Connected Realms

90 Worgen Druid
some of the other realms are up, just missing moonguard and thrall
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
If we get moved I would much rather SoE than LA.
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90 Worgen Hunter
Still not seeing the Cenarion Circle Server on the list. I am seeing a few of the others that were on the list for maintenance though (Area 52 & Garrosh, but not the others). Anyone know what's happening or are we literally in "limbo?"

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81 Blood Elf Priest
07/24/2014 12:02 PMPosted by Zurom
If we get moved I would much rather SoE than LA.
They are moving the server to Los Angeles (LA). The merge with SoE is still a possibility.
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100 Goblin Warlock
07/24/2014 11:26 AMPosted by Tajit
07/24/2014 09:31 AMPosted by Korigal
Also, amusingly enough, it appears to have broken all our armory pages for the moment.

Realms that haved been moved or merged in the past tend to be without Armory access for up to a month, so could be a while before that's back.

Yay! I'm not in shadow form!

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Moonguard is gone from us on CRZ, I repeat MoonGuard is gone from us on CRZ. Goldshire is so peaceful!
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90 Goblin Mage
Kinda miss Silvermoon being crowded now, it is like a ghost town again.
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100 Human Priest
07/24/2014 09:31 AMPosted by Korigal
Also, amusingly enough, it appears to have broken all our armory pages for the moment.

It's also broken the mobile armory.

I didn't know what was going on until I read this thread as I've been spending most of my time in the beta, just logging in on CC a few days here and there. When I did try to view my characters using the Armory, all I was seeing was a message saying "unavailable due to inactivity" which seemed odd. It was even more odd when I couldn't see any of my guildmates' characters either. Then I knew something was up.

07/24/2014 03:15 PMPosted by Tandivh
Moonguard is gone from us on CRZ, I repeat MoonGuard is gone from us on CRZ. Goldshire is so peaceful!

Nothing against Moonguard, but this makes me very happy!
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100 Draenei Hunter
07/24/2014 03:15 PMPosted by Tandivh
Moonguard is gone from us on CRZ, I repeat MoonGuard is gone from us on CRZ. Goldshire is so peaceful!

For how long? Forever? YES PLEASE??? FOREVER??
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Nope, they are back. Blizz is a dirty bunch of teases.
Edited by Otiandrella on 7/27/2014 9:33 PM PDT
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98 Blood Elf Paladin
I've just started playing after a 3 year break, and I cannot believe how dead quiet everything is... nothing going on in Org, maybe when I get to Pandaria it will be a bit different?

Since I don't really know anyone anymore I was thinking of just moving off my 3 main chars but I don't know if that is really worth the $60 or so to move to a higher pop server.
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100 Gnome Priest
...or perhaps poke around a little bit. You might just find a guild or a few people with whom you enjoy RPing. /join hordeooc (or if you dare /join allianceooc :P) and stick around a while. Save a little money. :)
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81 Blood Elf Priest
If you are going to move, I suggest Wyrmrest Accord or Moon Guard. They announced a merger for this server 6 months ago, then cancelled it. A lot of people on both servers have transferred off since then. I did a census on both servers this morning. SoE came in a 58 total, CC came in at 104 total. Both places went at least 15 minutes each without a word in trade.
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100 Gnome Priest
Fifteen minutes of silence in Trade? That doesn't surprise me.

It's monday in the morning/afternoon, hardly peak day and time; not to mention school is getting into gear in several US regions. No idea how much of Blizz's demographic is comprised of 18 and under, but that has to count for something. Factor in also that we had a fairly meaningful update thursday last which gave several of us connection issues.

At one point I just gave up the idea of logging this weekend all together and got busy with other things, electing to get back to whatever I was doing as this week rolled on. I'm sure there are others out there that did something similar.

I for one welcome the occasional silence in Trade and General... so much so that I've completely turned them off, heh :) I only turn general on now when I'm on Timeless Isle, but that's just me.

07/28/2014 12:26 PMPosted by Abdalaziz
SoE came in a 58 total, CC came in at 104 total.

No idea what those numbers represent, so I checked myself. Here's what I've come up with.
Warcraftrealms, Server Stats:
Warcraftrealms, CC Stats:
Warcraftrealms, SoE Stats:

Some interesting figures. I suppose it all boils down to what sort of game play you desire.

