The AAMS ABKS Mystery Subscription

100 Gnome Priest
All of Augusts' packages have either been delivered or mailed as of today.

You have ten days yet to get in on the fun that will be September. A theme has already been selected, but you won't get to learn what it is unless you sign up! All August members will automatically be carried forward. Remember September will cost 1g to receive :)

Also, if the connection goes through smoothly, sign-ups will be open to anyone on Sisters of Elune.

Current Signups:
Khromie (x2)

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100 Gnome Priest
Everyone who has not received their September package should check their mail!

To answer some questions I've been getting (I'll add it to the original posts), no you are not getting random items. We're selecting items that seasonal or are themed, and everyone gets the same item. That's why I have a cut-off date of one week before the first, so we have plenty of time to farm items if we have last minute sign-ups. We might change it up sometime in the future, if it fits that month's theme.

Speaking of cut-off dates.... anyone who wants to sign up in time to receive our October Mystery Item has until Tuesday night, Sept. 23rd. Brae is working very hard to collect the... ah... special items we have in plan!
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100 Goblin Warlock
Sign me and the fat dwarf up. Of course if supplies are tight then goblin>dwarf .

In fact is there a subscription plan for this or should I continue signing up every month?
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100 Gnome Priest
It's a subscription. I'm automatically including those who've previously signed up for other months.

Exceptions being made for people who got signed up by someone else, unless that someone else paid in advance for a number of months. The specific person who has suddenly made this a very important rule knows what I mean. /wink.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Thanks and good to know!

Oh... uh... Trenetir totally said he'd pay my bill in advance. Totally.
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100 Gnome Priest
Signs-ups for October have closed! Be on to lookout for AAMS couriers starting the first!
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100 Gnome Priest
Hi, folks! A reminder that if you'd like to be on our November list, you need to have your name added by the end of October 24th!
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100 Gnome Priest
Due to holidays, the WoD release, and the SWAP, this month's ABKS is a little different and the AAMS won't be delivering items individually. Instead, they've been mailed to our subscribers (all but two so far have been sent; silly mail limit!)

It's also a bit different in that this month's delivery was a donation to the AAMS from a fellow roleplayer. Everyone is getting something a tad different; I wrapped them up and mailed them randomly, so I hope you got something you like!
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100 Worgen Druid
The Druid stood in the doorway looking over a flyer a tiny gnome had brought. Usually, she favored the solitude, but her newest outpost didn't seem very keen on keeping people out. On the contrary, the guards seemed more than happy to let nearly anyone and anything in, as evidenced by the courtyard which seemed to be filling up with ghosts and machines along with dwarves and humans that just wanted to "Help."

A mailing list though? This gave her a thought...

"Would these subscriptions be in person? Or through the post, little one?" she asked?

((Derscha, I'd like to sign up. And I'd like to sign up another, but I'll let you know in game. /wink))
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100 Goblin Warlock
((Derscha should have the gift Gerhilda is giving and Brae should have the gift Mormel is giving. I mailed both of them as replies to the AAMS letters I received. Let me know if there are any issues.))
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100 Goblin Shaman
Cori Sprocketquill dutifully stood by the new month's ABKS packages, waiting for inspection after the last month's "fish cakes" mix-up. Kezrin picked up the clipboard and glanced quickly at the papers.

"So, what's this month's mystery package... oh." She grimaced. "Figures it'd be somethin' like that."

"I think it's a loooooovely idea," Cori crooned.

"I guess for some people," Kezrin shrugged and peered into one of the boxes. "All right, looks good for deliver-... wait."

The open box became the latest recipient of the goblin's skunk-eye.

"I am not deliverin' this ta TAE. Forget it. No way."

"You're not the only Horde courier," Cori reminded her. "Someone else can take it. Or maybe one of the shields."

Kezrin started filing through names in her head. Bralox? And pray TAE was in a good mood. Solendenus? If they wanted a lawsuit.

Iceia? Only if someone else asked him to do it, or else she'd never hear the end of it from him. It would be better just to deliver it herself and hope he didn't learn about it.

Koudo? That earned a shudder. They'd never find his body.... Which might not actually be a bad thing, really.

"Maaaaybe we can convince Brae ta deliver this one this time," Kezrin hedged.

"Maybe!" Cori shipperly agreed. "But otherwise, all good?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's good ta go."

She signed off on the papers and started wondering how hard it would be to convince Vutago to visit Silvermoon.
Edited by Kezrin on 2/1/2015 5:05 PM PST
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100 Goblin Shaman
It was early in the morning - one could argue very late at night, yet - when Kezrin snuck into the Booty Bay offices. Well, technically, she wasn't really sneaking because she was perfectly authorized to access to records she needed, but the goblin wasn't in the mood to run into anyone.

Her first stop was at the laundry to pick up a new uniform. The one she'd worn earlier in the day was ruined, its backside covered in dark reddish brown smudges. Even if Tula could clean it, she didn't want it back.

The second was the AAMS's records room. She pulled out the ABKS file and stared at the page. The words were little more than a sleepy blurr; she rubbed her eyes a few times to help focus. There, toward the bottom of the page, was the name she was looking for.

With one quick motion she struck through the name with a pen, then neatly jotted down the note, "Cancelled; amount credited refunded." She was surprised at how steady her penmanship looked.

Kezrin replaced the file and slipped out of the offices, stopping only to snatch a piece of letterhead on the way.

Trenetir Moradinel was insane.
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100 Goblin Shaman
Kezrin once again found herself looking at the ABKS subscription roll. She held pen to paper... even the thought of writing the name felt plain wrong.

And he wasn't even going to know about it, or even guess why it was being done. Still, her mind would feel at lot more at ease if she paid something, however indirectly. She'd already deposited the twelve gold coins required.

Quickly, she jotted down the name Trenetir Moradinel and shoved the ledger back into its home.
Edited by Kezrin on 4/5/2015 8:17 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest

*goes to bump ABKS thread*
*stares at date*


I'm definitely going to have to work extra hard at next month's deliveries. Speaking of which, there is still time to sign up for August's "Anything But the Kitchen Sink" Mystery package! It only costs 1 gold per month! (When we remember to collect) Just add your name to this thread or talk to your friendly AAMS representative.

This is my current list of subscribers:


Genevra (pre-paid through August 2015)
Kordrion (pre-paid through October 2015)
Khromie (pre-paid through August 2015)

Trenentir (pre-paid through March 2016)

If your name is not on this list and you've received a package before, I've removed it for one of the following reasons:

  • You had a pre-paid gift subscription that ran out
  • I mailed you your package once, and it was bounced back to me after 30 days.

  • Please re-sign up if you want to be included again.
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