CCer's, Where will you log off & say goodbye?

100 Undead Warrior
The Maggot Lord would don armour and shield, and draw his sword. He would then enter Stratholme, and try to find the shambling corpse of his wife and children. He would lay them to rest, and then bring them to his old home, where he would lay them peacefully on their beds. He would lie down beside his wife, whisper her name once, then will himself to oblivion.

All of this after raiding the Blue Recluse and feasting upon Gentyl's and Imperon's liver, of course.
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100 Gnome Priest
Mister A'Bambi, that was so beautiful and sad. And scary. So, business as usual. Carry on, sir.
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100 Human Paladin
Genevra would be at Aerie Peak with her family and children, all of them: Veilthian(not her child), Lahkin, Daisy, Kordrion and Ketlan. Family is the most important thing to her. Family before faith.

Sprocketeer would be watching the world burn.

Trenetir... right now I don't know where he would be.
Edited by Genevra on 7/22/2014 9:16 PM PDT
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I would wait for Kod you attack me and then run away.. Alundrablaze would kill Kod, Abooskigun would kill Kod, the rest would just stay logged out for eternity.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
First I would head to the ghost lands, first place I leveled up and first time I ever needed to make friends to take down a boss. Afterwords I would ride my Forsaken warhorse down from Brill to the Royal Quarter in Undercity stand next to Lady Sylvanas, right in front of Ambassador Sunsurrow and stay there and serve as Sylvanas' guard and Ambassador forever.
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100 Worgen Druid
Maethi would return to Gnomergan, his birthplace and his old home. Probably go back to his lab and return to creating inventions in hopes to make his parents proud. He wouldn't care if the place was still irradiated or not, he would just continue working until the end of his days.

Ettin, she would be sitting in Ravenholdt Manor, either stabbing someone or working on paperwork and muttering about how she needs to stab someone.

Disc, he would have rebuilt his old farm and go to back to farming with Leon at his side as they raise their child together until he grows old and fades away. This would be after Gilneas is fully under Alliance control, he'd drop the wish to fight the Forsaken and do what he has always wanted to do.

Lamius would remain in the Merchant Quarter with his mate, probably going back to his father's old trade, he'd still be worrying about Zetin, even after all the time that has passed. If he ends up growing old, he'd find a quiet place in Gilneas and pass away quietly and peacefully.

Allonty would most likely return to Gnomeregan to go back to being a medic, like he used to do before the fall of Gnomeregan. If it isn't retaken by then, he'd help those that still fight only wanting to save as many people as possible.

Hisur and Firin would be at Ettin's side. Always keeping an eye out for trouble and doing what they can to stop it. Hisur would focus on healing those that get wounded on the job. Firin would be trying to keep people from getting wounded.

Oh boy, this plus what I was doing in rp, pretty much had me in tears.
Edited by Discauince on 7/27/2014 1:49 AM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
-coughs rather loudly- AHEM I believe that you forgot someone Disc.
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100 Worgen Druid
I'm not sure where he'd be. I have quite a few characters I could put on there but I have no clue where they'd be. Timter would maybe wander around Stormwind, trying to stay out of everyone's way.
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100 Draenei Death Knight
Aww...I love how poignant this is.

I think I'd take all of my characters and fly them into the Twisting Nether, wishing them well wherever they end up in the worlds beyond.
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