing that war and death forced them to adapt to.
Flat out retcons to the forest creatures and allies? Not so much. And that's the difference between what I do and what Blizzard does.
They actively destroy and change and retcon because they miss the good old days.. I want the good old days to remain the good old days, but I also expect those days to have meaningful and powerful motivators for the story today.