CCer's, Where will you log off & say goodbye?

100 Gnome Priest
This is from an old thread that was recently necro'd in World's End Tavern. Skimming through it I have to say I got a little (ok, more than a little) choked up. A bit sad and depressing to think about for perhaps many of us, but also interesting if not a little revealing.

I'd like to know what everyone here thinks.... so, CCer's,...

Even if WoW lasts 10 more years someday it will end. Assume that you don't ever quit and you make it to the last day, and assume that Blizzard is nice enough to announce when they are shutting down the servers for the final time.

What will you do on your last day?
Will you go anywhere special to log off for the last time?
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100 Gnome Priest
Ravenblack, my gnome warlock, I think I would have her visit a dark place.... like the top of that summoning spire in Blasted Lands. The one with the portal near the bottom and the red ritual rune on top. I'd walk her around a few places and end up there... then burn herself out with life tap. I think that's where she would meet her end.... assuming it doesn't come sooner.

Bannis, my DK, would sit beside the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Duskwood. His skeletal companion, Limbrobber, and the little gnome lich Dorian (Lil'KT pet) by his side.

Ødin, my dwarf pally, I'd likely sit him atop Ironforge Mountain looking out over the sea... unless it was really crowded, then he'd be in Northrend on the snow capped peaks between Howling Fjord and Grizzly Hills. There is also a place in Dun Morogh, a vacant campsite where a bear and two cub NPCs loiter. He might opt to sit beneath a tree with the mama'bear and her cubs.

My other alts I'd likely find a tranquil place for them to sit.

Finally, for Cail, there is a vacant camp at the top of the waterfall in Northshire. I've used it a few times for Rp as a place to just sit, fish, and relax.... or wait for randoms to pop. I think I'd sit on him and fish from that stream until Blizz finally shut it down. I'm getting all teary eyed just thinking about it. I would certainly take a boat load of screenshots.
Edited by Caileanmor on 7/19/2014 2:48 PM PDT
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97 Draenei Paladin
Vault of Lights, in the Exodar. If Azeroth goes dark, Vindicator Kujia will forever be at his Prophet's side.
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Nagrand, on the floating rock above the lake that has the skeleton with the axe in its head, surrounded by apples. The one closest to Garadar. That's always been my most beloved spot in the game, and Nagrand is technically where Ket was born, so..

Mostly for the Newtorc skeleton.

More likely than not, however, all of my characters will end up in Stormwind or Orgrimmar when the realms go down to the last time...

This is depressing Cail!
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90 Human Warrior
If, given the choice of where I plan to log my character out for the very last time, I would choose beside Ol' Blanchey's corpse. I dunno, that horse just seems to make me feel sappy.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
That depends on 1a)if I'm still playing, 1b)if I'm not dead, so I can still BE playing, 2)who I have character-wise at the time, 3)how much warning I have, and 4)whether or not I'm at home and able to access my computer when it happens. (Imagine that, if the game shuts down when I'm at the damn racetrack or something, lol.)
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100 Gnome Priest
Gaaaah! I've been thinking about this all day and I know it's not very creative, but I think it absolutely has to be the Blue Recluse for me. But it wouldn't be the same without everyone there... So can we all agree to party there when the world is ending and just drink until we can't see our screens anymore?
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100 Gnome Priest
07/19/2014 03:43 PMPosted by Ketyru
This is depressing Cail!

I know :(

07/19/2014 06:08 PMPosted by Ketiron
(Imagine that, if the game shuts down when I'm at the damn racetrack or something, lol.)

That would just be my luck too, lol.

07/19/2014 04:37 PMPosted by Vagras
I would choose beside Ol' Blanchey's corpse.

Awww, Ol'Blanchey. That's rather poetic.

07/19/2014 08:31 PMPosted by Khromie
Gaaaah! I've been thinking about this all day and I know it's not very creative, but I think it absolutely has to be the Blue Recluse for me. But it wouldn't be the same without everyone there... So can we all agree to party there when the world is ending and just drink until we can't see our screens anymore?

I like this! Good call Khromie!
We should all make a pact that if we're still around when it finally goes dark we meet up at the Blue Recluse and share in one last round with fireworks and smoke bombs! :)
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100 Human Warlock
Tyvian would log off in Shadowmoon Valley, staring up at Black Temple, the path to where he began, hoping for once last chance to grow in strength.

Ethansus, he'd log off in Redridge, at the little camp I RP'd with so many fun friends as the location of the Masquerade. He'd grumble and laugh and fix things until the world ended.

Arlston is by far my saddest, he'd have no special place, nowhere to go where he'd feel like he belonged. Possibly just vanish off the face of Azeroth, nobody knowing where he perished or how. Probably just closed his eyes, relaxed for the first time in years, and took that one step off a cliff somewhere. Or he'd just find the darkest, dirtiest alley he could fit in, and just sit and wait in the dark shadows where he belonged. He'd just, wait for the end to come, as he always knew it would.
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100 Draenei Paladin
IC Zeph would log off for the final time in the Exodar, defending her people to the last.

