Connected Realms

100 Blood Elf Warlock
Oh, and in the interest of disclosure -
I freakin panicked for a few minutes and started calculating how much it was going to cost me to move everyone.
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100 Human Paladin
I kinda feel sorry for how much Cenarion Circle is being jerked about with all this merge here connect there and then nothing. Its sad to see my former home server being so yanked about. Anyways I wish you all well and I hope you all well and good from a former member of CC.
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81 Blood Elf Priest
Actually I think the connection to Sisters may still be a go. They are shutting CC down tomorrow to move the server to the LA datacenter. So, probably, this means shortly SoE could be connected to it.
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100 Pandaren Monk
That was my guess, either that or upgrading the hamsters in the servers so that they would play nicely with the hamsters in Sisters of Elune.
Edited by Qaletaqaa on 7/23/2014 8:46 PM PDT
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92 Night Elf Druid
07/23/2014 08:27 PMPosted by Abdalaziz
Actually I think the connection to Sisters may still be a go. They are shutting CC down tomorrow to move the server to the LA datacenter. So, probably, this means shortly SoE could be connected to it.

Source for this?
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81 Blood Elf Priest
Blizzard's ongoing Connected Realms process not only connects realms together, but is also consolidating the 4 datacenters down into just 2. As New York datacenter realms get connected, they get moved to the Chicago datacenter. As Phoenix dc realms get connected, they get moved to Los Angeles dc. IPs, battlegroups, and even some timezones get changed.
Looks like after July 31, there will be 5 left in New York, and 4 left in Phoenix.

Cenarian Circle, after today, will be in Los Angeles, SoE still in Phoenix, so they should be connected in the Los Angeles DC.
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100 Orc Shaman
i highly doubt that MG gets merged w/ anyone just because of how massive that server is.
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100 Orc Shaman
07/24/2014 08:06 AMPosted by Abdalaziz
Cenarian Circle, after today, will be in Los Angeles, SoE still in Phoenix, so they should be connected in the Los Angeles DC.

we're not getting merged with anyone today, we just have maintenance. Also, why is our server down at 9 am server time?
Edited by Aquanet on 7/24/2014 9:13 AM PDT
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100 Draenei Mage
The maintenance says until 11am server.
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100 Orc Shaman
ooooooooh, crap, ty, Izby. For some reason I thought it was tonight. : /
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100 Orc Warrior
Also, amusingly enough, it appears to have broken all our armory pages for the moment.
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100 Draenei Mage
That likely has to do with the fact that they are transferring our realm to another server, meaning the entire world is temporarily offline and inaccessible. Armory pages would need a cache system that's pretty amazing to not do referential call backs to verify data.
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100 Orc Shaman
I thought we weren't getting merged today? It doesn't say anything about CC doing that.
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100 Orc Warrior
We're getting MOVED, not merged.

The merge, if at all, will come after the move.
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100 Draenei Mage
When I said server I was strictly speaking of the mechanical not the digital realms. As Korigal stated, we are moving from one data center to another so they have to transfer our realm to another server in the new data center. That time period would mean our realm will be offline in that time. No worries, they should be finishing soon.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Anyone else nervously refreshing the Realm Status page?
Possibly while chanting "please don't break, please don't break, please don't break..."?
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100 Troll Hunter
07/24/2014 09:31 AMPosted by Korigal
Also, amusingly enough, it appears to have broken all our armory pages for the moment.

Realms that haved been moved or merged in the past tend to be without Armory access for up to a month, so could be a while before that's back.
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100 Human Mage
07/24/2014 09:31 AMPosted by Korigal
Also, amusingly enough, it appears to have broken all our armory pages for the moment.

I like having the iLvL of 'Oops'
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
And now our server is completely gone from the listing. Not to sound panicky, but...
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100 Orc Shaman
Neither are the other realms that had maintenance w/ us.
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