Lots of posts, lots of writing, and not a whole lot of time for me... I'll try to sum things up nice and simple.
A thought: If she were 20-ish (naturally aged) at the time of year 0, then she would be 50-ish currently.
What could be said about her station in clan at this stage of her life? Could she be a sort-of cult leader? I don't mean "Leader of the Dark Horde", but I'd like her to have a station of respect within their ranks...
At the moment, the Dark Horde seems to be in shambles. Their Warchief Rend is dead, their dragon-leader Nefarian is slain and the Black Drakes they once worshiped and loved are all vanquished. I'd imagine they would have split up. Perhaps your character is the leader for one of these small cults?
For that matter; Nefarius was once their leader. Now that he's dead is there another dragon acting as their lord? Would they have had any sort of boon from having him as their leader? Would those black dragons still affiliate with these Orcs?
The Black Dragons of Azeroth are all dead, aside from Wrathion. There may still be a few out there, but the events around end-Cata and early MoP made sure they're one of the rarest species on the planet. Wrathion even went so far as to hire the world's best assassin league to hunt them down. So, in short, no. No more Dragons for the Dark Horde.
Anyone have a link that might shed some light on this?
I use Wowpedia.org/Timeline_(unofficial), as I believe it to be the most accurate.
05/07/2014 01:20 PMPosted by
Jakjak I'd used http://wowpedia.org/Timeline_(unofficial) before, which had pieced things together based on what what was known prior to the UVG. Those times never seemed right to me either, but I don't have the UVG to see if they stuck with the original span for those events being just a couple decades, or access to any other documentation that might contain a more definite indication of dates.
UVG Timeline is just the unofficial one toned down to maybe five pre-First War dates with vague information, and then expansion lore. It's rather boring, to be honest...
By this timeline, that would make her around 18-20 at the time of the Orc Invasion of Azeroth. She would likely be a grunt soldier and perhaps a necrolyte of the shadow council. Nobody of any great importance at the time, allowing her to skate beneath the radar when Grom eradicates the Shadow Council.
Orgrim Doomhammer is the one who kills the Shadow Council, not Grom. :)
Would it be taboo for me to claim a lineage to Blackhand for her?
I'm thinking a new Warchief might consummate his great station with all sorts of drunken orgies. So who actually knows who fathered whom, but her mother could have claimed that lineage for her.
Claiming any lineage with
any lore character is heavily frowned upon by the general community.
Would that even be something to be proud of?
If memory serves Blackhand lost the support of most Orcs which led Grom to challenge him as Warchief. Is that correct?
Eh... You could argue it both ways.
05/07/2014 02:51 PMPosted by
Urók The shadow council never existed. Only Guldan and like twenty other orcs knew the Council existed, let alone were in it.
Thus, Gul'dan secretly brought together a collection of warlocks, necrolytes, chieftains, and even the occasional ogre into a clandestine council — the Shadow Council.Certainly did exist.
05/07/2014 02:51 PMPosted by
Urók If you were born at the beginning of the Draenei purge, you would have been magically aged and never known Ner'Zhul except for in stories or in his weakened state.
Very few Orcs were aged this way. Natural aging was the normal at all times in Orcish history, and it was only when Gul'dan was impatient that he allowed fel to be pumped into babies such as Garona.
05/07/2014 02:51 PMPosted by
Urók At some point you would have been a Warlock since all shamans were turned into Warlocks, killed, or ran away.
Again, not the case. Some Shaman turned to Fel after the spirits abandoned them, but others simply accepted it and chose to continue to try and contact them throughout this period of time.
Hope this helps some Caileanmor!