Looking for a home

I'll throw in a Gnome and twenty stacks of flaming booze.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Well I could use a gnome slave er... assistant and flaming booze is always nice to have on hand.

Tell ya what. Throw in a couple of those moths they sell at space goat land and we have a deal.
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Deal. Now don't tell my husband >.>
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100 Goblin Warlock
Husband!? Good thing I didn't ask for that hug.


Er... I mean sure! No problem. This will just be our little secret.
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97 Blood Elf Priest

-Hangs head. Walks off dejectedly. Kicks a can.-
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*rapid blinks* I.. well yea. But anyways.. I've got a lackey headed to the Exodar for those moths. I want the freshest reagents you can ste-- FIND! Find. Yes. We -find- things.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Of course we find things! If I happen to find an item out in the open... within a chest... enclosed in a locked steel safe... behind a barred door guarded by two ogres and a dragon then clearly it is ripe for the taking! Finders keepers right?
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Indeed! Finder keepers, and loose ends are always tied up. And left to rot. In places.

What were we talking about?
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100 Goblin Warlock

Anyway, I'm pretty sure we were talking about how much better it is to be a goblin than a gnome.
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