OOC, I'd probably log off in Hearthglen with the rest of my guildies. I can't imagine anybody else I'd want to end the game with.

Sadly, I had the opportunity to think these thoughts for real with my City of Heroes characters. I still miss that game and that community - very much like Cenarion Circle (but with Catgirls :P).
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100 Goblin Warlock
When I quit WoW towards the end of TBC I logged off my main then, a Forsaken, without any hesitation. I had no real friends in the game and no emotional attachment to that character so the decision was not difficult even though, at the time, I believed that I would never return to WoW. Oddly when I finally logged back in I found that I had left that char in Silvermoon... despite the fact I spent most of my time in Undercity.

Gerhilda, while a char I enjoy playing, is still too new for me to have a real connection with. Chances are if I logged her out one last time it would be in the Mage Quarter of Stormwind surrounded by critters polymorphed into cats.

Mormel is a different story. I've spent, and continue to spend, a ton of time on her and have developed an emotional attachment to the character. She is not simply an avatar or my main but IS me in the World of Warcraft. The thought of having to log out as her one final time actually gets me teary eyed.

However... when that day comes it will be in Hardwrench Hideaway sitting outside at one of the tables. I want Mormel to spend the rest of eternity by the beaches of Stranglethorn eating crab legs and surrounded by the memories of all the friends she, and I, have made in that location.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
07/20/2014 11:18 AMPosted by Mormel
However... when that day comes it will be in Hardwrench Hideaway sitting outside at one of the tables. I want Mormel to spend the rest of eternity by the beaches of Stranglethorn eating crab legs and surrounded by the memories of all the friends she, and I, have made in that location.

Damn you, Mormel, why you make me cry?
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100 Gnome Priest
The night before Cataclysm, I pondered where I wanted to be. I ended up waiting those last few minutes on the docks in Booty Bay until the server shut down. I have the screenshots.

If the game were to shut down, I think Derscha would still be sitting in Booty Bay, watching the same view.

Kezrin would find a big open field, maybe one of the ones in the Valley of the Four Winds, and spend that last bit of time enjoying the sun, the breeze, and the peace.

Ketlan would be sitting at her and Kordrion's waterfall in the Hinterlands.

I'm not sure about Renzly. I think on top of a building somewhere, watching people go by.
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Illinna would probably be found leaned back in the Blue Recluse, carelessly drinking Badlands Bourbon until the servers go black, chatting it up with whoever else was in there.

(Gah now I'm getting mushy inside thinking about it)
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100 Draenei Warrior
Noikona would be sitting in front of the stove in the Westbrook Garrison.
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100 Goblin Warlock
07/20/2014 03:54 PMPosted by Ketiron
Damn you, Mormel, why you make me cry?

Sorry about that but thinking on it makes me cry too ;_;
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100 Pandaren Monk
Given the time, probably half my characters would get race or faction-changed for one reason or another.

Nahrem, my hunter, would go back to a Troll, and be logged in Stranglethorn Vale.

Nanfeng would probably be parked in the same spot he occupies now, the pillar in the Shrine. How could he be anywhere else?

Tripagatu would certainly be logged in Acherus.

Shanbei would be changed back to an Orc, and probably get logged in a suitably shamanistic place. Nagrand more than likely.

Uradrieldur, my druid, would be parked in the Barrow Dens in Moonglade.

Radoremick, my lock, probably in Shadowmoon Valley, or Blasted Lands.

Arannis, at the Cathedral in Stormwind, sweeping off the steps.

Fidelyn would be get changed back into a Blood Elf, and logged at the Blacksmithing area in Silvermoon City.
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Plainswander: somewhere inaccessible and unknown, faded into nature as he has faded from the heart
Veraci: Draenor, the one we're going to be saving. You CAN go home again.
Zalmar: Stormwind, the cathedral, praying
Bellweather: Dalaran, with the books
Chauncer: out in the wild, preferably as a result of getting eaten by the biggest, nastiest, most horrifying beast he's ever seen
Dolmund: messily, with his knives buried in the neck of as many living humans as he can
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100 Worgen Rogue
Jon and Blazieth would both visit the Graveyard near Goldshire, CRZ be damned. Remember the family and friends lost decades ago with one last visit.

Korigal would visit the memorial to Grom Hellscream in Ashenvale, and salute his old Chieftain one last time.

Ceiara would go back home to Gilneas, and spend the last moments at her old home in Emberstone.

Donovan would probably launch one last assault on Goldshire, attempting to burn it, and the memories it holds to the ground one last time.

Sharanka would follow Korigal... and then go toss bombs at Astranaar for some last laughs.

Teonass will finally allow himself to relax, and visit Silvermoon and Eversong, and relax in the home of his people.
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100 Human Mage
I'm going to have to go with Khromie on this one.

I'd want to gather up every Rper on CC and occupy the Blue Recluse and the territory outside of it. Then we'd have a big party that would be going until the moment the servers shut down. I'd also be advertising a website or forums letting everyone know what game/server/faction the LO was heading off to and hoping you all came with us.
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