I'm RP centric and rather enjoy the notion that I'm apart of the entire server community. It's not easy to begin with I'll grant you that.
If someone offends me I can't just run to another guild or group because everyone generally cooperates as a community (there's that word again) and likely knows each other OOC to some degree. I actually have to deal with my issues in an adult manner; which helps weed out a lot of drama. *thumbs up*
If I'm bored then I need to figure out how to make things interesting for myself which in turn fuels my creativity.

Everyone has their niche. Not everyone that RPs -only- RPs. Heroic grinding for VP/JP and doing circuits on Timeless Isle has been my thing for some time now, for instance. There are also many RP guilds that raid to varying degrees or PVP. So if one were to look I'm sure they'd find something that's for them and gain a few new friends along the way :D

Back to RP, if you're looking for something ultra specific then you might run up short on CC or SoE. Getting something new started too is difficult even if you have the community interest. One of the only major shortfalls of our small communities, in my opinion. So in that light you'd have greater success starting new RP or finding something very specific in MG or WrA.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
The Wowpedia page has been updated and provides as close as we're going to get to confirmation of a relocation at this point - tho Baskiok did post a couple days ago that the Armory issues were due to a hardware migration and were compounded by the power outage in Irvine

We're down to 5 realms left in Phoenix and 7 in New York.
Hopefully we should see a connection announcement in the next couple of weeks.
The good news is that the problems some realms have experienced involving connections was related to hardware migration, we got through that pretty painlessly so any connections should be smooth sailing.

07/28/2014 12:26 PMPosted by Abdalaziz
If you are going to move, I suggest Wyrmrest Accord or Moon Guard. They announced a merger for this server 6 months ago, then cancelled it. A lot of people on both servers have transferred off since then. I did a census on both servers this morning. SoE came in a 58 total, CC came in at 104 total. Both places went at least 15 minutes each without a word in trade.

It wasn't actually "cancelled", it was placed on hold until a later date because more backend work was needed.
Talk in the large-scale data community is that either Blizzard's data provider wasn't able to provide the physical space required in the scheduled timeframe or the physical needs were underestimated.
There are some thing that can't be fixed by throwing more money at it, even when you're a multi-billion dollar company and on a scale this big it's just not as simple as calling up AT&T to cancel and switching to Comcast.

Their lack of transparency is irritating as hell though.

Personally, I wouldn't be spending any money on transfers this point, it's too close to the end of the entire project. If you exclude the Brazilian, Latin American and (traditionally) high pop realms AND the realms listed in the sticky - they are down to only 14 realms with the potential to be connected.
Edited by Arizza on 7/28/2014 4:00 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
07/28/2014 09:44 AMPosted by Luminis
I've just started playing after a 3 year break, and I cannot believe how dead quiet everything is... nothing going on in Org, maybe when I get to Pandaria it will be a bit different?

Since I don't really know anyone anymore I was thinking of just moving off my 3 main chars but I don't know if that is really worth the $60 or so to move to a higher pop server.

I do not recommend it. Not only is the whole connected realm project coming to a close, where CC will surely be merged with someone, but CC is also CRZed with both Moon Guard and Wyrmwrest Accord, the two high pop RP realms.

While I can attest to the frustrations of cross realm limitations the reality is you can gain access to most of the RP "resources" that those two high pop realms provide.. or any realm in the crz pool. For example, even though I am from SoE most of my friends are on CC. I also know several people on CC who RP frequently with folks from MG.

WrA is probably the hardest RP community to penetrate for someone from a different server simply because of that realm's tendency to be guild centric. Still, I would not pay for a transfer to WrA until after you managed to make friends there.
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73 Worgen Warrior
SoE & CC Back on the List.
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100 Draenei Shaman
August 21st! Barring any more unforeseen setbacks
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100 Draenei Paladin
08/08/2014 04:14 PMPosted by Belpha
August 21st! Barring any more unforeseen setbacks

Our original merge date was only a setback!
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90 Pandaren Priest
08/08/2014 04:18 PMPosted by Zephilyn
08/08/2014 04:14 PMPosted by Belpha
August 21st! Barring any more unforeseen setbacks

Our original merge date was only a setback!

They were not prepared!
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